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201504333 <br /> First, to the Mortgage Insurauce preiniums ta be paid hy Lender to the Secretary or the inontl�ly <br /> cl�arge by the Secretary instead of t1�e monthly�nortgage insura»ce prcmiUms; <br /> Second, ko any taxes, special assessjnents, leasehold payments or ground rents, and tire, #lood and <br /> other hazard insurince greinitui�s, as required; <br /> Third, to interest due under the Note; <br /> Fourth, to ainortization oF the principal of tbe Note; and, <br /> Fifth, to late charges due under the Nnte. <br /> Any application of payinents, insuruice proceeds, oa•h2iscellanaous Praceeds to pi•incipal due undCr the <br /> Note sha11 not extend or postpone Che due dafe, or change the ainount, of the Pexiodic Payrr►enCs. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Iterns. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments axe due under <br /> the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum(the "Funds"}to provide for pAymcnt of amounts due for: <br /> (a}taxes a��d assessments and other item�which can attain prinrity over this Security Instrumeiit as a lien <br /> or encu��brance on the Pro�erry; (b)leasehald payinents or ground renls on the Property, i�any; (c) <br /> premiu�ns for any and all ins�u-anc�rec�uired by Lender under Section 5; and(d)Mortgage Insurance <br /> preiniutns to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or the montl�ly charge by the Secretary insCead of the <br /> monthly Mortgage Insurance preiniums. `�'hese iteims are called"Escrow Iteins." At origination or al any <br /> time during the term of the Loan, Lender may require that Coininunity Association Ducs, Fccs, and <br /> Assessinents, if any, be escr�wed hy Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be an�.scrow <br /> Itean. Boa�rower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this Section. <br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender tha Funds for Escraw Iteins unless Lender�vaives Borrower's obligation to <br /> pay ihe Funds for any or all E.scrow Iteins. Lender may waive I3orrower's obligation tio pay to Lender <br /> Funds for any or all Escrow I�ema at any tilne. Any such waiver inay only bE fn writi�g. In the event of <br /> such waiver, Borrower shall pay dit•ectly, when and where pAyrxblc, thc r�nounts duc for any Escrow <br /> Ite�ns for which payme��t nf T'unds has heen waived hy J,ender ancl, if Lender reqt�ires, shall fiu-nish to <br /> I.,ender receipts e�idenoing such payment within such time period as Lender anay require. Borrovver's <br /> obligation to rnaka such payments and ta provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to be a <br /> covenant and agreement contained in this Security Instrutnent, as the phrase"covenant and agreeinant" is <br /> used in Section 4. IF Borrow�t•is obligated to pay Escrow Iteins directly, pucsuant to a waiver, and <br /> Barrower fails to pay the amount dtte far An Escrow Item, �,cndcr inay cxcrcise its rights tuider Section 9 <br /> and p�►y such amnunt and Rnrrower shall then be obLigated under Secfion 9 to repay t��ender any such <br /> ainount. Lender may revoke the wai�•er as to�ny or alI Escrow Itezns at airy tiine by a notice gsven in <br /> accord�nce with Section 14 and, upon such revocation, Borrower sl�all pay to Lender ail Funds, and in <br /> such ainounts, thlt are then raquired tu�der tkazs Section 3. <br /> Lender inay, at any ti�ne, collect and hold k'unds in an amount(a)sufficient to permit Lender to apply the <br /> Funds al the tiine specified under RESPA, and(b}not ta exceed kl�e�naxianum arnount a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. �.e�der sliafl estimate tihe amount of�'unds due on the basis of current data and reasonable <br /> estinl�tes of expendilures of f'uture Escrow Itetzis or otlierwise i�i accordatic�wilh Applicable Law. <br /> The P'unds shall be held in an instiCutioi�whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instnunantality, <br /> or enCiCy(including Lender, if Lender is an instilution whose deposits are so insured}or in any Federal <br /> Hame Lom�Banlc. I,ender shall upply Che Funds to ptty thc Escrow Itcros no later than thc tizxte specified <br /> under RF,SPA. I,ender�hal1 not charge Roxrower for holding and applying the ��mds, tuu�u�lly anaiyzing <br /> 04515C2956 <br /> FHA�eed of Trust-NE 9l30!2014 <br /> BankersSys[emsrM VMP� VMf'4Fi�NE;(15C2.01 <br /> Woliers Kfuw er Flrtanclal Servloes Page 5 0�1 6 <br />