<br /> G. Misrep�esentation. Grantor makes any Uerba� or written statement or pra�ides any
<br /> finan�ial fnfvrmation that is untrue, inaccurate, ❑r c�nceals a material fact at the time it is
<br /> made or p�o�ided.
<br /> H. Judgment. �rantor fails to satisfy or appeal any judgment against Grantor,
<br /> I. Forfeiture. The Property is used in a manner or for a purpose that threatens confiscation
<br /> by a �ega� authority.
<br /> J. Name �hange. Grantor �hanges Grantor's name vr assumes an add�tionat name without
<br /> n�tifying Lender before making such a chang�,
<br /> K. Property Transfer. Grantor transfers a1� or a substantial part of Grantor's money ar
<br /> prvperty. This candition af default, as it relat�s to the trans#er of the Property, is subject to
<br /> the restr�ctions contained in the DUE �N SALE section.
<br /> L. Prvperty Value, Lender determ�nes in good faith that the �alue of the Property has
<br /> declined or is irnpaired,
<br /> M. Insecurity. Lender determines in gflod faith that a material ad�erse change has occurred
<br /> �n Grantor's financ�a� conditivn from the c�nditivns set forth in Grantor's most recent
<br /> f�nancial statement b�fare the date of this Security Instrument or that the �rospect for
<br /> payment vr perfa�-mance of the Secured �ebts is impaired for any reason.
<br /> 14. REIVIEDIES. �n ❑r after the accurr�nce vf an E�ent of Defau�t, Lender may use any and ail
<br /> remedies Lend�r has under state �r #ederal law vr in any dncument relating to the Secured
<br /> Debts, including, without limitation, th� power t❑ se�l the Property. Any amounts ad�anced on
<br /> Grantv�"s behalf wii� be imm�diately due and may be added to the balance owing under the
<br /> Secured Deb#s. Lend�� may make a cla�m for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that
<br /> may be a�aifable ❑n �rantor's default.
<br /> 5ubj�ct to any right to cure, required time scheduies or any other na#�ce rfghts Grantn� may
<br /> ha�e under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part af the amvunt owing by the
<br /> terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and �oreclose this Security Instrument in a manner
<br /> prv�ided �y law upon the vccur�ence of an E�ent o# Default or anytime thereafter.
<br /> if there is an accurrence vf an E�ent af Default, Trustee wil�, in addition to any other permitted
<br /> remedy, at the request vf Lender, ad�ertise and sel� the Property as a whole or in separate
<br /> parcels at public auction to the highest bid�er for cash. Trus�ee wil� gi�e natice of sale
<br /> including the tim�, terms and p�ace of sale and a descrEptian of the Property ta be sold as
<br /> required by the app�icable law in effect at the time vf the propased sale,
<br /> Tv the extent nat prohibited k�y law, Trust�e will apply the �roceeds �f th� Praperty's sale in
<br /> the #ollawing vrder: to all fees, charges, cvsts and expenses of exercising the power of sale and
<br /> the sale; ta Lender �or all ad�ances made for repairs, taxes, insuran�e, liens, assessments and
<br /> privr encumbrances and �nterest thereon; tv the Secured Debts' principai and interest; and
<br /> pay�ng any surp�us as required by law, Lender or its designee may purchase the Prnper�y.
<br /> lJpon any sa�e o# #he Praperty, Trustee will make and deli�er a special or fimited wa�ranty de�d
<br /> that con�eys #he property sold ta the purchaser or purchasers, Under this special or limited
<br /> warranty deed, Trustee wili co�enant that Trustee has nvt caused or allowed a lien or an
<br /> encumhranc� to burden the Prvperty and that Trustee will specially warrant and defend the
<br /> Property's titl� of the purGhaser or purchasers at the safe against all fawfu! cia�ms and demand
<br /> vf all persvns c�aiming by, thraugh vr un�er Trustee. The re�i�als in any deed �f con�eyance
<br /> will be prima facie e�i�encs of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> AI! remedies are distinct, cumulati�e and n�t exclusi�e, and Lender is entitled tv all remedies
<br /> p�-o�id�d at law or equity, whethe� or not expressly set #orth. The acceptance by Lender of any
<br /> sum in payment ar partial payment on the Secured Debts after the halance is due vr is
<br /> acceferated or after foreclvsure proceedings are filed will not canstitute a wa��er af Lender's
<br /> right to require �uil and complete �ure af any existing default. By not exercising any reme�y,
<br /> Lender dves not wai�� Lender's right to later consider the e��nt a default if it continues ar
<br /> happ�ns again,
<br /> '15, ENV�R�NMENTAL LAWS AN❑ HAZARD�US SUBSTAN�ES. As used in th�s sectian, t1 y
<br /> En�iranmental Law means, withvut limitation, the Campreh�nsi�e En�irvnmen�a� Respvnse,
<br /> Compensativn and Liabii�ty Act �CERCLA, 42 U.S,C, 9�41 et seq,j, all ather federal, state and
<br /> Ivca[ [aws, regulativns, ardinances, c�urt orders, attorney genera� opinivns or interpreti�e letters
<br /> concerning the public health, safety, welfare, en�iranment vr a hazardvus su�stance; and �Z�
<br /> Hazardvus Substance means any tvxic, radioact��e or hazar�vus material, waste, �oliutant or
<br /> contaminant which has characteristics which render the su�stance dangervus or p�t�nt�aliy
<br /> dangerous to the puhlic hea�th, safety, welfare ar en�ironment. The term includes, without
<br /> limitatian, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "tt�xic substanc�," "hazardous
<br /> waste," "hazardous substance," or "regulated substan�e" under any En�ir�nmental Law,
<br /> Grantor represen#s, warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A. Except as pre�i�usly disclosed and acknowledged �n writing to L�nder, no HazardouS
<br /> Substan�e has �een, is, ar will be Iocated, transported, manufactured, treated, refined, or
<br /> RAYM�ND J aC�NN�R
<br /> Nebraska�eed�f Trust
<br /> NE�4��os5@Fs0000000aoos4szo�sN Wolters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ices�1995,��15 Bankers Page 4
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