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��15�41�5 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��antinued� Pa�e 6 <br /> under th�s De:ed of Trust, under the IVote, under any af�the Rela�ed Documen�s, vr undler �ny v�her agreement vr <br /> any laws n�v� vr h�reat�er in force; nfltwithstanding, same ar a�l o�such indebtedness ��nd ❑bliga�ions seCured by <br /> �his Deed a��Trc�s� rr�ay naw ar herea�ter be otherwise se�ur�d, wheth�r by mortgage, ���ed of trust� pledge, f ien, <br /> assignment o� atherwis�. Neither th�e acceptan�e o� this Deed o� Trust nar its enfvr3;ement. whether �y �aurt <br /> action or pur�u�nt ta the power o� sale or❑ther powers con�ained ir� this ❑e�d of Tru��t, sha�[ prejudice or in any <br /> manner a�ffec� Trus't�e's o� Lender's right to reali�e upon or enfor�e any ath�r s��urity� naw ar herea#ter held by <br /> Truste��r Lender, it being agre�d that Trus�ee and Lender, and ea�h of them, �haff be er��i�l�d tv enfvr�e this I]eed <br /> af Trust and any ❑ther security now or hereafter held by Lender or Trus�ee ir� such vr��er and manner as they ar <br /> eithe� vf �hern may in their absaiut� d�s�retivn de�ermine. Na remedy �on#er�red upon� or r�ser�ed to Trustee vr <br /> Lender, is int�nded to be exclusirre vf any ather remedy in �his ❑eed of Trus��r by 1arn� pr��ided or permittsd, but <br /> each shai[ b� cumulati�e and shall b� in addition to e�ery �ther remedy gi��;n in thi� ❑eed o# Trust a� now ar <br /> hereaf�sr�xi��ting a�law vr in equity ar by sta�uts. E�ery paw�r or remedy gi�en by th�: N�te or any of�he Reiated <br /> Documents ta Trus��e or Lender vr to which either af them may be atherwise en�ti�led, may be exercised, <br /> con�urrsntly �r independently, from time to time and as ofiten a� may be deemed ex�es�ient by Trus�ee vr Lender, <br /> and either af� them may pursue incansistent remed�es. Na�hing i� this Deed �f Trc�st �hall be cvnstrued as <br /> prohibi�in� Lend�r fr�m seeking a de�i�iency judgmen�against the Trustvr tv�h�ext�nt.�uc� action is permitted by <br /> law. Electior� by Leu�der tv pursue any remedy shall not exciude pursuit ❑f any vther ���medy, and an election ta <br /> mak� exp�nditures ❑r tv take actian �o perform an abligatian �f Trustor undeE� this ❑�ed ��F Trus�, a�ter Trustor's <br /> failure�v p�r�€�rm, sha�l not affec�Len�ier's right�o de�lare a de�auit and exerci:�e its remedies. <br /> Request#or�lotice. Trustor, on behalf o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a ����y a�any Notice a�D�fault <br /> and a copy of any No�ice o�Sale under this D��d of Trus� be mailed �o�hem at�he addi��sses se�for�h �n the ��rs� <br /> paragraph�f thi� De�d v�Trust, <br /> Attorneys' Fc��s; Ex�penses. I� Lend�r institutes any sui� or ac�ivn to en�orc�� �ny o� �he �erms flf th�s Deed afi <br /> Trust, Lender shall b� entitled to recvver such sum as the c�ur� may ad�udge rea�onabl�: a� attorneys' fees a��ria[ <br /> and upon an�� appe�[. 