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Z�15���53 <br /> regu�atz�ns�, then Lend�r rnay do and pay for wha�e�er �s neces�ary �o pr��ect �he �alue of�he Pro � an <br /> Lend�r's r�gh�s in�he Froperty. Lender's actians may anclude a �n an sums � � � <br /> � y g y secured b�a l�en v�h�ch has pr�or��y <br /> o�er�his Securi�y Instrument, app�aring�n�aur�,pay�ng reasonab�e at��rneys'fees and en��r�p an�he�r❑ er� �o <br /> make repairs.Al�haugh Lender rnay take act��n under�his sec��on Lender does n�t � � y <br /> � have�o do so. <br /> An� amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender under �h�s s�ction shal� become addi��ona� d�b� of Borr.ower secured � this <br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Un�ess Borrower and Lender a�ree to a�her terms of a men� these arnaun � <br /> p Y , ts shal� bear <br /> interest fram�he date of disbursement a�the�ote ra�e and sha1��be pavable,vcrith it���rest,u on nati�e from Lende�- <br /> to Borr��ver request�ng payrn�nt. � <br /> Mortgage �nsurance. ��'Lender reau�red mor�gage �nsurance as a �apdi�iop•of making the loan se�ur�d b��h�s <br /> Secur�ty�nstrument,Bflrrower sha��pay�:he prem.�llms requ�red�o ma�nta�p the mar�gage insurance in effect. �f for <br /> any reason, the mortgage �nsurance c���rage required by Lender �apses or�eases �n be �n effe�t, Borrawer sha�l <br /> pa� �he �remiurns required �a ob�ain �v�e�rage substan�ial�� e�u��aient �o �he ma�tgage ir�surance previausl in <br /> eff�c�, at a cr�s� subs�an�iaily equ��alen� to �h� cos� t� B�rrower of�he mo�-t a e �nsurance re���usl ' � <br /> � � � y an effect, <br /> from an a�te�-rta�e moxtgage�nsurer approved by Lender. If sub��an�ially equivalent mor�gage insurance co�era e is <br /> rtat a�a�Iable, Sorrower �ha�� pay to Lender each man��� a sum e uat to ane-twelfth of the � <br /> q yearly m�r�ga�e <br /> �nsurance premium being paid by Borrower v�hen�he �nsuran�e co���age lapsed or ceased to�e �n effect. Lendex <br /> vvi�� accep�, use a��d reta�n th�se paymen�s as a�oss r�serve xn li�u �f.mor�gage ��e. L�ss reserve pay�nents <br /> rnay n� �Qnger be requir�d, a�the vp��on �f Lender, �f martgage �nsurance �c���rage �in the am�un� and fflr the <br /> period�h�.fi Lender requires}pro��ded by an insurer appro�ed by Lender again becomes ava�lab�e and is obtained. <br /> Bar�-flWer sha�l pay�he premzums requ�r�d to rna�n�ain m�r�ga�e insu�-a��ce in effe�t, or tn pro�ide a�oss res�rve, <br /> unt1� �h� requirement for mor�gage �nsurance ends in accordanGe �i�h any wri�ten abreement bet��een Borrav�rer <br /> and Lender or Appl�cah�e Lav�r. . <br /> Inspec��on. Lender or ��s agen�may mai�e reasonabXe en�r�es upon and �nspect�ons �f the PrQpe�-�y. Lender s��a�� <br /> g�v�Bo�-�r�wer notice a�the tzme of or pr�ar ta an�nsp�c��an spec�fy�ng reasonab�e cause f�r the�nspee�ion. <br /> Cvndemnat�o��. The pr�ceeds of any a�vard or c]a�m for darnages,d�rect or consequen�ia�, in co��nec�ian with anv <br /> condemna�ian or o�her�akin af an art of th� P�o e r <br /> g y p p r�y, or for con�eyance in I��u�f condemnat��n, a�re hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid�n Lender. <br /> In the e�ent�f a ta�al �a�ing of th� Proper�y, �he pro�eeds sha�� be applied ta �he sums se�ured b �his Secur�tv <br /> y � <br /> Instrumeri�, �vhet}�er or no� t��n�due, with any excess paid �a Borro�ver. In the e�ent af a par��a� �ak�ng af the <br /> Pr�pert� �n wh�ch�h� fa�r mar�e�value of�he P�-oper� i�r�med�a�e�y befare�he tak�ng �s equal �a ar g�rea�er�han <br /> the amoun� of the sums secured by th�s S��ur�t�r �ns�rument �mmedia��ly bef�re fihe taking,�unless Borrawer and <br /> Lender oth��rwise agree�n�r���ng,�h�sums secured by th�s Securit��ns�rumen�shall be reduced by the amoun�of <br /> �he proceeds mu��iplied by the fo�lovv�ng fract�on: �a.