<br /> r ��15�41��
<br /> DEEi� �F TRUST
<br /> Loan Na; 1�"l Z85�'1'l �Gant�nued� Page 3
<br /> CvmpiEance with Gavernmental Requiremen�s. Trus�tar shall p�-omptly camply with all laws, ord�nances, and
<br /> regula�ions, now ❑r hereafter in e��ect, of all go�ernmen�al au�horittes appli�abEe �a the use or vccupan�y o�f the
<br /> P�operty, including without limitation, the AmerEcans With Disabi�i�ties A�t. Trustor may cvn�est in goad �aith any
<br /> such [aw, ordinance, or regula�tion and withhvfd compliance durEng any proceeding, in�luding appropriate appeals,
<br /> s❑ long as Trus�or has notified Lender in writing prior to dv�ng sa and so long as, in Lender's svEe opinian, Lender's
<br /> interests in �fihe Prvperty are not �eopardized, Lender may require Trustor t❑ post adequate security or a surety �
<br /> bond, reasonably satisfactory to Lender,to prvtect Lender's inte�-est.
<br /> Dufiy t❑ Protect. Trustor agrees nei�her ta abandon or IeaWe unattended the Prvperty. Trustor shall do all o�ther
<br /> acts, in addition t��hose ac�s set�forth aba�e in�his se�tivn, which from the characte�-and use o�fihe Praperty a�-e
<br /> reasonably necessary to protect and preserve fihe Praperty.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, declare immediafiely due and payable all sums
<br /> secured by�his aeed ❑f Trus�upon fihe sale ❑r transfer, wi�hou�Lender's privr written consen�, ❑f a�l or any part❑f the
<br /> Real Property, vr any interest in�he Rea[ Property. A "saEe ar�ransfer" means the can�eyan�e o�F Real Prvper�y or any
<br /> right, �i�le or �n�erest in the �ea[ Property; whether legal, benefi�ial or equitable; whether �oluntary ❑r in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by vutright sale, deed, instal[ment sale contract, land contract, contract ��r deed, leasehald in�eres� with a
<br /> term grea�er than three �3} years, lease�option canfiracfi, or by sale, assignmen�, or trans�er v�any bene�icial interes� in
<br /> or to any land trust hvfding title ta the ReaE Property, or hy any �ther me�hvd ❑� cvn�eyance of an interest in the R�a�
<br /> Property. ��r any Trustnr is a carporatian, par�nership ar limited liability cvmpany, �ransfer aEso incEudes any change in
<br /> ownership❑fi mvre than�wenty--fi�e percent �25°/Q} ❑f the vafiing sto�k, par�nership in�eres�s ❑r timi�ed liability company
<br /> interests, as the case may be, ❑f such Trus�vr. Hvwe�er, this vptian shall nat be exercised by Lender if such exerc�se
<br /> is prahibited by federal law or by Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The folfowing proWisivns relating fi❑ the taxes and liens ❑n �he Praperty are part of this Deed o�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen�. Trus�ar shaE! pay when due �and in aC[ e�ents privr to de�inquencyy all taxes, special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges {including wa�er and sewer}, fines and impvsitivns le�ied against nr an accaunt o�the Prvper�y, and shall �
<br /> pay when due all claims for wark done on ❑r for ser�ices rendered ar material furnished to the Property. Trus�vr
<br /> ' shall maintain the Prvper�y�Free v�all liens ha�ing priarity❑�er❑r equal fiv�he interest of Lender under this aeed ❑f
<br /> Trust, except �vr the lien of �axes and assessments nv� due and except as o�herwise pro�ided in this ❑eed vf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right�a Contest, Trustvr may wi�hhvld payment of any tax, assessment, or claim in connection with a good fai�h
<br /> dispute o�er the obligafiion to pay, s❑ Ivng as Lender's interest in the Prvper�y is no�jeopardized. If a lien ar�ses ❑r
<br /> is �iled as a r�sul� ❑f nanpaymen�, Trus�or shal� within fifteen t'l5} days af�er the lien arises or, ifi a lien is filed,
<br /> wi�hin fifteen ��5} days a�fter Trus�vr has nvtice af the filing, s�cure the discharge ofi fihe lien, ar i� reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, depvsi�t wi�h Lender cash or a sufficien�corpara�e surety bond ❑r o�her security sa�isfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amvunt su�ficien�t� discharge�he lien plus any costs and attvrneys' fees, or other charges that cvuld accrue as a
<br /> result of a fore�lvsure❑r sale under the lien. ln any contes�,Trus�or shall defend i�sel�and Lender and shall satEsfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgmen�before enfvrcemen�against the Praperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an additivnal ❑b[igee
<br /> under any sure�y band#ur-nished in the cantest proceedings.
<br /> Evidence o�Paymen�. Trustvr shal� upan demand furnish�❑ Lender satisfactory e�idence of payment of the taxes
<br /> ' or assessmen�s and shall authorize fhe appropria�e go�ernmen�al o�ficia� to deli�er tv Lender at any�ime a written
<br /> statemen�of�h�faxes and assessments against the Prvperty.
<br /> Notice o�Cons�ructivn, Trustor shall noti�y Lender at least fifteen {�5} days befare any wark is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any ma��rials are supplied to the Pr�perty, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's li�n, vr
<br /> o�her lien could be asserted on account vf the work, ser�ices, or materials. Trustor vuill upvn request vf L�nder
<br /> �urnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfact�ry ta Lender thafi Trustar can and will pay �he cost of such
<br /> imprv�emenfis.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE, The fol�owing pra�isivns relating to insuring the Praperty are a part❑f this Deed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance o� Insurance. Trustor shal� procure and main�ain poli�ies of fire insurance with s�andard extended
<br /> �v�erage endorsements ❑n a �air �af ue basis ��r the fuI! insurable �alue co�erin� a�! lmprv�emen�s an the Real
<br /> Prvperty in an amvun� su��ricien� tv a�vid application af any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mar�gagee
<br /> �lause in�a�or of Lender. Trustar shaE! a�sv procure and maintain comprehensi�e genera� �iability insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amvunts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as addEtivnal insureds in su�h
<br /> , �iability insurance policies. Additiona�iy, Trustor shall main�ain such ❑ther insurance, including but n�t limited to
<br /> hazard, business interruptivn, and boiier insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Po�icies shall be written in
<br /> �orm, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonab�y accep�a}�le to Lende�- and issued by a �ompany or companies
<br /> reasvnably acceptable to Lender. Trustar, upvn reques� af Lender, will deli�er ta Lender fram time to time the
<br /> pvlicies ❑r certi�icates of insurance in�arm sa�is�actory t❑ L�nder. including s�ipulations'�hat co�erages wiil not be
<br /> _ cancelled ar diminished withvut at I�ast �ten {'i�y days prior written nv�ice to Lender. Each insurance policy also
<br /> shall inciude an endorsem�nt providing�hat�co�erage in fa�or❑f Lender will nat be impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omissivn or default of Trus�ar ar any other person. Shvuld the.Real Proper�y be located in an ar�a designated by
<br /> the Adminis�ra�or of the Federa! Emergency Managemen�Agency as a special flo�d ha�ard area, Trustor agrees-t❑
<br />