<br /> �erminat�an�s re u�red�y Applicable Law.Nathing in this Sec��an 10 aff�c�s Borrovver's obligation to pay ua.terest at the �
<br /> q
<br /> rate provzded in the Note.
<br /> N.�flr��age�nsurance reim�burses Lender(or any entity�hat pur�hases the Note�for cer�a�n lasses i�may incur if
<br /> Barr�wver d�es nnt r�pay th�Loan as agr�ed.Barrower is not a par�y�o th.e Mor��age Insurance.
<br /> Mortgage Insurers evaluate�h.eir t�ta.1 risk nn all such insurance in force from time t��irne, and may ent�r i.n.�o '
<br /> agre�men�s vvith o�her parties�hat share or madify their risk, or r�duce losses. These agreemen�s are on te�ms and
<br /> conditions that are satisfac�ory �a �h� mor�gage insur�r ar�d�he o�h�r party (ar partzes3 to these agreemen�s. These ,
<br /> a�reements may requ�re the mortgage�nsurer ta make paymen�s usirig any s�urce of funds that the m�r�gage insurer may
<br /> ha�e available�which may znc�ude funds obtained from Mor�gage I�asurance premiu.ms�.
<br /> As a result af the�e agr�ements,Lender,any purchaser of th�no�e,an��ther insurer,any reinsur�r,any vther entity,ar
<br /> affilia�e of any af the faregaing,may rec��ve�dir�ct�y or indirectly}amounts that derive frQm�or migh�be chaxacteri�ed
<br /> as} a p�r�ian of��rrower's payments for Mor�gage Insurance, in exchange for sharing ar modifying the mor�gage
<br /> insur�r's risk,ar reducing Iosses.If such agreement provi�ded that an affil�a�e�f Lender takes a share af the i.nsurer's r�sk
<br /> in exchange for a share of�ie premiums paid to the insurer, �he arrangement�s often termed"capti�e reinsurance."
<br /> Further:
<br /> �a�Any such agreements w���not affect the amounts that Borruwer has agreed ta pay far Mortgage Insuran�e,
<br /> or any�ther te�r�n�of th�Loan.Such agreements w�ll n�t�ncrease the arnount Borrower wiil owe for Mortgage
<br /> In�urance,and�hey w���not entxtle Borrower t�an�refund. ,
<br /> (b)Any �uch agreement� will not �ffect the r�gh�s Borrower has--if any�-wi�h re�pect to the M�rtgage
<br /> Insurance under�he Homeowners Pr�tection Act of 199$or any other law.These righ�s may inc�ude the r�ght to
<br /> recei�e certaix�disc�osures,to request and obtain cancellati�n of the Mortgage In�uran�e,ta ha�e th�Mor�gage
<br /> Insurance terminated automati�a�ly,andlor t4 receive a r�fund of any M�r�gage Insurance prem�um5 that were
<br /> unearned at thQ time of su�h cance��ativn or termination.
<br /> 11.Assignmen�of M�sc�Ilane�us Proceeds;Forfe�ture,A��M�sce�Ianeous Praceeds ar�here�y assigned t�and �
<br /> sha�l be paid�o Lender. �
<br /> If the Praper�y is damaged,such Miscellaneous Pr�c�eds shall be app�ied�o res�ara�ion or repair of the Property,if
<br /> the restarat�on or r�pa�r is ec�nam�cal�y feas�ble and Lenc�er's secwri.ty is not�essened.I]uring such repair and restorat�on
<br /> periQd,Lender sha11 have the righ��o ho�d su�h Misc�llaneous Fro�eeds until Lender has had an opp�rtunity�o inspect �
<br /> such Proper�y�o ensure�he�ork has i�een comple�ed�a Lender's satisfac��an,pro�ided�hat such inspect�on shalx be
<br /> undertaken pr�m�tly.Lender may pay f�r the repairs and res�arat�on i.n a single disbursemen��r�n a series af progress
<br /> payments as�he�vor�c is cam.pleted.Unless an agreemen�is made�n v�r�tYng ar Appl�cab�e Law requires�n��rest�o be
<br /> pa�d on such Miscellaneaus Froceeds,Lender sha��not be requir�d t�pay Borrower any in�eres�or earnings on su�h
<br /> Mzsce��aneous Proce�ds.�f the restoration or repair is not economically f�asible or Lend�r's security would be�essened, '
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11 be applied�o�he sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rument,vsrhether or no��hen due,
<br /> wx�l�.the excess, xf any,pa�d�o Borr�v��r. Such Miscellaneous Proce�ds sha�l be applied u�.�h.e order prov�d�d f�r�.n
<br /> Sec�i�n 2.
<br /> In the event of a�o�a1 ta.king, des�ru��ion, or l�ss in va�ue of�he Pr�perry, th�Miscel�aneous PrQceeds sha�1 be
<br /> app��ed t� th� sums s�cur�d by this Se�urity Instrumen�, whether or not then due, v�ith the excess, �f any, pa�d�o
<br /> Borrower.
<br /> In the�vent�f a partial�aking,destruction, ar loss i.n va�ue of the Proper�y iz�.wh�ch the fair marke�t va�ue af the
<br /> Properry�unediately bef�re�he par��a��aking,des�ruc�ion,ar loss in value�s equal�o or greater�han the amvun��f�he �
<br /> sums se�ured by this Security Ynstrumen�llnmedia�ely bef�re�he par�ial taking, destruc�ion, or Ioss in va�ue,unless
<br /> Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree in wri�ing,the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument shal��be reduced by the
<br /> am.ount af the Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds multipli�d by the f�1�ov��ng fracti�n: �a��he tota�amount of the sums secured
<br /> immed�a�e�y before the par�ial�ak�ng,destruc�ion,or Ioss�n value d�vided by�b}the fair marke�va�ue of the Prop�r�y
<br /> �mmedrately b�fore the part�a��akxng,destxuc�ion,or loss�.n value.Any balance sha1l be paid to Barrav�er.
<br /> In the even�of a par�ial�a�ir�g,des�ru.ction, or��ss in va�ue of�he Proper�y in vvhich�he fa�.r m.arke�value of the
<br /> Property�mmed�a�ely befare the partial�ak�ng,destruc��on,or loss in va�ue is less�.ian the am�un�of the sums secured
<br /> imm ediately before the pa,r�ial�ak�ng, destruc�ion, or loss in va�ue, un�ess Barrower and Lend�r o�h.erwise agree i.n
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Family-Fannie MaelFr�ddie N'la�UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT wi�h 1111ERS Fvr�n 3428 'IID'�
<br /> Pag e 8 of�� � �
<br /> 1D5,in�. Borrower�s}Inifials
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />