<br /> DEED C]F TRLJ�T
<br /> � ��ontinued� Page �
<br /> Gampiiance 1lVith En�ironmentaf Laws. Trus�ar r�presents and warrants �o Lender that: 4 7} During the period af
<br /> Trustv�'s awnf?rshi����th� Pr�per�y, th�re has been na use. genera��an, manufacture, storage, treafiment, disposal,
<br /> release or �hr�atened release of any Hazardous Su�stanc� �y any persan on, under, about �r fr�m the Praperty;
<br /> ��� Trustar h�s na know�edge af, ar reasan �o heiie�e tha��here has been. except as previousfy disclos�d �o and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a� any breach or �iolation af any Enviranmenta� Laws, {h� any use,
<br /> generation. mG�nufG�cture, s�vrag�, �rea�men�, dispvsai, r��ease or threatened release vf any Hazardous Substance
<br /> on, und�r, ab��ut or �rom the Praperty by any priar awners or accupants a� the Property, or ��y any actua! or
<br /> threa�en�d ii�icla�iva� vr claims �fi �ny kind by any person relating to such mat�ters; and t3f Excep� as pre�i�usly
<br /> disc[ased to ar�d acknawledged hy Lender in writing, �ay ne�th�r Trustor nvr any tenant, cantra�tor, agen�or a�her
<br /> au�hvrized user af��he Prope�ty sha�[ use, genera�e, manu�acture. stvre, treat. dispose v�or refease any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstan�e vn� und��r, abvut or'#rom the Proper�y; and {by any such actiWity shall be cvnducted in compliance wi�h
<br /> all appli�able �ed{�ral, state, and �ocal ��WSr reguia�ions and ordinances, Enc�ud�ng wi�haut �imi�tatian all
<br /> En�iranmenta! Lav�rs. Trus�or autharizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Praper�y �o make such
<br /> � inspect�ans �nd �ests. at Trus�vr's expense, as L�nder may deem appropriate ta determine �amplian�e ❑f the
<br /> Prope�ty with �his se��ian a�F �the Deed o� Trus�. Any insp�ctivns ar tests made b� �.end�r shall be far Lender's
<br /> purposes anly and shall nvr be construed to �reate any responsibili�y ar liab�lity an the part of Lender to Trusto�ar
<br /> �a any ath�r p�rsoi�. The representativns and warranties c�ntained herein are base� an Trustor's due di�ig�n�e in
<br /> in�estigating t[�e P�•op�rty fvr Hazardaus Substances. Trus�ar her�by t�y releases and wai�es any future cla�ms
<br /> against Lender far indemni'ty or contributi�n in �h� e�ent Trus�tor becomes lia��e #ar �feanup or vther cas�Cs under
<br /> any such laws; an�� t2� agrees tv indemnity, d�f�nc�, and hoid harml�ss Lender against any and a�� c�aims, losses,
<br /> [iab�lifii�s, dam��ges,, pena[ties, an��xpenses which Lender may dire��fy or indirectfy sus�ain vr su��er resulting�ram
<br /> a b��ach v�this sec�ian of the I�eed af Trust ❑� as a cansequence v# any use, genera�ion, manu�actur�, sfiarag�,
<br /> disposai, re��a.�e vr threa�ened re�ease vccurring privr t�Trustar's ownersh�p or interest'rn the P�-oper�y, v�heth�r or
<br /> not the same was ar should ha�e been known ta Trus�tar. The pro�isions o� this sec�ion v� th� Deed vf Trusfi,
<br /> �
<br /> in�luding the obligati�n to indemni#y and de'��nd, sha��sur�i�e the payment o#the Indeb'�edness and the sa�is�activn
<br /> � and recan�eyance�of the lien of�his Deed of Trust and shall no�be a�fecte� by Lender's acquisition of any �nterest
<br /> in the Property, whether by foreclosur�or vtherwise.
<br /> Nuisan�e, Wa:�te. Trustvr shali n�t cause, condu�� vr permit any nu�sance nar camrnit, permi�, �r suffer any
<br /> stripping of ❑r was�� on a�- ta the Property or any pvrtivn �# the Praperty. 1Nithvut �imitfng th� generality of the
<br /> forego�ng, Tru;��ar��vill nat remv�er or grant to any other party �h� r�ght tv remove, any �timber, minerals �including
<br /> oE� and gas�, cc}a1, c.lay, scoria, soif, gra�el or rock produ�ts v�ithout Lender`s prior written cansent.
<br /> Rema�al of�m��rorr��ments. Trustor shall nat demolish o�-remo�e any �mpr��ements �rvm�he Real Property wi�h�ut
<br /> Lender's priar written�ansent. As a eandition tv the remo�al af any fmpro�ements, Lender may require Trustar to
<br /> ' make arrangernent� sa�isfa�tvey t� Lender tv replace such Impr��ements rrvith i�prv�er�en�s ❑f a� leas� equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's R�ght to �:nter, Lender and Lender's agents and represen�a�i�es may enter upvn �he Rea� F�rope��y at al�
<br /> reasonable �tirr�e� t:� a��end �v L�nder"s interests and to inspect the Real Property far purpvses o� Trust�r's
<br /> campf iance wi�:h th,�terms and canditions flf this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> � Cvmpliance with fao�ernmental Requ�rements. Trustor sha[f promp�ly comp�y wi�h all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> r�gulations, ncw or hereafter in eff�ct, of af1 go�ernmenta� authvrities appfica�le to �he use or accupancy o� �he
<br /> Prvper�y, in��uding withau� Iimitativn, the American� W�th �isabiiities Act. Trustor �nay cantest �n g�od �aith any
<br /> such law, ordi��anc�, o� regulation and withhold campiianee during any proceeding. �n�Iuding appropria�e appea�s,
<br /> � so �ang as Trus�or��as n�ti�'r�d L�n�er in writing priar t�doing so and sa lang as. in Lender"s sole vpinian, Lender's
<br /> interes�ts in �h4: Prtyperty are na� �eapardized. Lender may require Trusfiflr to pnsfi adequa�e se�urity a� a sure�y
<br /> band, r�asonat3ly sF�tis�actory to Lender, to protec�Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty to Protec:t. �'rus�ar agrees nei�her ta abandon or �ea�e una��ended �he Prapert}�. Trus�t�r shall da a!I ather
<br /> acts, in add���on t��hase acts se��or�h abv�e in this sec�ian, which'�rvm�h� chara�ter and use a�the Prvperty are
<br /> reas�nably ne�essary to prvtect and preser�e the Proper�y.
