<br /> �3�E� �F �i��l��T
<br /> R.��� n��: ���oJ��t�� $�e�r-������d� ���� �
<br /> c�e:n�rat'rr�n, m;�rt�:ftacturE, stt,rar�a, ireatme�i[, dis�ausal, re9eas� �r'cl�ce<iteriNd r�lease ofi arry Mez:ard:�us �,uh�star.cE
<br /> cn, unc�Rr, �L�r,ut or tr�rn the F'rc3��er�y t�y ye�y prior Um,risrs car c�,:cuF�ants of thta Pro��rt�y�, cr Ic} �r��y� actual ar
<br /> th�reaae��c9 liti�yi:n:� or eEaims c�€ at�y kanrl l,y t�ny person {cS<tint7 to sur,h a7atrs;s; a��r3 t33 Er.ce�a� as �rEvic,usly
<br /> Cli5c:3aS�:t]t0�3nt1 aGltner'vvl�djed l7y l.t�nds�r tn�vritirir�, (a� �iritlac;r Tria�tflf �zas any tr.nanz, ct�r.tirc�Gt�r; �ger�t oe ot��er
<br /> auth:irize:� e;si3r nf tE�e Frr��r,riy stiald>use:, g�.ne.rate, manui�rr.t:ur�, �tare:, trsat, diSFrc�se at or r�ie�s� ar�V I I�zardc,�s
<br /> SJbstanc:�t�1v, ursr��c, al�uiri c�r firirrz� tEir; F'rrs�er�.y;::nd !h) ar,y seach Ts#iti•ity�sh.aiB be rnnr�ur.tatf in Cc�rn��EicnGf w�ti-,
<br /> ��ail� a�spfirabl�� `�d�:ra�i, �stat*�, �ncl IC���$I I;�ws, �r�quEati�ns ai�cl� itrdin��rc�s', inaiu�iny wit�.�ut� 9�ir'r�ita�ic�ri a6!
<br /> F+ivirc�nrx,Mr�t��l 3_a4v5, 7rtistn�• �uth�rizes lender �nd its ac��nts tc ert�r u�on the I�rvnert�� i� rnalc� sur.#�
<br /> ir�spec#i�1is �nc1 CEsis, at Tr�iSei�r's ex��Fris.:, <� LendF:r mav c4ee:i?� ��iproF�riatry ti� .ic.t�ra7inu r.nnif�liznr.e �5F the.
<br /> �=`r;�pertV +��t� ihF� sectic�n csf tt�z �?eztl c�fi'T'rusY. {+riy ir7s�,eztiaris ne t�:sTs �riada Ly f_e�i�l�r sha91 Le ��r LeriiJe�'�
<br /> �?iyrpersFs nn�Y��� �haEl nc,r.kae con�tru�:�f ia cr�;ste �iny res�aor,si'ailiTy c�r Iwakaili[y�ifi th� �aart��f Eez�c��r au 6rusioY r�r
<br /> to any othe� p�r�,�,r�. �i�he re�,�esei7r�tlons anr3 ov�r�ant€r:s r.c�nta�ni,d h€;rean<ire La�sSi:i� qn iru°�itrr`s cl��e, r�iligf;ncE: in
<br /> inacs=ig�tine� ff�..� Pto;�erly'ft�r f laz��tc9c�us S�rE�s!Fir�r�s. i"ru;:tc,r hr•cel�y (?} ref�ases �nr; �v�iv�:. Any iii[tare Giairns
<br /> ac�ain5t L�nd�s t�r in��#enhnity nr cantri;}uticin in th[; s3vEs<it Trustc�r b:eli�am�s li�bl� fc�r c:�4ar�uu ar ;:ther r.casis uncfvr
<br /> aesy ss�ch lavus;�:�c� {2f Ncgre�s in inden��-�i#y, det�;ncl, an�i hcaii# h�r�-nless L�ncier�3yainst a�y an� all r:9aim:, Ir,s>�s,
<br /> 3inhiliiies� r3srnages� P�er�a6ties, drid�xg�ns�s 1^vhic{� L����i�.r may clirectly e�r u4�Jir'�r.tly sustz�i�p ur ss�tc�r r�su?EFili3 fr�m
<br /> � t�rf3ac3,��i th§s s�e.Ei�n r,f th:. ?��.ed r,f-frusi nr �i� �i c:t�nsFc;ue�nee vf �ny Js�, 9�r�erati�m, rriar!vf�{,�ure, 41.c;r7c7s�,
<br /> di�,°f�nsaE, releas�u;'tliri;��te�7e�1 r�.�F:asa o�t.��rrines Firi�r tc TritsLisr's e�vsnc;rSTrila i�r int5re�t ira ihF Pro�'rt'y r wl�rr�:h+;r�r
