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� - �v �. ��15�4�45 <br /> . <br /> 103714Q124 <br /> �f Lender gives noti�e af breach��o Borrower: �a� a11 rents recexved by BorraWer sha�1 be held by <br /> Borrower as �rustee far benefit of L�nder only, �o be app��ed�o the sums secured by the Secur�t�r <br /> �nstrument;�i�}Lender shal�be entitled to collect and recei�e all of the ren�s of the Property;and�c}each <br /> tenant of the Proper�y sha��pay a��ren�s due and unpaid to L�nd�r or Lender's agent on Lender's wr�tten <br /> demand�o the�enan�. <br /> Borrou�er has not exe�uted any prior ass�gnment of the rents and has no�and wil�nat perfarm any ac� <br /> that w�u�d prevent Lender from exercising i�s rights under this Paragraph �7. <br /> Lender shall not be requ�red to enter upon,�ake control of or ma�ntain the Praperty before or after gxvxng <br /> no�.ce o�breach�o Borrower.Ho�rever,Lender ar a judicxa��y appain�ed receiver may do so at any�ime <br /> there is a breach.Any app��cat�on af ren�s sha��no�cure or waive any defau��or inva�zdate any other <br /> right ar remedy of Lender. Thzs assignment of ren�s of the Property shall termznate when the debt <br /> secured by�he Secur��y instrumen� is paid �n fu�l. <br /> I8. Fnreclosure Procedure <br /> If Lender r�quires immedi.ate p�.ym�nt in full unde�Paragraph 9,Lender may invoke the p�ower <br /> of sa�e and any vt]her remed�es per�itted by appi�cab�e Iaw.Lender�hal.�be entitied to coilect al.� <br /> expen5es�ncurred in pursuing the re�medi�s prov�ded in this Pa�abra�h 1$, �nciud�ng, but nat <br /> ��m�tec�to, reasonabie attarne�'s fees and cost� vf tit�e e��dence. <br /> If the power af sale is�nvaked,T�ustee shall reeord a natiee of default�n each caunty in whi�h any <br /> part of tJhe Property is I.acated and shal�naail cflp�es of suc� notice Yn the manner prescr�bed by <br /> applicab�e�a�v to�orrawer�nd to the other per5ons prescr�bed by applicab�e Iavv.After the time <br /> requi.��d by ap��icable Iaw, TruStee shal� give pulbli� natice of saie to the persans and �n th� <br /> manner prescr�bed. by app��calble law, Truste�, �ithout d.ema�.c� an �Qrrower, sha�� se�l the <br /> Pra�erty at publ�c auction to �he h�bhest bidder at tlhe ti�e and place and the terms <br /> desig�ated �n the notice of�a�� in ane or mare par�e�s and in any Trustee determ�nes. <br /> Trustee�.ay postpone 5ale vf all�r any par�e�of this Property�y publi�announ�ement a�the t�me <br /> and pZac�of any prev�vus�y 5cheduled�a��.Lender o��ts dQsignee m�y pu�-�hase the Property at <br /> an�sa�e. <br /> Up�n rece�pt of p�.yment of the price bid, Trustee shall d���ver ta the purchaser Tru�tee's d�ed <br /> conveyinb t]he Pro�erty. The rec�t�Is in �he Trustee's deed shali be prxma facie ev�den�e af the <br /> truth of the state�nents made t]herein, �nd Trustee sha�i app�y the proeeeds of the s�ie xn the <br /> f�llow�ng order: �a�ta all costs and expemses�f exercising the power of saie,and the sale,includ�ng <br /> the payment �f t]he T�-ustee's f�es actua�i� i�.�urred., not to egceed 5.�Q�°/o of the pr�n��pa� <br /> amaunt of the Note at the t�me of the dee�arat�on �f defaul.t, �nd reasonab�e attorney's fees as <br /> permi�tted by law; (�� to a��5ums sec�red by thi.s Security Inst�ument; and (c) any egcess tv the <br /> person5�ega�iy entit�ed ta it. <br /> If the Lender's �nterest in th�s Secur�ty Instrur�ent�s he�c� by the Se�retary and the SeCretary <br /> requ�red immed��t�payment in�ull under Paragraph 9,the Secretary ma��nvo�e�he nvn,�ud�c�a� <br /> �aower af sale�rovided�n the S�x�g�e Fami���Ivrtgage Fore�losure Act af 1994�"Act"��12 IU.S.�. <br /> 3751 et 5�q.} by requestinb a forec�osure comm�ssioner deSYgnated under the Act ta commence <br /> forecl.asure and.t�sell th�Prop�x-t�as provided in the Act,Nothing in th�preceding sentence sha�l <br /> depr��e the Secretary of any rights other�ise avaYlab�e to a L��.de�-u�der thi�Paragraph 1� o� <br /> appi%Cah�.e�aw, <br /> 19. Reconveyance <br /> Upon payment af al�sums secured by th�s Security�ns�rument,Lender sha�I request Trustee ta reconvey <br /> FHA Nebraska Deed of Trus�-x2I13 <br /> � 391.31 Pa�e 8 of IQ <br />