<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ���ntinu�dj Pag� �
<br /> authori�ed u�er afi the Proper�y sha�l use, generate, manu�F�cture, st�re� treat, dis�ose c�f�r re�eas� any Hazardflus
<br /> Substance on, under, about v�from the Property; and �by any su�h ac�i�ity sh�all be ca��duc�ed in compliance with
<br /> all applicab��: �ede�•al, state, and laca� laws, reguiativns and vrdinan�es, inciuding without limi�ativn ail
<br /> En�ironmenta� �av►►s. Trustor authvri�es Lender and i�s agents ta enter upvn tht� �rvper�y t� �nake such
<br /> inspeG�ions �nd tests, a# Trust�r's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate ta d�term�ne c�mpiiance o� the
<br /> Property a�vith ti�is section of the ae�d vf Trust. Any inspections vr �es�s made by LE�nder shall be far Lender's
<br /> purpos�s anfy and shali not be canstrued to �reate any responsi�ility or [iabilitw on the �3art o� Lender to Trus�or ar
<br /> tv any oth�r persan�, The repres�nta��ons and warranties con�tained herein ar� b�sed o�� T�us�or's due difigence in
<br /> investigating th� Pr�per�y �or Ha�ardous Suhstances. Trustor hereay �1� re�eases an+� ►n�ai�es any �uture ciaims
<br /> against Lend�r �or indemnity or �ontr�bution in the e�ent Trustor �ecvmes lia�le far cl�:an�p vr o�her cvs�s under
<br /> any such lav�s; and t2� agrees t❑ indemnify, defend, and hald harmisss L�nd+�r�gains� any and all claims, losses,
<br /> iiahiliti�s. damages, penalti�s. and expenses which Lend�r may dire���y vr�ndirectly sus�:ain or suffer resuiting�rom
<br /> a breach ofi t:hi� section o�the Deed of Trust or as a consequence a� any us�, g�nera�tion, manufa�tur�, starage,
<br /> d�spasa[, releas�or�:hreatened refease occurring prior tv Trustor's ov�an�rship v�in�terest in the Property, whether�r
<br /> nvt th� sam� was or shouid have b�en knvwn to Tr�star. The prv�isivns v� this section a� �he De�d vf Trust,
<br /> inciuding the abiigat'ron tv indemnify and defend, shai!sur�i�e the pa�ment o�the Inde�tedness and�he satis�a�tian
<br /> and recon�e}�ance of the lien vf�his Deed v�Trust and shall not�e�ffect�d b�r Lend�r";�acquEsition o�any interest
<br /> in the Proper�yr whether by fvreclasure vr atherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Vllas�e. Trustor shall nat cause, conduct ar permit any nuisance nar �ammit, permi�, vr su��er any
<br /> s�ripping vf ar �ast� on ar �o the Pr�pe�ty ar any portion of the Pr�perty. VIlithout li�niting �he generality of �he
<br /> �vregoing, Trustor vtirill no�t rema�e, vr g�an�ta any other party the right t� ren�v�e, any�t�mber, minerals �in�[uding
<br /> vil and gas�, coal, �f�y, scvria, svif, gra�el or r�ck praducts►r►rithou�Lender's pria�writte:n c+�nsent.
<br /> Remv�al o�tmp�vrre��n�s. Trustvr shali nvt demalish �r remo�e any Impra��ments#ron�the F�eal Property without
<br /> L�nder's p�-�or v�ritten cons�nt. As a con�ition�o the rema�al ��any Improver��nts, Le��der may require Trustor tfl
<br /> make arrang�ments satisfa�tory to L�nd�r to �ep[ace su�h lmpra��men�s wi�h lmpr�v�ments �� a� least �quai
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right�v Er��er. Lender and Lender's agents and represent��i�es may► enter u��on the Real Property a� alf
<br /> r�asonabie tim�s ta attend �a Lend�r's in�erests and to inspec� the Real Prap�rty �vr purposes Qf Trustor's
<br /> camplianc�wi�F�the�erms and conditians v�this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Cvmpliance �w�th G�Wernmental Req�irements. Trustor sha11 promp�Iy comply ►nrith a�[ laws, vrdinances, and
<br /> regulations, r�ow or her�after in effect. a� a[I go�ernmen�al authvri��es applicdble �tv th�e use or vccupancy vf the
<br /> Prape��y, in�Gud�ng vvifihvut lim�tativn, the Americans With Disabilitie� Ac�. Trus��ar ma�� contest in gavd faith any
<br /> such �aw. vrdinan�e, ar r�gulativn and withhold comp�iance during any prace�ding, inc:iuding apprvpri�#e appeals�
<br /> sv fang as Trustar h�s noti�ied L�nder in wrfting prior�o dving so and s� long as, in L�n��er's svle apinivn, Lende�'s
<br /> �nterests in the Prflperty are not je�pardized. Lender may require Trustor to pas� ade�quate security or a surety
<br /> band, reasonably sa�isfactory�o Lend�r,to prot�ct Lender's interes�.
