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<br /> Hom�Federa�Sawings&L�an As�o�ia��un�f Hvme F�clera�Sa��ngs&Lflan Association of
<br /> �rand�sland �rand Is�and
<br /> Z�� Sauth Locust S�r�et 2�I Sou�h Locus�Street
<br /> (Space 1��o�e This Lin�Fo�-Recording Data)
<br /> L�A��RI��NAT�R��MPANY N,A,ME:Home Federa�Savings& Loan As�ocia�ion�f�rand Island
<br /> NMLS�DMPANY IDENT�F�ER:��5443
<br /> L�AN�R�G�NATDR NAME: L��a Mayer
<br /> NMLS�RIC I�TAT�R�DENT�FIER:4�4�59
<br /> I)�ED �F TRUST
<br /> `-I�HIS I�EED �F TRUST �"Securit�r �ns�rurnen�"} �s made on June 17, 2��5. The grantors are RANDALL �V
<br /> BLA�R a�d�AY BLAIR,HUSSAND ANl)�IFE,w��se address is 19�I W'L�i]�SE ST,GRA�D�SLAIw'D,
<br /> Nebraska b8�3a3�T'Borrower"}. Borrower�s no�necessari�y�he sarne as th� P�rs�n or Persans v`rho �ign t�he No�e.
<br /> The flbliga�i�ns of B�rrowers�ha d�d not sign�he No�e are expla�ned fut-�her in the sec�ion���led Successors and
<br /> Ass�gn� Bound; Ja�n� and Se�era� L�a�ility; Aecommoda�ion Signers. The �rus�e� i� Arend R. Saack,
<br /> Att�rney�vhose address is P.a. Box 79�, Grand �s�and,Nebraska 6$84� �"Trustee"}. The benef c�ary�s Home
<br /> Fed�ral Sa��ngs & Loan Ass�c�ativn of Grand Is�and, which �s organized and ex�sting under�he Ia�s af the
<br /> Un��ed S�a�es af Amer�ca and �vhose addre�s is 22I South Locus� Stree�, �rand Is�and, Nebraska fiS�Q�
<br /> �"Lend�r"�. RANDA.LL V� BLAIR and KAY BLA�R ��e Lender the pxincipal sum of Fifty Th�uSand Qn�
<br /> Hundred Th�rty-e�gh� and ��I�DU Dv��ars �U.S. $SO,l3S.�U}, �vh�ch is evidenced by the no�e, consurner laan
<br /> agreement, ar s�m�lar �v�-���ng dated �he same date as this Secu�rity �nstrument ��}�e "Nnte"}, urhich pr�vides for
<br /> period�� payments �"Periodic Paymen�s"�. vvith the ful� debt, if not paid earli�r, due on June l�, �UZZ. This
<br /> �ecu�ity Ins�rument s�cure� t�Lend�r: �a}t��e repayrnent�f�h� deb�eviden�ed by�he N�te, v��i�h in�erest, and aII
<br /> renewals, ex�ensions and modzfca�ians of the N�te; �b� the payment of a��.at��er sums, wi�h �nteres�. a��an�ed ta
<br /> pro�ect�he security of t��s Securi�y Ins�rum�n�under t��e prov�sions �f the section ti�led Pro�ec�ion �f L�nder's .
<br /> R�gh�s in �he Prnper�y; and �c� the perf�rman�e �f Borra�ver's covenan�s and agreemen�s under th�s Secur��y
<br /> �ns�rumen� and �he Na�e. For this purpase, Barrower, �n co�siderat�on of�he debt and the �rus� herein created,
<br /> �rrevocab�y�gran�s and�vnveys�a Trus�ee, in t�us�,wi�h pfl�v�r of sa�e,�he fo�l������g describe�pr�perty ioca��d�n
<br /> the�UUNTY of HALL, S�a�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: �90I.�V LUL���E ST,GRAN[]ISLAND,Nebraska 688U3
<br /> Legal Descrip��on: L�T QNE �l� AND THE EASTERLY T'�'VELVE ��2} FEET �F LUT TV'L��l (2�,
<br /> �N BLQ�'K FIF`TY T'L�V�] �52}, �N �HARLES �ASNER'S TH.�.RD ADD�T��.N TD THE �ITY �F
<br /> T�C ETHER V�I�ITH al� the impro�emen�s no� flr hereafter erec�ed on the property, and al� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and f�xtures na�or her�af�er a par� of�he prope�rty. Al� replacements and additions shall also be
<br /> co�ered �y �his S�curi� Ins�rumez�t. Al� of the foregoing �s r�f�nred to in this Security Ir�strurnent as the
<br /> "Property."
<br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANT� tha�Parro�er is la��ful��r seised af the estate hereby conveyed and has the r�gh�to
<br /> grant and can�ey the Property and tha� the Proper�y is ur�en�umbered, excep� for encurnbra���es of �-ec�rd.
<br /> Borrow�r warrat�ts and wi�l defend general�y the title �� �he Pr�perty agairast all claims and demands, subj��t �o
<br /> any�encumbrance�Qf recard. . �
<br /> Secured Indebtedness. The c�eb� e��denc�d by �he Nate and which �s secured by �his 5ecuri�y �ns�rument �s
<br /> subject to �he pra�T�s�ans af �� �FR 2�5.3�. Borr�vc�er ackna�vledges tha�Borrovver has re�ei�ed �he d�s�lasures
<br /> prescr�bed by �� CFR 226.3� a� least three b�s�ness days pri�r t� �he ex�cu�ion �f�l�e Note. and th�s Security
<br /> �nst�rurnent,ar as o�her�v�se requ�red by �2 CFR���.3�. Borra�ver and Lender further acknow�edge a��d agree that
<br /> th�s Se�uri���nstrument w��l secure additional debt subjec�to 1��FR�2�.32 anly�f Lender sa��sfes the necessary
<br /> re�u�rements imposed�n such debt imposed by 1�CFR 2�G.3�and.�.ppl�cabl�Law.
<br /> Borrnwer and Lender co�enant and agree as fo��aws: �
<br /> Q 2004-2014 Corri�lian�e Systems,Iz�c FDG4-I]4E7-70I3L2.I0.I.895 �
<br /> Consumer ReaI Esta�e-Secu�ily Instrurrxent DL2�3d Pa�e l qf 5 . v��ww.com�liancesystems.com
<br />