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<br /> WHEN RE��RDED NiA1L T�: '
<br /> Fi�e Roin�s Ban k •
<br /> South Branch � .
<br /> 3'�'1'i W.5tolley Pk. Rd. • .� .
<br /> Grand Island NE �88U'i ' F�R REC�RDER'S USE❑NLY
<br /> ����D��4�����285D11�340�6�72�15�
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> TH�S DEE❑ �F TRUST is dated June 7 7, 2�'i 5, amvng Third City Christian �hurch, a Nebraska
<br /> non�prvfit cvrporativn �"Trustor"}; Firre Pvints Bank, whase address is Svuth B�ranch, 3 7'I'i 'UV'.
<br /> Stalley Pk. Rd., Grand �s�and. NE �SSD7 �referred to below svmetimes as "Lender" and
<br /> snmetimes as "Beneficiary"�; and Five Pvints Bank, whose address is P.� Box '15�7, �rand
<br /> Is�and, NE �g8�2�'1��7 {referred tv be�ow as "Trustee"}.
<br /> C�NVEYANCE AN❑ GRANT. For valuab�e �onsideration,Trustor �on�eys�a Trustee in#rust, WITH P�WER �F SALE,
<br /> fnr the benefi� o# Lentler as gene�jciary, all ❑f Trustor's right, title, and interest in and to the fvllvwing described reaE
<br /> property. �vge�her wi�h al� exis�ing or subsequently erec�ed or a�fixed buildin�s, imprv�ements and �ix�ures; all
<br /> easemen�s, rights of way, and appur�enances; all water, water righfis and.ditch righ�s ��nc�uding st�ck in utilittes wi�h
<br /> ditch ar irrigation rights}; and all afiher rights, royalties, and prv�i�s rela�ing tv the reaf property, including wi�haut
<br /> limi�ation all mEnerafs, oil, gas, geo�hermal and similar matt�rs, �the "R�al �'roperty'i} Iv�ated lil Ha�� County.
<br /> State ❑f Nebraska:
<br /> Lats �ne {'i}, Twa ��}, Three��3�. Fvur �4}, Fi►re {a}, Six ��}, Seven {7} and Eight �8}, �rand
<br /> 1Nest 5ubdivision, in the City of Grand lsland, Ha�l Cvunty, Nehraska
<br /> The Rea! �roperty vr �ts address is cvmmonly kn�wn as 4�DD IN 'i 3TH ST. GRAND I�LAND,
<br /> NE �88�3. �
<br /> CRDSS�C�LLATERAL1ZATiQN. �n addition�o the Nate, �his ❑eed ❑f Trust secures all obligatians, debts and tiabilities,
<br /> plus interest therevn, o�Trustor ta Lender, or any ❑ne vr more af fihem, as v►rell as all claims by Lender against Trustor
<br /> or any one or mnre o�them, whether now existing ar hereaf�e�- arising, wh�ther re�ated or unrelated to�he purpose a�
<br /> the No�e, whether �oluntary ❑r otherwise, whether du� ar no� due, direct vr Endirect, determined ❑r undetermined,
<br /> absolute ar cvntingent, liquidated ❑r unliquidated, whether Trustor may he liab�e indi�idually ❑r jvintly wi�h o�hers,
<br /> whefiher oi�ligated as guarantor, surefiy, ac��mmodation par�y or v�herwise, and whe�her recv�ery upon such amvun�s
<br /> may f�e or hereaf�er may become barred by any statute af lim��ativns, and whe�her fihe obligation�� repay such amvun�s
<br /> may be or herea#�er may becvme otherwise unen�nrceable.
<br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. !n addition tv the No�e,this I]eed of Trust secures all future ad�ances made by Lender�o Trus�ar
<br /> whether or no�the ad�ances are made pursuant to a cammi�men#. Specifical�y, without limi�a�ivn, this Deed a�Trust
<br />