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Z�15���53 <br /> praduc�s, �axic pes�icides and herbi��des, �ola��le soIven�s, rnater�als containing asbes��s or farmaId�h de and <br /> rad�aact�ve materials..As used in th�s paragraph, "Env�ronmen�a� Law" rneans fede�ral �av�s and lavvs�f � � <br /> the state of <br /> Nebraska�ha�reiate to health,�afety or�n��rflnmenta�protec�ion. <br /> Acc��era�ivn; R.emed�es. Lender shall giWe notic� tv Borrower prior to a���l�rativn fo�io���n Borr ' <br /> g ov�Qr s <br /> brea�h of any co�enan� or agreement �n th�s Secu ri�y Ins�ru men� ��u� not prior�o a�celeratinn under the <br /> section#itled Transfer r�f the Pr�perty or a Benef��ial Interes��n Barrower,unless App��cable Law ro��ides <br /> ��herw�se�. The notice�ha�� spe��fy: �a}�he default; [b� t�z� a��ion r� u�red to �ure th� d�fa p <br /> � u��; �c) a date, <br /> nvt Iess than the rn�nirnurn number of day� establ�shed by App�i�ab��Law fram th�dat� the not�ce is given <br /> ta Borra�ver, h�� which �he default must be cured; and �d} �ha� fai�ure ta �ure th�defauit �n nr before�he <br /> da�e specif�ed �n �h� n��ic� may r�suit in accel�rat�on af the sums secured by�his Security Ins�rument and <br /> sale af the Praper��. To�he exten� pprm�tted by �aw, the n����e sha�� fur�her�nform B�rro`v�r of the r� h� <br /> to re'rns�a�e after accelera��on and the r�gh�to bring a caurt action t�assert the nan-exis�en � <br /> �e of a defau�t <br /> or any��her defen�e of B�rrower t� accelerat�on and sai�. If the default is not cured on �r before the da�e <br /> �pecif�ed �n �h� natice, L�nder at its aption may require immediate payment�n ful� of�11 sums secured by <br /> th�s Secur��y Instrumen�vv��hout further demand and may in��oke the power of saie and any�ther rem�d�es <br /> permitted b� Applicab�e Law. Ta the ex�en� perm�t#ed by law, Le�'��`� � : . � �] <br /> � �( a.:�� ..�, ' r'-:�' � r M1.r s a�:� �� - [l�� <br /> expenses in�urred in pursu�n �he remedies • . . ��:`"'�=:: Y",..''=�= '��`'_"V��`.����;��: ;�'s�:, <br /> b:�. �$ <br /> � prov�ded �n �h�s S�c on, �n����d���,wi.��t no� �i�ni�e ��, <br /> reasonable a��arne s'fees and cn�ts❑f ti��e e�' � � :.:`` �` <br /> Y �dence. �:����?�; ��.,;.n_ :� d�-,.:�� � <br /> � �:��..f�,���, :�:,�q � <br /> :_... ;.:� „ � .. <br /> :.srmnsvr3+aarer�P�.a,as�r:i+�a+�x��,s�'�sz��rn'sa��'i���a;�...:��.-�;�.�ti.e,,..,vr:.ti6 <br /> If fihe povver vf sa�e�s �nvoked,Trustee sha�� re�ord a nfl�ice of d�faul��n e�ch county in which any par�vf <br /> the Frvperty�s Iacated and sha��mail eQp�es of such n�tice in the manner prescribed by App��cabl�Law to <br /> Borrovver and to the o�her persans prescr�bed by ,A.pp�icab�e Law. After �he ��me required by Appli�able <br /> Law, Trus�ee shail give pub��c nv��ce af sale �� the per�ons and in the manner- prescribed by App�icable <br /> Lavv. Trus�ee,�vithout demand Qn B¢rrowQr,shal�sQ�l�h�Property a�pub��c a�cti�n to th�h�ghest b�dder <br /> a�the�ime and pla�e and under tl�e�erms designa�ed in#he nn�ice af sa�e in one❑r mare parceis and in an <br /> � <br /> arder Trustee determ�n�s. Trus�ee may postpane sa�� af a�l or any parce� nf �he Prap�rty by pub�ic <br /> announcem�nt a�the tirne and p�a�e of any prev�ou5�y sche�u��d sa�e.Lender or�ts designee ma�pUrchase <br /> the Property at any 5aie. <br /> Upan receip�of pa�men�of�h� �r��e b�d, Trus�ee shali dei��er to the p��r�h�ser Trust�e's deed cQn�e �n <br /> Y � <br /> the Praperty. Th� rec�tals �n the Trustee's deed sha�� be prima fac�Q ev�den�e af�he �ruth of�h�sta�ernen�s <br /> rnade there�n. Trustee sha�� app�y the prace�ds of.the sale �n �he fai�a��ving order: �a) to a�� co��s and <br /> expens€s�f exerc�sxng the pnwer of sa�e, and the saie, �ncluding�he payment af the Trus#ee's fees actuaily <br /> �ncurred �nd rea�anab�e attorneys' fee� as permitted hy App�icab�e Law; �b� to a�� surnS �ecured by th�s <br /> Securi�y�n��rumen�;and[c)any ex�ess�o the per�an�r pers�ns l�gal�y en�itled to i�. <br /> Recon�eyan�e. Upon paymen� af all sums secured by th�s Security �nstrurnen�, Lender slial� �reaues� Trus�ee ta <br /> reconvey��e Pxaperty and sha�I surrender t���s Secur�ty �nstrum�n�and ali n���s e�idencing deb� secu�ed by�his <br /> Security Ins�rumen� ta Trustee. Trustee shai� re�on�ey �he Prope�-ty w��hout warranty �o �he persa�� or persans <br /> legaliy en���ted�o �t. Such person or pers�ns sha�i pay any recar�ation cflsts. Lende�- ma�charge sueh person or <br /> persons a f�e for recon��y�ng the Property, bu� anly if�he fee �s paid �o a �hird party ��uch as �he Trustee� far <br /> ser���es rendered atad�he charging of the fee��permitted under App�ical�le Lav�. . <br /> Sub�titute Trustee. Lender, a� ��s ap��on, may frflm�ime�o time remo�e Truste�and appo�nt a successor�rustee <br /> to any Trustee appo�n�ed hereunder by an instrume���rec��-ded in the coun�.y �n v�h�ch this SeGurity �nstrument is <br /> rec�rded. `�Vi�hou�canveyance�f th�Propert�, the successar trustee shall su�ceed�o a�1�he�it�e,pawer and duties <br /> canferred upon Trustee here�n and by Appl�ca�le Law. � <br /> Request far Nntices.Borrower reyuests�hat copies of�he no�ice nf defaUlt and salc be sen�ta Bo�rr���er's address <br /> wh�ch�s the Property Address. . . <br /> BY SIGN�N� SELfl�V, Ba�rov�er a�cepts and agrees �o the terms �nd�c��e�ants con�a�ned �n all pages af th�s <br /> Security�ns�rumen�and�n any R�der e��cuted b�Bar�-ower and recarded�vith i�.Sign�d a�d sea�ed by Barrowe�-: <br /> �� � r <br /> Sea� � � <br /> r � � �Seai� <br /> RANDALL W B LA�R Date � KAY B LA�� . Da�e <br /> � -��-��� : :- ---��7 ��� <br /> � <br /> C Za04-zU I4 Compliance Systems,�nc:FD54-D4E7-2d I 3LZ.I 0.i.895 . <br /> Consumer Real Est�cte-Security Instrument DL2636 Pa�e 5 of d wv��w, <br />