<br /> �n�e�s Len�ier and B orrow�r o��h�r�ise agre� in �vritin�, in�L�ran�e prr.�c�ed� shall �e appl�ed ta r�s��rati�n �r
<br /> re�air of�he Prapert� damage�, if, in L�nder's so�e d�s�retio�, th� restc���t�an or repair �s �c�n�mi�ally fea�ihle
<br /> and L�nder'� security is no�less��n�d, If, in Lend�r'� ��1� dis�r�tia�t, the restoration �r repair is not ��on�mi�ally
<br /> fea�ibl�a�Lend�r's�ecurzt�wau].d be�essel�ed,the in�urance procee��s�.a�l b�ap��ied ta the sum��ec�.�r�d b�this
<br /> �eGurit� Instrum�n�, �vhe�h�r or nat �h�n due, w�t�i an}� ex�es� pa�d ta B�rr��ver. Tf �Qrr��uer a�andon� the
<br /> Propert�, o����s n�t ans�er wit��in th�number of days pr�sGribed by App�icabl�La�v as s��for�h�n a n�ti��frt�m
<br /> L�nd�r ta �flrra��r�hat th� insuranc� carrier has �ff�red to s���le a c�ai�n, then Lender may�ol��c��he.insu��.�ce
<br /> pro�ee�s. Lender may u�� t.�ie p��o�eeds to repair ar restQre th� Praper�y �r�o pa� sums �ecured by thzs Securi�y
<br /> Instrumen�,wh�tlxer�r n�t then due.The�aeri�d of tirri�for�arrower t�a.n�w�r as set f�r�h in the n�t��e vvi11�egin
<br /> v�h�n th�notice zs given.
<br /> Un���s Lender and��rrower o�herwise agr�e�n �vriting, any applica�i�n ol pro�eeds t�principal shall not exten�
<br /> or pastpone �he �iue d�t� �f th���ayments du�under the �antract�r�han�� the az�z��.int�f the pa�ments. If und�r
<br /> th� s�Gtifln titled A��elerat�on; ]�em�dies, th� Property�� a�qu�r�d b�I�enciera B orr�v�er'�rz�ht t� an�irtsurance
<br /> palici�� and pra�e�ds .r�sul��n� f�am c��n�ag� to the Pr�pert�r pr��r �o �he acqui�it�on shal� p�ss to L�nder tQ the
<br /> �xten�of the sums secur�d by thi�t�ecurity Instrum�nt�nrn�diat�ly gri�r�:�th�acc�uisition.
<br /> Pre�ervation� 1VIa�nt�nan�-� �nd Pro�e��i�n of the Pr�perty; B�rr���v�r's L�an App�zcation; Leas�holds.
<br /> B�rrativ�r sh�i�1 nat d�stray, d�m���� o�rm�air th�Fr�p�rty, al�a�xr�h�Prc�per��to deter��rate, or��mnv.t u�as�e an
<br /> the Praper�y.Barrower shall be�n default if any forf�it�.�r�ac���n ar pro��,edin�,wh��her ci��l or cr�mirial,�s begun
<br /> �hat z�� Le�der'� g�od �'aith judgnlent cau�c� res�.lXt ix�. f�rf�iture of th� Prt�perty a�° o�herv�xse materialiy �xnpair the
<br /> lxen created by t�iis Se�urity In���rument ar Le�ader's s�curity interest. B�rrawer rna� cur� �uch a default and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pr��ided in s��ta�n�:it�ed�orrow�r's l�ght t� F��instate, by �aus�n� the actzon Qr prace�dxz�g ta be
<br /> disrnissed v�ritih a ruling tha�, zn L��ncier's good faith d�termina�i�n,precluc�es forfeiture af t:h�Bax�r�wer's in��rest in
<br /> �he Property ��r other material �_mpairment Qf the 1i�n created by this ;�ecurit� Ins�rum�nt or Lender'� securxty
<br /> int�re�t.Borr��v�r shall alsa�e ir�defaul�if Borrowe.r,during 1.he�o�z�ap��lica�ifln pr�c�ss,�av�mat�rially false ar
<br /> inaccura�e xnf�rmation �r �tatenrtents t� Lender �or faiXed tQ pravi�e Lender �v��h any material informati�n} in
<br /> cannectio�. v�ith the l�an e�zden�.ed b� �h� ��x�.tra�t. If thxs Sec��rity Ins�rument�� �n �le��eh�Id, �onra�v�r sha��
<br /> c�mp�y w7th al�th�pra�rxsian�of the Ieas�.IF Borrourer�tcq��ire�f�e t�tle t4 the P�r�p�rtya �he leasehold and the fe�
<br /> tit��sha�l��ot merge un��ss Lender. agrees to th�merger in v�rit�ng.