<br /> rspt t�e s�me ava:� ar sh4�uid iiWve lieeti knc�wn t� 7r��stc�r. �Fi� far-��✓;siur3s �;f this sRi;tion o� th� C��eii ��f T�uat,
<br /> i�icl��s�ing ihe nbE:gat���n rc,incJE;mnify an�i cief�:nd,shaEl sur�i�ve the p��yinent o€t�ae Es�d�f�tet�ness 7iid th�s�icisFactien
<br /> and teU�an:veyjrtr�nf fhe fir�n o9 this Def�d�f�irusr arz�-1 s17a91 nnt L-�after,t�r��y I.enrlee'; �cqui�itic�n �fi as�y interes[
<br /> �n t#�e Prc�Kserr�, �vt�eth�r�y f�recicasure nr ut}ier��ise,
<br /> iVuisanee. Vrlast+:. Trustcar Slza{I r�ct cause; curic�uct crr p�rr:�ii at�y r>.uisdaic� siar cur�7rr�zt, �errnFt, ur sufier ar�y
<br /> atri��;in� of nr eva:�te �n nr Fo �h� Prr��r�rty �sr any pc,rt�on o#th� Pr€;�•erty. UV{ifiiuut li�n�tiny ihcr �c:nera3i[y c�€ thE:
<br /> fur�r�uif3.�, TruGtcr �s�i31 aiot remova, �r i�rant io �ny nLh�r F,�riY i9iP right t� r�rnciv�a, �ry timti�r, minPrfl(s fiat:l«dir�r�
<br /> s�;l��r�d�asi, �::�al,c6a��,�Uori�, suil,�.ravel or r�ack pe�ac3a�ct�wrif!�ut Lti[�clEr's priue v✓r'eticrt car,serat:
<br /> R�mav�B nf Itn�ar�werttenE�. ��ruStiWt sf3t�ii nut d�mr�i's�h<�r rE<iic�We ariy Ilr��arc�v�n-rier�[� frUm tFte F3�a�t'r���rEy wi�:howt
<br /> l�c:nd�:r's �irior mvritxen cc�nsear�t. 1��a candit;on ta thc remo��<al�t any Irn�srovements, !_ender rriay rec�uirv Tru�tvr i.c,
<br /> rnai�e �r�ar,c�'r.merstS s�tisfactory� tn L�nci�r ro repiace st�ch Im�;r�v2rnents vvith I�rr�rovements �t at I�ast ¢�u�f
<br /> V3IUG.
<br /> Leria�er's Right tio �ntar. Ler�c3er �sid LEsne.er's arents anc� r�pr�ser;t�tivu� rnay ente� e�pcan ttie REaI F'ro}�Erty at ali
<br /> enasc,narilt: rimr:> to a�ienc# to I_enr�er's interEsis and tra �nspe�st the r�eai frat�c;r[y ic,r pur�t�scs of Truste,r's
<br /> r,:Tm�,liz�nr_;e��riFh thP ten�is z�nd condiirotts of ehr`s d�r.cr1 oi 1'�ust,
<br /> t:ana�lia�tr,� with �nveinrviei�tai R�:�uireo��o�1s. Trusitir sttais` �.�ramF�t#y ;nm��ly wit� aIl Iasn+s, csrtl�ntirir,��, anrJ
<br /> re,�uld�ior�s, rir,Lv c�, herepi*.�� irr effcct, c�f �il �c�v�snmer�t�+l a�.ii��oridies d@�aiicaGle �tn lt�w use�ir c�c�:uziancy crf tf�e
<br /> F'ratlerty. Trust�r rrra}r cantest�es ye?��d 4<t�1:h sny such law,ardir�ancc;, Ur re�e�latoor, artc�tivithE�Ul�t c�rnpliancc durin�
<br /> aazy �rc,r.Fedsng, inrl�FiJing �,��arc�pria<e a���3r:�is, 50 1�n� 3s f rustnr F;as nc�trEtetl E encY�r En wntEng �-�ri�r tt� tloin�3 4ca
<br /> ar�d s�4 Ic�rzu 3s, in L�;rtd�r's sr?#E ra{�inSan. LeridF 3�'s Ir•t�.r4sts ir th�F'rc�pertv:�r� r�ot jEQudt�iiz�ti, ��ric��r nzav r�c�ui:-e
<br /> 7r�s:>t€ir tc���e�st�3�cc�uzt4 sc;c;urity or� surety ta��nc3,reasc3n��faly.>�3tisiac.tory to�c:n�ier, :n ��-UtE:;t L�nJer's�h�erest.
<br /> f]uty to Pro3ect. TrusFur agrees neither to �k,<is�i�cn or €eave unatSende�3 the Prncie:rty. s ru�tor s�h�ll clr, �IS nth�r
<br /> acts, in�s�detic�n �o thosr ar.ts;2t fortii alsave itt t,ai=,sectin�, N�h�ch froria�he r.harac.[er enr_i i.sg nx i'he Prc��aerty�+r�
<br /> reas�,n�u#y i�r�c�ssar�t iv�rat�4t��r��reswr���t�,t�'rQ�,�rty;
<br /> RUE t�N S.�lEE-C{)h�SE�i'P�SY LEf��ER: L�nc9�=r r�i�V, at �er�d�r's �pCiun, r92cl�re ii�irnediat�ly :due�rrci payat�ie ali sui�ts
<br /> s�eVrea h3y tt;i�CJse�o'. TruS%u�aon Ef��p sal�ar trarasfar, wiiPsout LFr�der`s pndr writien cun:a�nt, af a31 ur 3ny�i�3rt nf r.h€?
<br /> Re:at Wrr�neziy, c�r�ny internst ii7 ths: Real Pru��eriy. A `,�€e�r tsansfc;r" me:a�7s LhF r,onvrsy��Ce cf Real Prot�er,y r_ir aspY
<br /> ri,gfi�t,� fi�le or int�r�sG�i�7 tlie �i�:ad �r�pertv; wf�et9;er ler�al, taeneficia�l �e �q�uita'f�le, w�heth�r vc�3ur�i��ry ar inv�luntarY;
<br /> wheFMer by !�utrigh:i:�le, cJ��ec1, i�stallm�nt s�Ee c:c�ntrart, las�e! c.�ntraoi, ccrnirar.t €ar c�es;d, Ic;as�h�id intere:st Lvit3i a
<br /> term g�ea:nr tr���r thr�;n [31 y�ars, la:a�e��,rion tontr�c;t, Gr hy sale. �sSic�t-�r�er�t, ur transfer�i anyr �iEriafi�;itil ir�f'�r�st it�
<br /> �r [o arfy land ir�ast heEiJtrtiZ £itle tU th� Wwal F'ec,�pc;rt�y�, ur t�y ari�r uti��r rnkt:ltaci of z;sanvwyart�ae �f ar� int�rest irs ih�; �,cal
<br /> Pr;aF�cet�r. Fi:;w��ver, tt,is c3lalic�r� shall nat b� �xereis�ci by L�nder if sur.h ex�rci�� is �i�r,f�iMa:eri E�y� f�cJr:ra� ;�w o� hy
<br /> k�l?��r��k�z la+�t.
<br /> T+`-1XES x�lV17 LEEfVS, l'dae fnikir�nrina �rrviaii,ns rc,3atinc� tri rli� t�xc::� �3rzti lie:ns �r� [:ie F'ra��.rt�� t�ee. ,��,=�ri oi tYiih �aet� �t
<br /> E tu5l: . � . .
<br /> 9'�yr�,e��t. 7t'usiur stir�lE�,�y wt�er� ci�:,e [a,�tc!in ail�ve.nLs ��fr�r-to c(elinc{�aency) �It.t�xes, sl��ii�B'f�xes, a���:ssrnerits,
<br /> r.;harge;� tsnc:9uciiny �raat�r arri sr�v�f�r3, ii�-�e���fld im,pasitic�e�� le�vieci ag�ai3ist c�r�on �vca��nt c�f the I�r�perYy, �nd sh�i�
<br /> p�y t�,rhpn due <,Ei claims frcr wr3rlc ti�ne �7n c�r fnr �;;rv�s,n� render�e� c`+r nzateri�l d�amishee9 ta t�7e �rc�periy. 'i-ru�i:ir
<br /> shall r3�iriet��ri ttze Pr��etey Fre� sl'ali Ii�tYs havinr� �z��iuritv c�ver or��u�l'to t{ie ii�[er�s$�f L�nd�r untJ�r ttti5 t�eeti af
<br /> "�rus'C, e��dept ft�r Ch� Ii�,� uE t�t�:es t�r3c� <r�s�ssmunFS nc�t due <nd eu�ept as �fhervuise �rt.,vi�e�� in ihos ��ec; c�f
<br /> Tri!s�fi.
<br /> 3�ight tta Gontiest. "�rusC�r m�y withlialci E�aymertt t7fi�ny tax,t�sse�ssn�c;at,nr Glz�ri,n in r,�r�neciinn wi�l-� a gi,J[� ft3rtl�
<br /> �is��iite over tl�e i5hli�aiic�r�try p�2y, su lo�ag as Ls�i;tlHr`s intar�se ito th�f'rr�p�rty is' nut jera�dre�iz��. I€a tir:r, aris�r',or
<br /> is #iiet� �� � result c�i ncsi��yment, �rustii� sfiai! vv�ithin fift,efsn i15! �iays a4�ti,r the J�en aris�:s or; if a Iien is fiEecl,
<br /> eviel,�ir� tifteEr� f3Si ilays �Fter Tru�tor has r��2ica of ih� tiBang, s�:c:�rF ths clis�ti�ae�� di tE1�r �i�ri, or it r��u�st�r� tay
<br /> L�rzd�r. ri�pesit bvitF��eniae�Lash�r� sufCicient i:�r�c�r�te�uret�+burici r�r�ther sucur;ty�2t�sf�ctary tia l_endet i�,an
<br /> a�racwrat sufii;;ier�t to clasehar�e Ehe Iic;n plus any� co�4s anci �rtie,rn��ys' t�es, or e�ther ch�t�rt��s t:har. r,�ulri aecrue as 3
<br /> rRsuE^af a f�arer,lnst�re or sale i�r:der The lir:n. la,any ccar�r�:st, Trustnr si7311 ilef�r�cE itsel'�n,i L�nri���n�i shpEl satisiy
<br /> ariy��1�er5e jiuJgrn�r�t hatcsre e�7fort.emerit c��ir�st tY�� C'ruperly, 7��ititar sha;l r'arn� l�racier as an�tdcii[t�;nal oUliz7ee
<br /> uncJ�:;�ny s�rety�c��d#urraish�,��ir��Eh�uvntest �,ro�;e�ciit���.
<br /> �vidence af Pay�ncr3t. Truvtor:.E1ail u,rran �1ern<,r�� furnish to Let7��ct s�ati�fac4or��t:vidc;ncc af :���Ymenr,cif t�hc iaw;es
<br /> �r ass�ssmenr.s and sh�li 3;rehc,rdxc�h� apE�r�priat�,gev¢rnr��ncal r�ffiri:�l tc, r1�liver ra LPr�der ur any time a v�,rdtte.n
<br /> 5t8te.r'nent c,f tize t�x,�s�RtJ aSS055an�nTS 2i}airzst th�r`-'rnperty.
<br /> Notics rsf Ct�axsiru�tirart: 7�rusEirr sttriEl nc�tify I_;3rtc9vr at leasc fiftF:en (1'�`1 ciriys i�Ffc.�re any�sJRrk i.s r_�:t�rnrn��cec�. 3ny
<br /> serv�ces are furnishud, c!r aaY �naterials are sup�li�cJ t�v t9,w F'raper:Y, tf any �r3�chatioc'S liera; m�:eriatmc:n's 93�.n, c�r
<br /> �tf��r licr: t�ult! k��3 355�:rt€;r� �n �cr,aunY r�f the u�ork, scr�ices, �7r mat�;ri�ds. l�rusir�r wdll �a.�e�n rer�ieest 4#Len¢wr
<br /> turnash tc� Lenilflr a3uanCr z�S�ur�nces 5aiisi�c�tC�ry t�� L�:nC+e:r t#�at l-r'u�t,�e c.a�n aruJ in�idl �:rtiy ,he cGst r�t �uctt
<br /> hrt�rc�v�m�nts
<br /> RRfS�'�RTY p�M�G�1�3SUR�N�E, Tt�a folla��rir;9 pzctvisians relatiny tu or�wurinc�#h� Pro��t�r,y ,3r�; a �.�art cs( thi:s Ct�ecl c��
<br /> Tru�r
<br /> E�4airttenaRic� ot fnsura��e: Trust�rr sh3#I t�r�cure �nd maio�t�ii-� pnlicE�s nt fir� insuranc� witl� st�nrJ�ri� axtanrie�l
<br /> c�v�rag� �nd�r;seqi�fnt.>nn c� rr.�lc��er�i�nt�:�sis fnt sh� #�rll ir��ur�hiR v�l.�� ccuerinr� all Irncroveirieo��s c��� thrd R�;�I
<br /> �roper[y in an �rrsaur,t suxFicsent tu avciicJ au�l�caiiun u9 at�y c,c;irtsurancF cal�juse, anc# wi!h a ,�i�eiciMrci ri-znrtya;��.e
<br /> cE€iuse in f�svc�r of Lcncier,tcigcther�v�th such othe�i��zard �snd ki�bilizy ir�surancc;�s i.�ncler may reaY�n�u?y r�qu�r�.
<br /> t=�lic�eS sl7zsll be writtwn in ts�rm, �,m�unts, covera��s ,rnei L�zisiS r��rsc�:-oak�ly ��c+��taUle t+� i:c>ncitr an:7 issu�cf tv a
<br /> eo�npany ar iorrl�aUr,ies r�ason�t;€y ace�ptaf�le tu Lerdee: Tr�:st�r, u�:•an �ec�u€�st c�> Lefir:cr, wilE dc�liuer zp l:�:n;ier
<br />