��he�ota� amount�f�h�sums se�ured �mmed�ate��befoxe�he <br /> taking, d�v�ded by (b}�he fa�z marke� �a�ue of the Prflper�y imrned ia�eiy befor� �1�e �aking.�Any balance �hal� b� <br /> pa�d ta Borrower. �n �he �vent of a par�ial �aking af the Property �n wh��h the fair marI�et va�ue of the Pr�perty <br /> immed�atety�b�fore�he t�k�ng is �ess �han �he amount af�h� sums secured �mmed�ate�y before �l�e �ak�ng, un�es� <br /> Borrowex and Lender�therwise agree �n vvr��ing or unle�s Applicable Law o�l�er��vise provides,the proceeds sha�l <br /> be appl�ed���he sums se�ured by this Securi�xns�t-ument vvhe�her or n�t�he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Prv�erty is abandflned by.Bor7rflwer, or if, after_natice by Lender to Borro��er that the candernnor affers to <br /> �nake an award or se�tle a claYm for damages, B�rr��uer fa��s to respand ta�Lend�r vvithin the mini���um num�er of <br /> days es�abl�shed�y App�ica�le Lav�after the date�he n�ti�e is g��en, Lender is au�h�r��ed�o co��e�t an�apply the <br /> proceeds, a� �ts op�:ion, �ither ta restaration ar repa��- af the Property �he sums s��ured b�� �his Securi� <br /> �ns�rumen�,whe�her ar na��hen du�. � <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrov�rer��her���se agree in�uri�ing, any app�icatiQn o�praceeds�o pr�ncipa� sha�i not ex�e��d <br /> �r pastpone the due da�e af�he payrnents referred to in t��e se�t�on t�tled Paymen� �f Pr�ncipal and �nterQ�t; <br /> Frepayment and Late�harges or change the amount of such payments. <br /> Bvrrower N�t Reieased; Farbearance By Lender Nfl� a Wai�er. E�tensit�n of �he tirne for a �ment or <br /> pY <br /> madifcation of amar��zat�on of�he su��ns seGured by th�s Secur��y Instrumen� granted by Lender�o Barr�wer ar <br /> any su�cessor �n �n�erest of Sarrower sha�I no� opera�e to re�ease �he l iahi�i�y af the or�g�na� Borrower or <br /> Bor�rawer's successors in in��rest. Lender shal� not b�required to comrnenc�pro�eedings agains�any suc�essar in <br /> interest or refuse�fl e��end�ime for payment or atherwise m�dify a�nortiza�ian�f the surns s�cured by�his Securi�y <br /> Instrumen� by reasan af any dernand made by the arig�nai Borro�er ar 13orravvex's suc�essors in interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender�n exerc�s�ng any righ��r remedy shal� nat be a wai�er�f ar preclude �he exercise of an� <br /> righ�ar remed�. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns Baund; Join� and S��era� Liability�; Accommoda��on S�gn�rs. The ca�enants and <br /> agreements of this Securit�In�trurnent shall �a�nd and benef#��e su�cessors and assigns of Lender and Borrav�er, <br /> subject �o �he pra��sior�s of �e��ion �it1e� Transfer af the Proper�y or a Ben����al Inter�st �n Bnrrower. <br /> B�rro�erTs ca�enan�s an�agreements�hal�be j��nt and se�e�-al. Any person who co-stgns�h�s Secuxity Ins�rument <br /> bu� does nQt execute the No�e �"Acc�mmodat�on S�gner"}: �a� zs c�-signing this Se�ur�ty Ins�rument on�y tn <br /> mor�gage, gran�and convey that AcGommadat��n S�gner's in�eres�in.the Praperty under th� �erms 4f�he�Se�urity <br /> Instrumen�;�b�is no�persflna��y ob��gated to pay the sums secured by this S�cur��y�nstrumen�; and�c)agrees that <br /> Lender and any othe�r Borrawer may agree�a e�tend,mod�fy, forbear or make any accarnmodations v��i�h regard�o <br /> �he terms of th�s Securi�y�ns�rument or the Nate vvithou�tha�.�c�omm�da��on Sxgner's Gonsent. <br /> Loan �harges. If�he loan �e�ured by �his S�G��r��y Instrur�en� is subjec� to a law v�h�ch se�s ma��mum loan <br /> �harges, and tha�la��s fina��y in�erpre�ed so�hat�he �n�erest or a�her laan charges co�lec�ed or�o be cc�llected �n <br /> C�3 20�4-2014�arrsplia���Systems,Ir�c.FDG�-D4E7-2�]3L2.1 D.l.895 - <br /> Cons�r►3er Real Esta#e-5ecurity Instn.zment DL20�5 k�age 3 of 5 ww�� <br />