<br />A Tract of land comprising a part of 11t0 Whoa! Quarter (5E7/4) and a part of Me Northeast Ovarbr
<br />(11(1/4) of Seefion Thirteen (13), Township Won (11) North, Range Caen (11) Wnl of the 611, P.M., Hail
<br />County, Nebraska, and more parlkulory described as follows:
<br />First to ascertain tiro porn? of beginning, start at the southeast corner of sold Southeast Quarter
<br />(5(1/4); Mena NO0'04'18'(, along and upon the earl line of solo Southeast Nark, (501/4), a
<br />datanpe of Four Hundred Maly Ugh, and Shry Sam Hundredths (498.87) led to Oro ACTUAL point of
<br />beglmiing, sold point being Fork (40.00) feet south of (measured pnpendloular to) Me cenluilne of an
<br />exkRng rashwaf roltroad fuck; thence continuing N00'04'18'(, along and upon the pnvfously described
<br />course, a distance of Eight' (8000) feel to a point which Is forty (40.00) het north of (measured
<br />perpendicular lo) sold @steNno east -west railroad !rook centerlkne; thence N89'37'461W, parallel with and
<br />Forty (40.00) het north of (measured perpendicular lo) sold existing east -wart railroad track cenledlne,
<br />a distance of Eight Hundred Sealy One and Nine Hundredths (871.09) feel to point of curvature;
<br />thence running northwesterly, along and upon Me are of o curve to the right whose radius Is 538.86
<br />hsl, sold curve being Forty (40.00) feel northeast of (measured radial to) the senlerlln, of an .01011ng
<br />railroad track curve 10 MO right, a dIslanoe of Eight Hundred forty Six and Tory Six Hundredths
<br />(846.46) feel (tong chords 762.08, long chord bearing N4417'42'W) to a point of tangency; thence
<br />000'02'23'(, parallel with and Fork (40.00) fool east of (measured perpeadkulor to) the centerline of
<br />an exhling north -south railroad frock, o dlatence of Pour Thousand One Hundred Eighty four and Pork
<br />two Hundredths (4,184.42) feel to o point on the north Ilne of sold Northeast Quarter (11(1/4), sold
<br />point Deing One Thousand four Hundred Thhfeen and Three Hundredths (1,413.03) feel west of the
<br />northeast corner of sold Northeast Quarter (0(1 /4); thence N89'30'291W, along and upon Mrs north line
<br />of said Northeast Norte (NE1 /4), o dlslance of Eighty (80.00) led to point which Is Forty (40.00)
<br />feet west of (measured perpendicular to) sold 'steno north -south railroad Inck 0.0100lne; thence
<br />500'02'23'W, parallel wbh and gory (40.00 feel west of (measured perpeadicukr h) sold existing
<br />north -south railroad Track cenledtne, 0 415 once of lour thousand One Hundred Eighty Eke and five
<br />Hundredths (4,180.05) fed to a Pont of curvature; thence running southeasterly, along and upon the
<br />arc of a curve to the tell whose radius Is 618.86 feel, sold curve being forty (40.00) feet southwest of
<br />(meosured radial lo) the cededhe of on exbling railroad track curve to the Idl, 'o distance of Nlne
<br />Hundred Seventy Two and Thirteen Hundredths (972.13) Teel (long chords 870.21; long chord bearing
<br />34411'411) to a point of longency; thence 589'37'46'(, walk? with and fork (40.00) reef south of
<br />(measured perpendicular to) sold extling eosl -weal railroad freak eenhdlne, o distance of Eight
<br />Hundred Seventy One and lour Hundredths (871.04) led to the ACTUAL point of beginning and
<br />containing 10.955 acres, more or less.
<br />Nebraska non -prolll corporation, being the owner of the land doscdbed hereon, hove caused same to be
<br />surveyed, subdhid d, platted and designated ao V.A.A.P. WEST RAILROAD SUBDIVISION , Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />as shown on the accompanying plot thereof, and do hereby Micah the rood as shown thereon, to the
<br />publla for Melt use forever, and the easements, 11 any, for Me location, conslro,Hon and maintenance of
<br />publlo ulllllles forever, together with the right of In rose and ogress Menlo, and hereby prohlbl ing the
<br />01an110g of trees, bushes and shrobS, or placing other obshuc1ons upon, over, along or underneath the
<br />surface of such easements, and Thal the foregoing subdMslon as mon particularly described In the
<br />description hereon as appears on this plot, fs mode with the free consent and In accordant* wllh IDs Mhos
<br />of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHREOP, 1 ham sifted my signature here?, at (((A
<br />, Nebraska, this 1"/T" day of ,iris( , jOiD,
<br />o Nebraska non - prolll co00rol10n
<br />l" 7 /
<br />OWL /cr.., k - Dave 'Taylor, President
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />County of Hall
<br />0 1 is cloy of . 2015, before me,
<br />o Notary Public within and for sold County,
<br />persona apse o • ray. 07 of, a •en o '1t' 15LAN0 AREA ECONOMIC OEV(LOPMENt CORPORATION, a
<br />Nebrosko non -pro!?? corporation, to me personoly known to Me Its IdeaReo person whose slgnofun Is
<br />olfhred henlo, and M did acknowledge the execution thereof to be hie valuator) act and da4 as such
<br />Prosldnl, and the voluntary act and deed of sold Nebraska non -profit corporollon, and Mot he was
<br />empowered to make the obavt dedlcallon far and In Wall of sold Nebraska non -prolll corporation..
<br />/r IN WIiNESS
<br />WW1: aka, F, I hon ave Me hersunlo do h test sub .bare wdNenscribed my nom. and diked my official soot at
<br />1 1(/01119
<br />OS
<br />My commission expires � F.hvtttary 27.24(1
<br />I�f>01IIJItdm /1 !Wad
<br />Notary Public N
<br />(SEAL)
<br />fed to and approrsd by too Rtglanal Planning Commission of Hall County, Grand Island and Wood Rlnr,
<br />and the Vlllogos of Akio, Colro and Oonlphan, Ntbroeka.
<br />j )
<br />9 0-- /a 244"
<br />of -� Ap ved and accepted by the Hall County Board of Supervisors, thl$_�e day
<br />=�, 0 2015.
<br />a rmaard
<br />i
<br />I hereby certify Thal on .-if//� 2015, 1 completed an
<br />accurole survey (made under my supery lslon o '1. 0. (31 RAILROAD 1U801VISION' In Hall County,
<br />Nebrosko, as shown on the accompanying plot thereof; Thal fhe lots, blocks, slneh, avenues, alloys, parks,
<br />commons and other grounds os contained In said subdivision os shown on tiro accompanying plot thereof, are
<br />well and accurately slaked off and marked; that Iron makes were placed of all cornets as shown on the
<br />plat; that each lot bears Its own number•, and Thal sold survey was mad, with reference to known and
<br />record d monument,
<br />Lee 0. Wa nor, s
<br />9 9 f.itYlf'6uGl or No.
<br />(
<br />8118E3 2 0P 2
<br />