��15�4�5� '
<br /> #
<br /> th�s Security�nstru�men�.Tsh�se cond�t�ons axe�hat Borrovver:�a�pays Lender a��sums which�hen would be due under
<br /> this Se�urity�nstrumen�an�the Note as xf no a�ce�era��on had occurred;�b}cur�s any default�f any other covenants ar
<br /> agreemen�s;�c}pays al�expenses incurr�d in enforcing triis Security Instru.ment,including,but not limited ta,reasonable
<br /> at�orneys'fees,property inspect�an and valua�i�n fees, and o�her fees�ncurred for the purpose of pra�ec�ing Lender's
<br /> in�er�st�n�he Pr�pert�y and r�gh�s under th�s Security Instrument;and�d�tak�s such ac�ran as Lender may r�asonably
<br /> r�quire to assure that Lender's interest in �he Proper�y and rights under this Security �nstrument, and Borr�v�er's
<br /> ob�igation to pay the sums secured by�his Security Inst�ru�nen�, sha11 �or�ti.nu� unchanged. Lender may require tha�
<br /> Borrov�er pay such reins�atemen�sums and e�penses i.n an� or mor� of the fo�lativing forms, as selec�ed by Lender: .
<br /> �a��ash;�b}maney arder;�c}cert�fed ch�ck,bank check,treasur�r's check�r cashier's checl�,provided any such check
<br /> �s�rav�n up�n an institu��on whose deposi�s axe�nsured by a federa�agency,instrumenta���y or ent��y;or�d}E�ec�ronic
<br /> Funds Transfer.Upon reinstatement by Barrower,this Security Instrument and abligations secured�iereby sha�l remain
<br /> fu.11y effective as if na accel�ratian had occurr�d. H�wever, this r�ght to reins�ate �ha�� not app�y in the case of
<br /> ac�e�erat�on under Secti�n I8.
<br /> �Q. Sale o��Tote; Change uf Loan Ser�icer; Natice of Gr��vance. The Nv�e or a par��al in�erest in the No�e
<br /> (tagether wi�h�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument�can be sold�ne or more�i.mes w��h�ut pr�or n��ice�o Borrawer.A sa�e might
<br /> r�su�t in a change�.n the en���y�knov�n as�the"Loan Serv�cer"��hat callects Periodic Faym�n�s due under fihe No�e and
<br /> this Securi�y Instxumen�and performs ofher m�rtgage loan servicing obligatians under�h.�No�e,�h�s Securi.ty Instruament,
<br /> and.Appl�cable Lav�,There alsa m�ght be�ne or mare changes of the Loan S�rvicer unrelated to a sale af the Note.rf
<br /> there�s a change of the Loan Ser�r��er,Borrov�er vvi�I be g��en wr�t�en n�ti�e of the change which wi11 s�ate�he name and �
<br /> address of the ne�v Lnan Servicer,the address to v�hich payrnents should be ma�.e and any��her infarmation RESPA
<br /> requ�res in conne�t�on�nrith a no�ice of transfer of servicing.If the Na�e�s sold and thereafter the Loan Xs ser�riced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer ather than�he purchaser of�h.e Nate,the m�r�gage loan serv�cing obliba�ions to Borrower w��l rema�n wi�h
<br /> the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Laan Servicer and are n�� assumed by�he No�e pur�haser un�ess
<br /> atherv�ise provided by the No��purchaser. '
<br /> Neither Borrovver nor Lender may commen�e,jvin,or be joined ta any judicial ac��on�as either an indiv�dua�Ii��gant
<br /> �r the member of a class}that ar�s�s from the�th�r par�y's ac�ions pursuant t�this Security Ins�rumen�or�hat a�Ieges�hat ;
<br /> th� other par�y has breached any provision af, �r any duty ow�d by reason �f, this Se�ur�ty Inst�rument, unti� such
<br /> BorroWer or Lender has notifed�he��ther parfiy�wi�h.such no�ice given ua.�omp�iance vvith the requ�rements of Sec��on
<br /> �5��f such a��eged breach and afforded�he other party here�o a reasonable per�ad after�he biv�g vf such notice to�ake
<br /> corrective action.�f Applicable Lavv prov�des a t�m�p�riod v�hich must elapse befor��er�ain act�on�an be taken,tha�
<br /> time per�ad wi�l be deem�d�o b�reasanable for purposes vf this paragraph.The not�ce of accel�rat�on and apportunity�o
<br /> cure gi�ren to Borrawer pursuant to Section 2�and the nv��ce of acce�eration given�o Borrower pursuant t�Sectian 1 S
<br /> $hali be deemed tQ sa�isfy�he no�ice and�pportunity to�al��corrective action provisions of�his Sec��on�0.
<br /> �1.Hazardous�u�stances.As used in th.is Sec��on 2�:�a�"Hazardous Substances"are those subs�an.ces defi_ned as
<br /> to�ic ar hazardous subs�ances, po��u�ants, or wa�tes by EnW�aronmenta�Law and�h.e f���ow�ng su�s�ances: gasoline,
<br /> kerosene, other flamma�bXe ar�ox�c petro�euam produc�s, tox�c pes��c�des and herb�c�des, vo�a���e solven�s, materiais ,
<br /> con�aining asbes�os ar forma�dehyde,and radiaa�t�ve ma�eria�s;�b�"Environmen�al LaW"means federal�aws and Iaws
<br /> of �he jurisd��t��n v�rhere the Proper�y �s locat�d that re�ate �o heal�h, safety �r envirvnment�l pro�ectian;
<br /> �c�"En�ironmenta� C�eanup" i.�rzc�udes any response actian, r�med�al ac�ia�, or remavax act�on, as defi.ned �r�.
<br /> En�ironmen�al Lav�;and�d�an"Environmen�a�C�ndition"means a candition�hat can cause,c�ntr�bute ta,or otherwise
<br /> tri��er an Env�ror�men�a�C leanup.
<br /> B�rrovver sha�I no�cause or perrni��he presence,use;d�sposal,storage,or re�eas�of any I-�a�axd�us Substances,�r
<br /> �hrea�en�o release any Hazardaus Substances,�n or in�h�Property,Bvrrvvver shall no�do,nor allow anyone else to do,
<br /> any�hin�affecting the Praper�y�a}that is in�r�o�a�z�n of any En�ironmen�al La�v,�b�wh�ch creates an Environmental
<br /> Condition,or�c�which,due�o�he presence,use,or release�f a Hazardous Subs�ance,creat�s a condi�i�n�hat adversely
<br /> affec�s�he�a�ue �f�he Froperty.Th�preceding two ser��en�es shall n��apply to�he�resence,use, or storage on the
<br /> Propert�af sma��quan�ities�f Hazardous Substances�ha�are generally recogn�zed to be appropriate ta norma�resident�a�
<br /> uses and�o ma�ntenance of�he Prop�r�y��nc�uding,bu�not�imi�ed to,hazaxdous subs�ances in cansumer pr�ducts�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie NlaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT w�th MERS For� 3�28 'll�'�
<br /> Page�'� o��3
<br /> Eos,�r��. Borr�wer�s}lnitials� '
<br /> �
<br />