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<br /> Hame Federal Sa��ngs&Loan Assoc�at�on of Home Fe�eral Sa��ngs& Loan Association of
<br /> �rand is�an� �rand Is�and
<br /> 22l South L�acust Stree� ZZ I �vu��Y Lacus�S�ree�
<br /> GRAND�SLAND,N�58$Ql �RAND �SLAND, NE G8801
<br /> �Space�bove T11is I.�i��e For Record�n�Data�
<br /> L�AN�RI�ZNATaR CC�M�'AI�Y�.�ME: Hame Federal Sa�ings& Loan Assoc�a�ian af Gran� �sland
<br /> L�AN��IGINAT�R NAME: L�sa.�ayer
<br /> NMLS QR�GI�iA.T4R IDE�T�FIE�: �94569
<br /> DEED ��' TRIJST
<br /> (PREAUTH�RI.��T3 ��PEN END) �REDIT - FI]�'�'�JR� A,DVA�'�ES ARE �E��[JR�D
<br /> BY THIS DE�I� �F TRUST}
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Se�ur��.y Ins�rurnen�"} �s mad� an June �G, �415. The g�r�.n�o�rs are J�HN J
<br /> SCHLJYLER and JUL�E K S�HUYL�ER, HUS�AND AND W1F�, v�hose address �s �4q5 N CUSTER,
<br /> G�AND�SLAND,�I�Iebraska 688�3 {"B�rrati�er"�. Bo�-�-ower is no�necessarily�th�same as the FersQn or Persons
<br /> �h� sign the H�me �q u ity Line of Credit Agre�rnen�, dated Ju ne �5, �0�5 �"�pp�raG�"}. Tl�e �b�iga�ians of
<br /> Bor��wers vvhfl d�d na� s�gn �he Cflnt�-act are e�piai��ed furt��er Yn ���e section ����ed S���e�ssars and Ass�gns
<br /> Svund;Ja�nt and Several L�abi��ty;A�carnmodat�on Signers.The t�u���e is Are�d R. B�ack,Attorney�vhose
<br /> address is P.�. B�x 79U, �rand Island, l�ebraska 6SS�2 �"Trustee"). T��e ber�ef�Giary is Home F�deral
<br /> Sa�ings & Laan Asso��ation of Grand �sland, vsrhic� is organi2ed and �xis�ing u��der �he lavvs of�he United
<br /> States of America and wvhase address is �2l Sauth Lncust S#reet, �rand �sland. Nebraska 6$SUI �"Lender"}.
<br /> J�HN J S�HUYLER a��d JUL�E K SCHUYLER haWe en�ered �nto a�on�rac��vith Lender as of Jun� �6,�U�.5,
<br /> under �he terms of vvhich Borro�er may, from ti��ne to ��rne, obtiain �.d�ances no� to e;�ceed, a� any rime, a �
<br /> �Y�MA��MUM �R�NC�P�L AMUUNT �EYCLUD�I�� PRUTECT�VF ADVAI�CES�YY?: �f Tv��enty-��e
<br /> Thousand and 4��I�� D�llars �U.S. $25,ODq.UU� �"Credit L�rni�"}. Any party in�erested �n the de�ails related ta
<br /> L�nder's �an��nuing abligat��r� �a make ad��ances �o B�rrov�e�- is adv ised to �on�ult directly �i�h Lender. If na�
<br /> paid earlier,�he �um� ���ng und�r B�rrower's�ontract�vith Ler�der�vi ll be �lue on Ju n� I S,24Z4. Th�s Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�rument secures to Lender: �a� the repaym�n� flf tne debt under �he Co��ract, v���h interest, includ�ng future
<br /> ad�anc�s, and ali ren�wa�s, extension�a.nd m�d�f cat��ns of�he �ontrac�; �b} the payrne�t of a�� a�he�-sums, tivi�h
<br /> in�erest, advanced �o prot�c� �he seGurity af�his Securit_y Instrumenti under the proWisians of�l�e s�ction t��led
<br /> Pro�ec#i�n of Lender's R.igl��s in�he Pr�perty;and�c��he perf�rmance�f B�r�-����r'��oWer�an�s and agreements
<br /> under thas 5ecuri�y �ns�rumen�and�he C�ntract. For�his pur�ose, B��-�-o�ver, in consideratian flf th� deb�and t��e
<br /> trust herein created,irrevocabl�grants and�onv�ys ta Trust�e, in�rus�,w��h power of sa�e,the ffl�lawing describe�
<br /> property l�ca��d in�he�'�UNTY of HALL, S�ate of N�braska:
<br /> Addr�ss:2��5 N CUS'I'ER,GRAND �SLAND,Neb��aska 6SS03
<br /> Legai Descr�ption: THE W�ST ��IE-HALF �W�1�.� aF LUT E��HT�E� (��), AND THE VVEST
<br /> 4NE-HALF �VV�IZ� �F THE S�UTH T'�VEI�TTY�-F�VE FEET ���5'} UF t,�T SIXTEEN �16�, �N
<br /> Ta�ETHER 'W�T�� al� the �mproverne���s �iaw or hereafter erected on the proper���, and al� easernents,
<br /> appurtenances, �rid fi��ures no►N or hereafter a par�of�he praper�y. All replacemen�s and addi�ians shal� also b�
<br /> covered b�r this Security Instrumenr. A1� �f t��e fareg�ing �s referred �v ��� this Security �nstrurnen� as �he
<br /> „Praperty,"
<br /> B�RR�V5I�ER��VENANTS �ha�Sorrov�er is lavvfully seised of�he �sta�e hereby conve�ed and h�s�he ribh�to
<br /> g�ant and convey �he Pr�perty and �ha� the Prape�-�y �s unencumb�red, except for encumbran�es flf �ec�rd.
<br /> Borr�wer warrants apd will defend genera�Iy the tit�e t� �he Property a�a�nst all �lai��ns and d�mands, subj�ct to
<br /> any e���urnbranc��af recard. .
<br /> Borrower a.��d Lende�-�ovenant and agree as fo�Iovvs:
<br /> Cc�?4�4-2�14 Compiiance Systems,Inc.FDfO-359G-2�I3L�.I0.1.845
<br /> Canst�mer Real Estate-5ecurity Instn�ment DL2036 £'a�e l af 4 �uw��.c�rnplian�es�stems.cam
<br />