<br /> aEE� o F TRus-r
<br /> . Loan No: '1�1�g��'1'1 �Continued} Page ��
<br /> indebtedness. The word "lndeb�edness" means all principal, interest, and vther amoun�s, cos�s and �xpenses
<br /> payal�le under the Note ❑r Rela�ed D�cumenfis, fiog�th�r with af l renewals of, ex�ens�vrns ❑�, modifications o�,
<br /> consolida�ions �f and sul�stitutivns for the Note ❑r Related ❑vcumenfis and any amounts expended or ad�anced �y
<br /> Lender t❑ discharge Trustar's ❑bligativns ❑r expens�s incurred �y Trus�ee or Lender to enfvr�e Trustor's
<br /> ❑bligations under this Deed ❑� Trusfi, toge�her with interest ❑n such amoun�s as pro�ided in �h�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Specifically, without limita�ion, Indeb�edness includes the �uture ad�ances sefi �arfih in �he Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�ision, �ogether with all interest thereon and all amaun�s �khat may be indire��ly secu�-ed hy the
<br /> Cross-�olla�eralizafiion pro�ision of this Deed of Trusfi.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, ifis successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Not�. The word "No�e" means�he promissflry nvte dated June 17, 2�15, in the vrig�na� pr�ncipal amvunt
<br /> . vf $�.���,�D�.D� from Trus�or to L�nder, �ogether wi�h all renewa[s ❑f, extensivns ❑f, modi�i�afiions ❑�,
<br /> � re�inancings❑f, c�nsalida�ions❑�, and substi�u�ians for the promissory nflte❑r agreemen�.
<br /> P�rsonal Propeirty. The v�rards "Persvnal Property" m�an all equipmen�, �ix�ures, and other articles af personaf
<br /> property now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and nvw vr herea€ter at�tached ❑r affix�d ta the Rea� Prvperty;
<br /> �ogether wi�h all accessions, parks, and addrfiions �o, a[t rep�acements ❑f, and all sut�stitutions fa�r, any of such
<br /> property; and toge�her with ai! proceeds {including withvu� limi�ation a�[ insurance proceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums} from any sale or other disposition af�he Proper�y.
<br /> Prvperty. The word "Proper�y" means coliec�i�ely�he Real Prvper�y and the PersonaE Pr�per�y.
<br /> Real Property. The wards "Real Property" mean�he real praperty, in�erests and rights, as fur�ther described in th�s
<br /> aeed o�Trust. �
<br /> Relafed ❑vcumen#s. The words "Related �ocumen�s" mean a1! pramissory nates, cr�dit� agreements, �oan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmen�a[ agreements, guaranties, securi�y agreements, mortgages, deeds a� t�us�, securi�y
<br /> deeds, colla�eral mvrtgages, and aE� other instruments, agre�m�nts and documents, whether now o� hereafter ,
<br /> �xisting, executed in cvnnec�tion with the �ndebtedness.
<br /> Ren�s. The wvrd "Rents" means all present and future ren�s, �-eWenues, income, issues, royalfiies, pro�ifis, and
<br /> ofiher benefits deri�ed from the Prvperty.
<br /> Trus�ee. The w�rd "Trustee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whvse address is P.D gox 'i 507, Grand Island, NE
<br /> �88D2-'�5�7 and any substitute❑r su�cessor trusfie�s. �
<br /> Trustvr. The word "Trus�or" means Third City Ch�Estian Chur�h.
<br /> AGREES T�IT5 TERMS. �
<br /> TRUSTDR:
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<br /> . Larry C Gerdes,C; airman vf#he - ers of Third City Christian Church .
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<br /> �1larvin `Duryee, re�r r o i#y Chrisfian Church
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<br /> �erry Rutt n, cre�ary of the Elders of�Third City Christian Church
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