<br /> Prote�ti�n af Len�er's Ri�Y�ts in th� Praperty. If Borro�ver fa�is to p�rf�rm the �ovenan�s and agr�ernent�
<br /> con�ain�d�n thzs ��curit�In�tr�.n�ent, ar the�e xs a�egal pr��e�d�n�that may�ignifican�ly affe�t Lender's rights in
<br /> th� Pr�p�rty �su�h as a �roc�edin� in b�n�r�.�p�cy, pra�ate, far �ondemr�at��n �r forfeiture ar to eni'arce la�s �r
<br /> �re�l�lations}, then Lender ma� d.o an� pay for vtlha�ever is n��e��ary ta prote�t th� valu� of tl�� P��perty and
<br /> Lender's ri�h�s zn the P�ap�r�y. Lender'� a�ti�ns rnay xnclud��aying any;Sum�s��ure�by a li�n vrrhi�h ha�priarity
<br /> o�er t hxs S�cu�xty Instrument, ap��earing�n co��r�, payzzxg��asonab�e attorr�e�s'f��s and ent�r�na�n the Pr�p�rty tfl
<br /> make repaxrs.Although L�nd�r rrkay tal�e a����n und�r th�s se�ti�n,Lend���daes not have�a da s�.
<br /> .Ariy am�unts di�hurs�d �y Lender under �hzs s�ction shal� b�c�me ad�i:�tianal d�b� �f Borrow�r s�Gured by �hzs
<br /> Security Instru�nent. Un1es� Bor�rawer a�.d L�nder agree ta other terms of payment, �hes� am�unts shall b�ar
<br /> int�rest from th� dat� of disbu.r,em�nt a� the s�m� rate ass�ss�d on aclvan��s �.u�der the �on�r�ct and shall be
<br /> paya��e,�rzth xnt�rest,up�n no�i�e fr�m L�nder to Barr��v�r r�qu�sting p��.yrnent.
<br /> Inspe�tion. Lender or it� a�ent�:xxay m��e r�a�onab�e entries upon and in�p�cti�ns �f the Prap�r�y. L�n�l�r sha�l
<br /> �iv�B�rro�er notx�e at�h��ime�af Qr pri�r t�an�nsp���xon�pe�ify�ng r��3sanahle��use for the inspectxon.
<br /> �andemnatian.The pro�eeds �f'ar�y award ar claim far dazna��s, dxrect or canseque���ial,in corine�ti��.v��th any
<br /> conden�na��an c�r �ther taking of any part of the Praperty, or�ar�on�eyr�.n�e ���I�e��f con�.emna�ion, are hereb�
<br /> assign�d and shal�be pai�ta L�nder.
<br /> In the �v�n� af a �atal tal�ing of�he Prapert�, th� pr�ceeds s��a�� b� app:�i�� to the �ums secured by th�s �ecurzt�
<br /> Instrumen�, whether �r not th�n due, vcr��h ar�� e�c�ss paid t� Bo�rowe.r. In th� ev�nt af a part��l t�I�in¢ �f the
<br /> Pr�perty in v�h�ch �h.� fa�r market va��.�� af the Pr�p�rty imm��.�a�ely befQre the �a�nb zs ��uai to Qr gr�at�r �han
<br /> �he a.1�n�urit of�h� s��ms �ecu.red hy thz� Securzty Instrument irnmed�at�l� before the tal�ing, unl�s� �onr��ver and
<br /> O?�0�-2414�amplian�e Sy�Ee[ns,Inc.FD50-E47F-:?013L2.14.1.�95
<br /> �nnsumer Real�st�te-Security Instrument DL�435 Page 3 of 7 www,�omplianc�systems.com
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