<br /> Duty tv �rotAc#. Trust�r agrees neither �o abandon ar [ea�e unatt�nded �he Properfyn Trusto� shal! do all o�her
<br /> acts, in addi�ian�o�hose acts set forth a�ave in this s�ction. which from the charact�r��nd use�f th� Prvper�y ar�
<br /> reasonahly n�cessary to pratect and preser�e the Property.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-G4IVSEN�T BY LENDER, Lender may, a�Lender's�ption, declare �n�media�tef�y due and payahle a�! sums
<br /> secured by'thi� D��d o#Trust upon the sale or trans�er, wi�haut Lender's priar r�vr�t�e� consen�, of a�l or any par�o�the
<br /> Rea[ Proper�y, Qr�n� int�rest in�he Real Property. A "sal� ar transfer" means the con�eya��ice af Real Property ar any
<br /> right, title ar intere�t in the Real Prvper�y; whether lsgal, ben�ficial ar equitab�s; ►�rhether ��luntary ar in�ofuntary;
<br /> whether by vutric�ht sale, d�ed, �nstallment sale contract, land �vntra�tr �on�ract f�� deed, leasshvid interest wi�h a
<br /> terrr� grea�er�han th�e� t3y years, fease-ap�ion contra�t, vr by sa�e. assignm�nt, or�ransfer f�f any bene�icial �nter�st in
<br /> vr to any iand trust hvlding title �o th� Re�f Property, or by any other methad o� cfln�r�yanGe af an int�rest in the R�aI
<br /> Pr�perty. I� any �rrustor is a carparatian, partnership or limited iiability cvmpany� trar�s�er c�lso includ�s any change in
<br /> awnership o�mor�than t►►venty-���e percent ��5°/0� o�the�oting s�ack, p�rtnership in�eres'ts or limited liability cvmpany
<br /> �nterests, as �he �as� m�y he, of such Trustar. Howe�er, this option shall no� be �x�r�ised by Lender if such exercise
<br /> �s prohihited by�ederal law or by Ne�raska law.
<br /> TAiCES ANl7 LIE�15. Th� following pro�isions ��lating ta the taxes and liens an the Prvper�y �re part af �his Deed of
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Paym�n��. Trus�ar shall pay when du� 4and in all even#s prior to deli�quency} a!l taxes, ��pecial taxes, assessmen�s,
<br /> charg�s {in�ludi�tg v►�ater and sewer�, fines and impositivns le�ied against or on accoun•t of the Property, and sha[f
<br /> pay when due all c�aims #or w�rk done on or�vr ser�ices r�ndered v�r material ��rnish�d t� the Proper�y. Trus�vr
<br /> shail mair��ain the Property fre�of all liens ha�ing priority ove�or�quai to the �nterest o�f Ler�der und�r this Deed of
<br /> Trust. excep�t fvr the lien v� �axes and assessments nvt due and except as otherwis�e prv�ided in this D�ed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right t��an�;�s�. Trus�ar may withh�ld paymen#af any tax, assess�n�nt, ar Glai�n in ct�nn�c�ivn �rvi�h a good �aith
<br /> dispute auer th�vbligatian�a pay, sa I�ng as Lender's interes�in the Prvp�rty is not jeapard�zed. I�a lien arises vr
<br /> is �iled as a resu�t af nonpayment, Trustor shalf wi�hin fifteen 415} days after the �ien arises or, if a [i�n is �i�ed,
<br /> within fifte�r� �15� days a�t�r Trus�or has notice af th� filing, secure �he disc��arge o� t:he iien� ar if requested by
<br /> Lender, dep��i�with Lender cash❑r a sutfici�nt�orporat�sure�y bflnd vr ather se�uri�y:�atis�a�to�y�o Lender in an
<br /> amaunt suf�ir.i�n�to discharge the lien plus any casts and atto�neys' f��s, or�ther charge�that could �ccrue as a
<br /> r�suf't af�to�•�cfosure vr safe under th�iien. 1 n any�vntest, Trus�or shall defe��d �tsel�and L.ender and shali satisfy
<br /> any ad�e�se jud�me���befare enfor�ement against the Prop�rty. Trustvr shall name L�n+�er as an addi�iona�ab�igee
<br /> under any su�ety bvnd�urnished in th��on�est proceedings.
<br /> E�idence af Payment. Trustor sha�� upon demand furnish to Lender satisfacto�y ��iden��e o�paymen� o��Che taxes
<br /> or assess�nents and shall authariz��he apprvpriate gor�ernmenta! o��Ficia� �o d��i�er to Lr::nder at any rime a written
<br /> sta�emen�of the taxes and assessments agains't�he Property.
<br /> Noticg o�Gonstru�ti�vn. Trustvr shall notify Lender at leas�fifteen ��5j days �efore an�� vuork is cvmmenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are ��ur�fsh�d, vr any mate�ials are supplied to#he Property, �f any mnchanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or
<br /> other lien c��.�id be asserted on accoun� af the work, ser�i��s, ar rr�a�eria�s. Tri�stor u�rill �pon request af Lender
<br /> #urnish t� L�:nder ad�ance assu�-anc�s sa�tisfactory to Lender that Trustor �:an and �will pay the cos# of such
<br /> impro�emen�s.
<br /> PR�]PERTY D►4M1�►GE IN�URANCE. The��Ilawing prv�isions reiating �v insuring th�� l��op�rt�� are a part o�this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 1Vlain#enancg o� Insurance. Trustor �hai! procure and main�ain p�iicies o� �irE. insuranc,� with s�andard extended
<br /> co�erage en�i�rsem�nts an a repiacement basis for the fu�i insurabl� �a[ue �or�ering ali Imprv�ements on the Real
<br /> Prvperty in an amaunt su��icient to a�aid appficat�an of any c�insuran�e �la�se, and �►vith a standard mortgagee
<br /> �lause in fa�r�r of Lender. Trustor shall also procu�e and maintain��mprehensi�e generr�l li�bility insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as L�nder may request wirh Trus�ee and Lender being n�m�d as ��dd��ivnal insur�ds in such
<br /> liability insur�n�e pa�icies, Additianally, Trus�ar shall maintain such vther �naurance, i�ncluding but nvt [imi�ed to
<br /> hazard, busir�es� in��rrupt'ron, and boiler insurance, as L�nder may reasvna�ly require. Paiicies sha�l be written in
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