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201504333 <br /> 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal resideuce <br /> within 60 days aftcr thc cxccution of this Scctuity Instruuient and sha11 contin�ue to occupy the Property <br /> as Borrower's principal residence for at lelst one year after tl�e date of occupancy, iuiless Lender <br /> deter�nines that this requirement shall cause undue hardship for the Borrower or unless extenuating <br /> circuinstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. <br /> 7. Presenration, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not <br /> destroy, damage or inipair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or corrunit waste on tl�e <br /> Property. Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property froin dekeriorating or <br /> decreasing in v�ue due lo its condition, Unless it is deter�nined pursuant to Sectzon 5 that repair or <br /> reslorativn i�nut econurcucally feasible, Bon•uwer shali prutnp[ly repair lhe Properly if damag�d to <br /> avoid fu��ti�er deterioration ox daznage. If insuranca or condejnnation proceeds are paid in connection <br /> with damage to the Property, Borrower sha11 be r�sponsible for repairing or restoxing tl�e Property only <br /> if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender inay disburse proceeds for the repairs and <br /> restoration iia a sit�gle payinent or in a series of pro�•ess payments as the work is completed. If the <br /> insurance or condeinnation proceeds are not sut�icient to re�air or restore tli�I'roperty, Borrower is not <br /> relieved of Borrower's obligatioii for Che co�nplelion af such repair or resluraliun. <br /> If condeinnation proceeds are paid in connection with the taking of the property, Lender shall apply such <br /> proceeds to the reduction of khe indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument, first fo any <br /> dcGnqucnt ainounts, �nd thcn to payincnt of princi�aL Any application af thc proceeds to the principal <br /> shall not extenci or posr�aane Che due date of the monthly payments or change the arnount of such <br /> payments. <br /> Lender ox its a6ent ma,y znake reasonable entries upon and inspections of ihe Property. IP it�as <br /> reasonable cause, Lender m1y inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall give <br /> Borro�ver notice at the tiine of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause, <br /> 8. BorrOwer'S Loan AppliCation. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, <br /> Borrower or any persons or entities flcting at the ciirection of Borro�ver or rvith Borrower's knowledge or <br /> consent gave materially false, inisleading, ar inaccurate in�ot7mation or state�inetats to IJender{or failed to <br /> provide L,ender wifh material infarmation)in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, <br /> but are not liinited to, represeiit�tioiis concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's <br /> principal residence. <br /> 9, Protection Qf L,ender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. Tf <br /> {a)Borruwer fails �o perfurrri �he covenanls tmd dgreein�nts contained in lhis Security Instrurnent, {b) <br /> Chere is a legal proceeding that inighl significan#ly affect Lender's interest in the Property andl or righ#s <br /> under this Security Iz�sfruuient(such as a proceedin�in bankauptcy, probate, for conde�nnation or <br /> forfeiture, far enforceinent of a lizn which may aCtain priorily over this Security Instrument or to enforce <br /> laws or regulaliansj, or(c)Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lct�der rnay do and pay for <br /> whate�er is reasonable or appropriate to protect I,ai�cler's interest in the Property and rights under this <br /> SecutiLy Irislrumenl, includiri�prulecling and/ur assessing the value of the Prop�rty, and ti�curi�Zg�iid/or <br /> repairing the Property. Lender's actions can include, huY are no#liinited to: (a)paying any suins secured <br /> by a lien which has priority ovcr this Security Instruznent; (h)appearing in court; and(c)paying <br /> reasonable attorneys' fees to protect its interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security <br /> InsCrwnent, including its secured positian in a}�ankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includas, <br /> 04515fl2956 <br /> FHA Deed oi Trust-NE 9(30f2014 <br /> Benlcers Sys[emsTM VMP OO VMPM1R(NC�{1 b02).p' <br /> W olters Kluw er Financial Services Paga 8 oi 7 6 <br />