1Nhether or nvt any court action is in�o[�ed, and tv the exten� n�� prohif�ited by law, a�l <br /> reasonable exp�nse� Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion are ne�eSS�ry a�� a�y tim� f�� 'th� protectivn a� its <br /> interest or th��en�arcement a�ifis rights shall becvme a par�❑f�he In�ebtedness payabl�,or�demand and shali bear <br /> interes�at th� Nvte rate�ram the date�f�he expenditur� until repaid. Expenses ca��reci ���his para�raph includ�, <br /> wi�hou� limit��tion, h�awe�er sub�ect�a any limits under applicable 1a►r►�, Lender's attarne�ys' �Fees and Lender's {egai <br /> expenses, r►vhe�her flr n�t 'there is a lawsui't, in�luding at��rneys' f�es and e�pe�ses f{ar bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �incfuding effi�rts to modify�r�aca��any aut�mati�stay or in�unction�, appea[�, a�d any anticipa�ed pvst-�udgmen� <br /> ev�lection ser�ices, the �vst of searching recards. obtaining fii�#e r�ports �in�[uding fiarec�lvs�re repvrtsf� sur�eyars` <br /> r�ports, and appraisal fees, �i��e insuranc�, and fees for the T�us�e�� tv the ex�en� p�:.rm�t��d by applicable law. <br /> Trus�ar also will pay any cvurt casts, in addition�❑ afi other sums p���ided �y �av►f. <br /> Rights��Tru:�#e�. Trustee shall ha��all o#�he rights and duties o�Lender as s�t�vrth ir7�this sect�on. <br /> P�]�IVERS ACVD DgLt�ATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The �oliowing pro�isions rela�ing ta the powers an� obiigat�vns ❑f Trustee <br /> are par�of this ❑�ed of Trust: <br /> Pvw�rs v�Tr�;�stee. In additivn tv all powers a�Trus�ee arising as a rr�at�er of l�wf Trustee�hall ha�e the pow�r to <br /> �ake the�vllowing acti�ns with respec��to the Property up�n �he wri�t�n request of Len4�er and Trustvr: �a� join in <br /> preparing and f�[ing a map or plat of the Real Praperty, in�luding �he dedi�ation of s�r�eets or other rights �o the <br /> �ub�ic; �b} j�in in g�anting any easement or creating any restricti�n ❑n �Che R�a� Prv��erty; and �cy �oin in any <br /> subardina�ion or ather agreemen�a��ecting this �]eed o#Trust vr th� interes�af Lender u��der�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> Truste�. Trust�e sk�a�� me�t aFl quaii�icatians required for Trustee ur�der app[i�a�le 1a►nr. In addition tv �he rights <br /> and remedies set �orth abo�e, with respect fio a�� ar any part a� �he Prop�r�y, the Tru���ree shall ha�e the right t❑ <br /> ��reclose by no�i�e �nd sale, and L�nder shall ha�e the right to foreciose �y judic�al �vrec�osu�e, in either case in <br /> ac�ordance v►�ith an�to the fuil extent pro�ided by appli�able faw. <br /> Su�c�sso�Trus�ee.- Lender� at Lender's�p��on, may fr�m�ime to�ime appoint a su��e�sor Trustee tv any Trustee <br /> appointed un�er fihis i7�ed v�Trus� by an ins�rumen� executed and acknawledged by I..�nd�r and re�orded in the <br /> a��ice vf �he recvrder of HALL County, State o� Nebraska. The in�trumen� shali �an���in, in addition to all oth�r <br /> ma�ters requir�d by state law, the r�ames of �he original Lend�r, 7rustee, and Trus�c�r, the bovk and page tor <br /> computer sy�te�n reference) where this Deed of Trust is recarded, and the r�ar�e and address v� �he successvr <br /> �rust��, and#:he inst�umen�sha�! be execu�ed and acknvv►►ledged by ��I�he ben�ficiari�s �und�r�his ❑eed vf Trust or <br /> �heir succ�ssor� in interes�. The suc�essvr trustee, wi�hout �an�eyance of tl�e Proper��y, shall su�ce�d to all the <br /> �itfe, power� ��nd duties canferred upvn the Trustee in th�s D�ed o�Trus�and b�y