<br /> ���[� �� `����T
<br /> ���� ��� ��v����� ���n�ir�u��d} ���� �
<br /> servie�� ara fiarni�hcc9, or ar�y �rz�t�rials �re ��ppl€�d to t;�e F'�uparty�� it�tny rn�.+:h�tzi�'� Ii�n, mat��i�lcnen's lierr; ar
<br /> ath�.r IiQ» ��uic1 t�� asseft�d un c�cc�unt �f the worl�, servic�s, c�r mat�ri�t�. l�rustor u�ilf upun reciu�st o� Leniier
<br /> #urriish t� l.�nd�r adv�nce a�suranc�s s�tisfi�c+ory td Le�der that Trusta� car. anc€ v✓i!f p�y th� ��st of such
<br /> im�rc�ur:rr�ent�,
<br /> P'FiDPERT�` 17A�'RA�F 1NSUFt�ki1lGE. TFie f�llt�win�3 prt����:;i�ns r�f�tinc� r.� ii�;,uring i�s� �'ro�erfiy �re� p�rt�af this D�ed c�f
<br /> T����t.
<br /> f�9ain4er+ar�ce a� 9n�ur�m�e. �"ru:�tc�r shalt �,rs�c��rE <�nci rnairattim� ��fieiws c�# €ir� i;�sura�zce �n+':ih standartl ext�:n�frci
<br /> ct�i+erag� E�ncic;rsern�nts �in � re�la��r�ient iaasis fe�r ttss ft�N in�ura�6e ���!a�e c�vsring ail tr.�pr�u�:mPnYs on th� �t�al
<br /> F'�dp�rty in an �n�ci�ni �ufficien# tr, avc�id applicat+�,n c,f any rninsur�nce clar�s�, ane? vaith a �L�ndarcl rnort�agf;E
<br /> rvlaus�i�� f�v.�r t�f�;��d�r. Tr�star sh�fl aksr� �iro���r� �nc� nz�'snta+n c�am�rehens?v�gen�r;�i Bi�bility insutancr �n sur.li
<br /> c�iver��g�; arr�o��r�ts t3s Lend�r m�y r��UesC u+ritt� 1`tustee anc! Len�ier bein� r��m�� afi �dddti�anai insureds in �ssch
<br /> iiabilifiy isis�sran�e pz�li4;es, r�dditionally, Trustor shail mairt.ra,in �u�k� cs2i7e��irrsuraric�, incEud€nc� t�ut nat iimitPd Eo
<br /> haz�rd, busin�:ss interr�s�tic�n, �ensJ Eai�ilPs in�uranee, a� Lenc��r m�y r�asonatily rec�uir�. Poli�:ies shx�il t,e wi�itt�n in
<br /> frirrn, <�sn�unt&. cc�vera��s ar�d la�sis r�asonal�lv acc.r.�t3Eal� tn Lender �nd i5su�� ��y a carrFlar7y �a� �arnpani�;,
<br /> ra�sc�t,at�ly�cU�pt��Z1� t� �ender, 7rustor, upc,n re�ue�t ��f L�r��i�r, wil3 �iel:ver t�a Lerder f►am tim� te tinti� zh�
<br /> p�9ic:i�, car certifiGates c�f insue�:ic� in form sdtis¢;��fic�r+�to l:�nil�r, i;nci�din� sta�niafatian� tha4 �ov�ra��es wviti not k��
<br /> canc�lleK� nr t�itziir�i�heci v+rEtfwut �t I�asi �en i�t3} d�ys �ri�r wrizirn �tir�tic� to La�r#ae, �auh insur�ncs: po€icy alscr
<br /> shal[ irarrlu�la�Ti eatdiars�:rnent p�a�,�icfing thaf^:�versg� in t�uor oS La��d�r wi31 zzot kae irn�airE[i in any vuay l�y 3ny act;
<br /> c�rnissi�ir� �r riefault n€Tru�ir,r or any ether �a�rso�+: Should the R�al Pro�er?y #�e Ia��,�t�sJ in an �rea cies€gna�eci tay
<br /> fhe :4�mi�istr�tor vf the �s���al �merqerrcy M�n�cgern¢nt Rgen�y as a sp��it�? fl�c�<! t�a�arr� area, Tr�sst�r�yr�€;s t�
<br /> abt�ir� ancJ anaEnta�n Fed�;ral �Is3ocl Irsi�ra�s:e, i'f av�ilaF�l�, fgx-the f�.iEl un��icl �rin�ipal �a�lar�c:� of tfi� l�an �snci ai�y
<br /> #ariar �iins an ih� pra�aerty s�s:.�rirt� the I�Nri, u� io tt�� trzaxirnum pczlia.y I�:r:its s�t e�ntfier- ths� �Ja�ibr�a! �[uc�d
<br /> lns�r�nce Rrsa�r�m, ar�s�athervui5r� r�c}ui�e�ci ty L�nc��:r, an�i t�rnG�intain siach i�-,sur�,s�ie �ar tlae ierr:� oF t9�e I�an.