<br /> D�JE�N SALE w C�NSENT BY LENDERe Lender may. at Lender°s op�ian, dec�are immedFately due and payable a1� sums
<br /> secured �y�his �e�:d o�Trust upon�he sa�e ar�rans�er� w�thou�Lender's pr�ar wr�t�en cvnsen�, of aI� or any part af the
<br /> Real Prope�ty, or ar�y in•�erest in�he Real Property. A "sa�e �r trans#er" m�ans the can�eyance v� Rea[ Praperty �r any
<br /> righ�, titfe or inter��st ir� the Real Property; whe�her 1�gal. ben�fiGiai or equitable; wh�ther �olunta�y or invaluntary;
<br /> wheth�r by vutright sa[�. deed, ins�ailrr�en� sale contract� land cant�act, c�ntract far d�ed, [easeha�d interest with a
<br /> ! #erm grea�er�han �I�ree �3� years� IeaseWoptian contract, ar by safe, ass�gnment, ar�rans�er of any bene�F�c�al in�eresfi in
<br /> . or to any land �rus� haEc�ing �itle �o the Reai Prop�rty, or by any ather method a� con�eyan�e �� an �nterest in the Real
<br /> Praper�y. How��e}, this optian sha�l nat b� exercised by Lender if such �x�rcise is prohibited �y federa[ law or by
<br /> N�braska law,
<br /> � T��ES AND L�ENS. T�ie f�lfvwing prav�s�ons relating ta the taxes and fiens on the Property are par� of this ❑eed o�
<br /> T�ust:
<br /> Payment. Tru:�tar:�ha[[ pay when due {and in aIf e�ents prior to delinquencyy al��ax�s, spec�a!�axes, assessments,
<br /> charges 4inc�u�I�ng �water and sewerf, �ines and impositions le�ied agains�ar an ac�aunt��the Praperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due aEl c�aims for vuork �one on o� �F�r ser�ices render�d or materiaf furnished to the Proper�y. Trus�or
<br /> sha�� maintain�:he F'rop�rty fre�a�a!i liens ha�ing privrity o�er or equa!t��he �n�eres�of L�nd�r under this Deed of
<br /> Trust, exce�t �or th� lien af taxes and assessments no� due and ex�ept as atheronrise pro�id�d in this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right to Contes#, ��'rus�ar may wi�hhold payment o�any�ax, assessment, or c�aim in conn�ctian with a gaad fai�h
<br /> dispute o�er t�-�e a��liga�ivn ta pay, sa fong as Lender's interest in�he Property is nvt jeopardized. If a lien arises or
<br /> is �iied �s a rEsult vf nonpayment, Trusto� shal! within �if�e�n ��5� days a#ter �he �ien arises or, i� a li�n is filed,
<br /> within fifteen 4:�5y days a�ter Trustvr has notice o� �he �iling, secure �he discharge ❑f th� li�n, ar i€ request�d by
<br /> Lender, deposi t w�th Lender cash vr a suf#icient carpara�te sure�y bond ar other se�urity satisfac�a�ry to Lender in an
<br /> amoun�suffici�=n�ta discharge the lien plus an� costs and at�arneys' �ees, or other ch�rges fiha�could accrue as a
<br /> � resul�a�a#ore�las�.r�e ar safe under�he iien. In any con�es'�r Trus�ar shall de�end i�s�If and Lend�r and sha[! sa�isfy
<br /> any adverse�u��mt�nt before enfarcement against the Proper�y. Trustor shall name Lender as an additi�naf abligee
<br /> under any surety bt�nd�Furnished in the�ontest prac�edings.
<br /> Evidenc� of Pa:ymen�. Trustar shall upon demand furnish to Lender sat�sfactnry eviden�e o� payment af the taxes
<br /> ar assessment:� anc� sha�( au�hariz�the appropriate gv�ernmental c�ffi�ia� t❑d�li�er ta Lender at any fiim� a written
<br /> sta�ement of tt��taxes and assessmen�s against the Praper�y.
<br /> Nvt�ce af Can::truc•tivn. Trus�or shall natify Lender at feas� fi��een t 15� days hefare any work is cammenced, any
<br /> services are �urnis�r�d, or any ma��rials are supplied �a the Property, if any mechanEc's lien, ma�eria�men's lien, or
<br /> other iie� cou1F� �e assert�d on accvun� of the work, ser�i�es, ar ma�erials. Trustar wil! upon request o� Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory t� Lender that Trustvr can and will pa� the cast o� such
<br /> impra�emer��s.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAC�E tN�SURANGE. The folfowing pra�isians re�ating tv insuring the Prvperty are a par�v�this Deed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> �
<br />