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` 1 r '� ��15�4�45 <br /> ti <br /> � lo3�z4va.�4 <br /> ev�denced by Borrower's note dated�he same date as�his Security Instx�u�men��"Note"},which provides for <br /> mon�hly paymen�s,with the ful�debt,if not pa�d ear�xer,due and payab�e on SEPTEMBER l. ��44.This <br /> Security�nstrumen�secures�a Lender: �a� �he repaymen�of the deb�evidenced by the Note,with interest, <br /> and a��r�newals, extensians and modxf catians of the Nate; �b}the payment af aI�other,vvith.xnterest, <br /> advanced under Paragraph 7 to pro�e�t the secur�ty of�h�s Securxty Ins�rurn.ent; and�c}the performanCe of <br /> Borrow�r's covenants and a�reements under thxs Securxty Instrument and �he Note. For this purpose, <br /> Borrower,�n c�nsideration of�he debt and the trus�herein created,irrevocab�y gran�s and conveys�o Trustee, <br /> �n trus�,w��h po�ver af sale,the fo��ov�ring described property�acated xn HALL C�UNTY County,lVebraska: <br /> LEGAL DES�RIPT��N ATTACHED HERETQ AND MADE � PART HERE�F. <br /> which has�he address of 2 61 l ST. PATRI CK AVENUE, GR.AND I S LA.ND, NE 6 8 8 Q 3 �"Proper�y <br /> Address"�, <br /> TaGETHER WITH a�1 the improvemen�s now ar hereafter ere�t�d on the property, and aIl easements, <br /> rights, appurtenanc�s, rents, roya�ties, mxneral, oi�, and gas rYgh�s and prof ts,wa�er ribhts and stock and <br /> fixtures now or hereafter a part of the p�opert�.A��rep�acements and additions shall also be covered by this <br /> Securi�y Instrumen�_ Al� of the foregoxng �s ref�rr�d to in �his Secur��y Instrument as the "Property." <br /> Borrower understands and agrees�hat MERS ho�ds on�y�ega1 t�t�e to�he interests gran�ed by Borrawer�n this <br /> Security�nstrument; bu�, zf necessary to comply with�aw or cus�om, MERS �as nominee far Lender and <br /> L�nder's successors and asszgns� has the ri�ht: to e�ercxse any or aIl of thase�nterests, xnc�uding, but not <br /> �imited to,�he ri�ht to farec�ose and se�l the Property; and to take any a��ion required of Lender includ�ng, <br /> bu�not��m��ed to,releasin�or cance��his Securi�y Znstrumen�. <br /> B�F�R�WER�aVENANTS that Barrawer is lawfu�Iy seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the <br /> rYgh� �o martgage, grant and convey �he Proper�y and tha� the Property is unencumbered, except for <br /> encumbrances of record. Borrotiver urarran�s and wi11 defend gen�ra�ly the title�a the Prop�r�y against aI� <br /> c�a�ms and demands, subj e�t�o any en�umbran�es of record. <br /> THIS SE�URITY �NSTRUMENT combxnes uniform covenants for natianal use and non-unifarm <br /> covenants wx�h�imi�ed variations�y j�urisdictxon to constxtute a un�form se�uri�r instrument covering rea� <br /> property. <br /> UNIFQRM C�VENANTS.Barrower and Lender fur�her covenant and agree as follows: <br /> �.. Payment of Principal,Interest and Late�harge <br /> Borrvwer shail promptly pay when due the princ�pal of,and interest❑n,the debt evidenced by�he IVot� <br /> and Iate chaxges due under the Note. <br /> 2. Monthly Pa�ent af T�ges,Insurance and�ther�harges <br /> Barrov�rer shall inc�ude in each m.on�hly paymen�,tagether with the principal and�n�eres�as set forth in <br /> �he Nat�and any late�harges,a sum f�r <br /> �a} ta�es and special assessmen�s�ev�ed or to be�evied against t.h.e Property, <br /> �b� Ieasehald payments or�round rents on the Property,and <br /> �c} premxums for�nsurance requxred under Paragraph 4. 7n any year�n which the Lender must pay a <br /> xnor�gage insurance premium t�the Secretary of Housing and LJrban Deve�opment�"Secretary"�,or <br /> xn any year in wh�ch such premium wou�d have been requ�red �f Lender s�t�Il held the Secu.r�ty <br /> Ins�rument, each mon�hly payment sha�� also include either <br /> �i� a sum for the annua.�martga�e xnsurance prexnxum to be paxd by Lender�o�he Secretary,or <br /> FHA Nebraska Deed of Trus�-121�3 <br /> � 391.31 Pa�e 2 af 10 <br />