<br /> Applscatfore a-f Procead�. 1`rustor shalE �r�rriE3tly nc�tify Lenc�ei r�t an:y l:�ss or d�mage tu tfz� }'rc�q��r�y, �:er��fer �af
<br /> �rfake prc�,�f +af i�ss> if Trusr.crr €�i#s tc� �ie, s�a wiihin fitt�.err i1�) c3av� Uf t�a casuaEiy. VUt��t#�er ar nc�t Len�i�e`s
<br /> s€�curity i� imhnirQci, +�end�r xnay, �t L�.3�cfar'-s �IecEic�n, rec:aive anri refain Ehe procee�is �f asZy in�u�aiac� �r�� ���Iy
<br /> tE�e pr�c�ueeci� fc� th� re�ucti+�n t�f thn fndat�tPciness. �a�{mer,i �fi as�y �ierj affectinc� th� F'rcpe�ty, or 3E�� resior�t3nr�
<br /> �nc� re��ir of rh� Pr���aerty, 1"f L�nder el�cts tr� ap�ly th� prc��iecls to r�st�,rati�n ��nc� r���sir; ���r�stor slz�ll r�ua€� r�r
<br /> re��l�cP th� �iatazas�ed tir d�stroyE�ci im�r�vements in � rn�nn�r s�tisf�rfiary t� Lender. Gencl�r shalP; �pon
<br /> sat+sfaetary �ra�a€ �f such ex�nnrlitiare, �ay� ar rrsisnburse �f"rustr,r fro�r� the prece�ds for th�. r�;asnnat�le ci�st �ry'
<br /> re�3ir nr reste,raTian ff l"rrsstcsr fs not i�� clefauEt unc32r this DAe;i ��f Trust. Any �arnceec#s whiati F�Nve ,aat P���r�
<br /> c'l�sbur�ed vaithin 1 SU days afier their rec�i�at �nt9 whic:h Lenr�er has n�t �anzmitLet3 tt� ttte r��air �r r�stqr�#ia�n �f
<br /> the I�roperty si�ali tse use�i #irst te� ,�<�y any arrn�snt owi:-sr� to len�ier u3�ciwr ttiis Dsect<rf Tru:si. th�n t�7 �,�y ac�ruert
<br /> int�rest, ��� ih� ren�ai��lar, if �rzy�, sfzz�ll �� a�a�ali�� Yc� thF� prir�cip<I halanr.� af th� Ir�d�bt��ia�s�s. IF Lenc#Hr h�ic�s
<br /> �riy proc��c€� �tf�r �aavmerat i� iull of thp Ind�4ied�es�, �u�h prc�cr�ec�� sh�ll b� �iaid t�i �re�at.�r �s Txu�tp�'�
<br /> ir,t_crc;sE.�:cnay a�,pe2r.
