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201504325 <br /> Exhibit "A" <br /> - A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Foar(A), Island, and part of the'West Hali of the Southeast <br /> Quarter of the 9outhwest Quarter {W112 SE2/4 SWll4), atl in Section Twenty Three (Z3), Tawnship <br /> Eleven(Il)1�Torih,Range l�tine (9) West of the 6Yh P.M_, in Fiall County, Nebraska, mare particuIarly <br /> described as follaws: <br /> Eeginnitng at a point on the south iine of said Sectian T�venty Three(23),said point 6eiag Seven Handred <br /> Sixty�our and 'I�venty �[ght I�undredths {76a.28) feet east of the sauthwest corner of said Sectaaa <br /> Twenty T6ree{23);#hence eas#erly along the soath line of said Section Twenty Three (23),a distance af <br /> One Thousand Two Hutidred Seventeen and Four Tenths(1,�27.4} feet to the southeast corner of suid <br /> W112 SEl/4 SW1/4; thenee nort6erlp ulong the east line of sa€d WUZ SE214 SW1/4, a distance af Seven <br /> I3undred Thirty Seven and Forty Four HundredtT�s(737.44) feet; thence deflecting left 87°38�37" aad <br /> running northwesterly a distance of Fo�r Hundred Ninety Seven and Nine Tenths (497,9) feet; thence <br /> deflecting right 94° 44' 24" and running nartheasteriy a distance af Two Hundred Seventy Twa and <br /> Thirteen Hnndredths (272.13} feeE; theace deflec�ing Ieft 169� 39' 25" and runuing southwesterly a <br /> .. disfance of�5ifty Three and Five Hundredths(53.05}feet;thence deflecting righf 31°Q4'30"sud r�nnfng <br /> southwesterly a distance of One Huudred Eleven and Nine Teuths(111.9)feet;thence deffecting left 17° <br /> 11'30" and running southwesterIy a distance of'T6ree Hundred Sisfy Four and Fifteen Hundredehs <br /> (364.15}fee�tl�ence deflecdng right 02°25'28"and running southwes#erly a distance of Three Handred <br /> T�veuty-Eight and Fiffy-Eight Hundredths(328.58) PeeE; thence defleciing rig(xf 07°48'34" and ranning <br /> sot�thwesterly a distance of Four Flundred Teu and Sexty Six Hunciredths (410.66) feet to the piace of <br /> beginning <br /> � <br />