appl�cal:rl� law. This pr�cedure fvr <br /> substitutian af Trust�e sha�f go�ern to�h�ex�Eusion of all o�her pr��i�ions far s ubstitu�tion. <br /> N�TICES. An�y n�tice requ�red tv �e giWen under th�s Deed of T'rust, including wi�:haut fim�t:atian any no�ice o�defauit <br /> and any notice o�sale shall he gi�en in writing, and shall be effecti�e when ac�ua[ly �efi�ered� �vh�n actually recei�ed <br /> by teie�acsimil� {�:�ni�ss vtherv►►�se required by�aw�, ►rvh�n dep�sited wi�h� nativnally r��ogn�zed o��rnight courier, or, if <br /> mailed, ►nrhen dep�si�ed �n the United S�ates mai�, as tirs� class� �ertified��registered maif post�ge prepaid, d�rected t❑ <br /> �he address�s shawn near the beginning �f this Deed of Trust, Afk copies of natic�s �f forQclosure fram the haider a� <br /> an� lien whiGh has priority over this De�d a� Trust shall be sen� to Lender's addr�:ss, as sh,awn near the beginning o� <br /> th�s Deed of Trust. Any par�y may chan�e its address for notices und�r �his Deed �f Tru:st by gi�ing formal written <br /> notice tv th� oth�r par�ies, specifyin� th�t th� purpos� of the notice is to chan�e the p��rty's address. For n�tice <br /> purposes, Trust�r agrees t� keep Lender informed a�all times o�Trustar'� �urrent��ddress. Uniess ❑therwis� pro�id�d <br /> ar required by ia►n�, i�there is more than❑n�Trustor, any no�ice gi�en by Lender ta ar�y Trug��vr is deem�d to be notic� <br /> gi�en t�all Trust�rs, <br /> Ni��CELLANE�US PR�Vi�iDNS. The fallav►�ing misceiianeous pro�isivns are a part r�f�his ❑�ed��Trus�; <br /> Amendm�nts. �'his �eed of Trust, ta�ether with any Related Documents, �ans#itutes th�e entire understanding and <br /> agreement oi��h� parties as to the m�tte�s set �vr�h in this Deed vf T�ust. No ai'teratiz,�n c��vr amendment to �hEs <br /> De�d o�Trust shaf[ I�e e��ecti�e un�ess�gi�en in writing and s�gned by the party ar parties �ought to b� charged vr <br /> bvund by the af��ra�ion or amendmen�. <br /> Annual R�ports. [f th� P�operty is used for purposes other than Trustor's r�siden�e, Trus�or shall �urnish to <br /> Lender, upon r�quest, a certifi�d s�a�em�nt o� ne� opera�ing in�ome recei�ed fram �th�. Praperty during Trus�tor's <br /> pre�ious �iscai wear �n su�h �orm and detail as Lender sha!! �equire. "iVe� opera�ing incorr�e" shaii mean ali �ash <br /> re�eipts#rom the Property less ail cash expenditures mad�in connec�ivn with�he❑pera�:ian af th�Property. <br /> Captivn Headings. Cap�tivn headings in this Deed of Trust are fvr can�enienc� purpo��es �nly and are nv� tv be <br /> used to interpre�ar define the pro�isians v�this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Merger. There sha�� be no merger af the interest or estate cr�at�d by�his Deed af Tru�t wi�h any o�h�r interest or <br /> estate in�he Praper�y at any time h�l� by or�or the benefit o� Lender in any c�pac�ty� vvi#i�out the written consent <br /> v�L�nder, <br /> Gv�erning L��w. This Deed of Trus� will be gv�erned by fed�ral �a� appiical�l� fio Le��de� and. to th� ext�nt nvt <br /> preempted b►�f�deral faw,th�laws a�th�S'���e of Nebraska withau�re�ard ta�i��confl�c�s v�law prorr�sions. This <br /> Deed of Trus�h�s b�en a�cept�d by Lend�r in the State of iV�braska. <br /> � j <br /> ,, � <br /> ��. <br />