<br /> �arrtp�i�a�c� with �xisting IneEe�tedo,�ss. [��rrfnc� th� periuc! ':r3 whicPz any Cxistrng EnduY�tetine�5 ��lesz:r+k��� f��low is
<br /> ir, �ffecti, �c�r��lia�zuu with tti� ir�surar�Ge F�rt�visis�n5 ccant�+ned in t�e i�:stri,;r�ar�t e��ic��n�ins� suG3� �xisting
<br /> Incl�i�t�drgess shail c:�nstits�t�: cam�IEanr.a �vith th� �n:sur2ncp pr�v`ssir,ns unci�r th"ss �eed +af "I"rust, �o the exi�nt
<br /> carrt�iian�Q wit�the cerms af tfzi� C���d �f Trus# w4ulc# ���stitute � ciuplic�taon r�f irs.�uran�;� rec�uirs�rr�ent. #t any
<br /> pror_.�er�s irc��rs the� insur�nce b��:ar�a payaE�le c�n E�ss; the �rouis:�ns ir� ths� l�eed c�fi 7r��t fc��-division ai �r�ce�:�is
<br /> �hall �p�1y only io thTt pn:tic,r�of t.h� �irc���ecis �tr�t�ayable tti tF�� F�ulc€er r�f the Ex�sting Indetateclraess,
<br /> Trustar's fi�port e�n insurance. U�a«n r��u�st c�f L�r�f��r, hr,vi�ev�.r r��t rnore ihan c�nce a year, �Crusti7r 5h�fl furnisi7
<br /> tr� l.�nder � ���e�r! on each ex:sting �csliry af ;n�uranc� �h�win�; (1) �hi�; n<rne ot th� insurer; i�l th� risk�
<br /> insur�:d; i3) iF�e amaunt of tha ptrFic�; {4) the pec�pr�rty insur�cl, th� ihWn curr�r�i r��a3ac�r�wnf vaiue pf s�:c>h
<br /> prciperiy, 3nt!the nlanner ofi rlQrermining 2h�t vakue; �nd S51 t€�� �xpir�tic:n d�ite of fhe pralicy. 'irustnr shalt, �zps�n
<br /> r�;�u�,t o��en�e�r, tiau� ar� in���Z�ncient m�aprais�r satf�fac�ory io Lende�r#ete;rmine the cash v�lu�reU#ac�rnerlt G�st
<br /> �si [Yr� Prop�riy.
<br /> LEfl#�ER'5 EXP�NP�9TUFiES. If any aci��n a� prnr,�ed#ng is enrnmcnced tha£wr�u9c1 matsria&ly affsct L�r�ci�r's in-t�;r�st in
<br /> tl�c �'�Q�serty o�if Trustnr fails to �c�s��pRy �vith any prrsvisiora ot Chi� C3e�d of Trust�sr any felatec� �3r,r,urnent.s, incluc)inc�
<br /> B;ut npt f€mitf d tt� �i-rustar`s taiiur� tp cram�aly vrfith ariy tablig�ti�n tc� maintain Exist3ng Inc)el7tertnes:� i:-s r�god ��art�tinr� as
<br /> reyuir�d b�ir�w, ar to dist:harg,: oe ��y v�,r�a�n du� ar�y amc,Gants 1�rustds is rr quired ta d?scFiary� qr pay unc��r chis �?e-r.ci c•.�f
<br /> 7r+�gfi esr �ny Re;latr;d CSo�;um�nts, L�r�clev �n ��ru�tar's Uef�€,If ana�y It�+�i s�ial� nc�r: �,� ,at�ligatr:fi tc�F i�ke arav acr,i«n th�t
<br /> 1_�ratiwr i-4�ems a�prppz-3�te, inclu�ine� �ut rtot €imits� tca �iisc�;�rs�ing �r �aying �91 tax��, liei�s, s�iuritv infer�sts,
<br /> e�7c��mf�raxic�s �nc€ oct�er �:iaims. at any� tin�e i�vieci or }�I�ced ari zl-�e Prr���arty �rF�# �ayiric� al� �;osts far i�s�rinc�,
<br /> rr��intaineng �ns���reservirtr� t:he �'r�,�er.y. Ai! sr�eh �x�sentlitures inc;urrecJ �r p�sit3 t�y Lendet for .>uch pur���Ps wilf tM�n
<br /> ���7r inter�st at th� r�aae �haryed ufi+�er the £JUt� from r.he date inctirrec� ar�aid �,y L�nds�r t� the c�afie c�f re��yment by
<br /> �Fustc�r, ;�tll such expenses will �ecatnc � p3rt ot t�e Ir��i�htedness anct, st €.snder's o�Lipn, �uilf fA1 ��: p�y�61F c,�
<br /> demanc�; fu) Le �r�c��ci to t#�a t�apance af tFti� �lot� �nd b�: �pp�artioned �r��ang �nd hr; pz�yaL�IP mrtth any in5ta€Irne�s�
<br /> payrraenta ta bscame due t��rinr� Eith�::r {1f ch� t�;rm �t any a�plicabl� i��uran�a �aUlicy:�r (�} LFys rerrl�insng t�arrn :�f
<br /> th�; Naxe; �ir it:} h� trs:atad as � h�llaraf, p�yrnent w�iict� uvi�l �ae c�ue and �ayatale �k�hn IVr3tp's nia�tiirity. ThFe C�ee��:�f
<br /> '�"r�js� �Is� wiil s�cur� p�yrn�nt �f tt�ese amnunts. �zf�h ri�ht shall he in nddit€r�:7 ts� �sll isti76r rsr�hts ani� rem�riies tc
<br /> wiiicki L�nd�r ma^� �!G eeiti�leci upon Lef:�c�it,
<br /> '�R+'AR[iAN7Y; G�EFER���C}�1`4'�L�. The fic�il�?a�ring �rova�i�ns relatir�y t+� s�wn�rstii�.�of Fhe E'�o�r�rty�3rp a #»r�of EhiS G)e�tf
<br /> c�"r ieust:
<br /> TitEe. l�rustut Wvarrants that; {a} �'�u�tor hal�#s �o�aei ar�d market7bie ti�le af rr-.e�rrf ia the f�r�perty ir� f�P sirrs�l�,
<br /> free a�c# clesr ot ai3 Iiens and encumhrances c�th�� t�an thoss set forth in ihP �ieal �'rora�riy c����ri�Yi�rn or in tt�c:
<br /> �xisting Inr�e�stetiness secticsn ��laiv or in a��}r title insur�r�cE rsa[iiy, titl� r��art, or tjna! titl�: t�#3ir,i��sn sss�•�r.1 Fn faucr•
<br /> nf, a�r1 �cc���tes� f��r, l_endee in cc�sine�:tic�n with this �ueci c�t 'I'rust, an� �;b} '6�r��stbr t���ths full ric�ht, �uwer, ar�:X
<br /> aul:Ysr�r'sty to execute�nd deliv�r this l�ead of Tru�t tn Le���der.
<br /> l7efense of Title. 5ubjei.t tra t3�e exr.eptiAn in the �aragra�n �tauu�, Trustar wat�tztrtts aeer� wi11 €�ar�;ver de#eroti ihP
<br /> tiEl� ao th�,e i'r�-a;���rty �c�ain�t the Eaw#ul cla"rm� ufi a11 r�er-sons. En ihz;e�r�z�Y any actic�n or �r�c�eetin� is c�7m�rs���v�:�1
<br /> that c�ua�tions-rrustor's title �r the irit�r��t oF TrustE�c: c;r Lene�er u�cl�:r ri�is l7e�d nf T�riist, Trustor stiaEl c��f���3 tl��.<
<br /> actiu€i mt Trustaf's exper�s�. T�ustnr rn�y�aF the noR7tnaB p���xy in suc:�z �ar�c�s�dinca, Uut l,en��er �;,all b� entitl�c� to
<br /> ��3rtic€p3t� in iha �ro�eec�in3 ar�� t� Le represented in tf3L �sro�:eeeiing kay caur�:�el af L.�:nd�r`� pvun �:hoicc. �n�i
<br /> Trus2c�r eviEl ��liver, or c:�use t�a be tieliv�:red, tt� ��entler Si3:ch instrurn�:nts a� �P�der m�y rPquest £rp�n time te�tPtn�
<br /> tc��ermit s�ch p�rY.ici}�at��n.
<br /> GoraZpliar�c� V�fath Lawu. Trd�st�r warrar�ts thai th� PrQ�er,�y arisJ Trust�r's usi af th� I'r��=;rty cor:��lies �tvith �ef
<br /> �.xisti�g a��lir,at,#e li�nrs, c,r�inarices, an�r��ulaliorl� �fi ye�verMti��r�tal authoritias.
<br /> Si�rviv�6 nf �e�resentatio�ro� �,�d 4N�rr�r�ti�ss> �.Ii �e�r�s�r�t�tir�ns, �v�er�nti�s, <�r�d agre�mf�t� mad� �ay Truser�� irz
<br /> this �eed �f Trust shalf surv€v� the �xc;cuti�r�anci d�iivpry ei#thts C3eed c�f T�u�t, shs�il t�� �:�ratir�Uiny ir� nature; ancl
<br /> si�aii e�main i»fuli farce anrs e#tert unzil suz:t�tiriz� �s E3�irrows�r's lritlef�t�dn�ss st��il t�e p�id �n fulf,
<br /> E�tI�a�IB�G INE���TE6��S�„ Th�t�71Ea�n�inp �rovissnn��un��ri7er�g�xisting 1ncE�k�t€�driess�,�a p�rt of this Deeci af`a rust:
<br /> Existia�� Gier�. Thc li�n ot this LQec! at 7rust �ecurin�a th� Enciebt��(ness may Ia€s scconcl�sy and xnferinr ta �r�
<br />