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� ��15�4�14 <br /> �C� "Lender" is Emi�race Hvme Loans, 1 nc. � <br /> Lender is a Corpvrat[vn <br /> argan�zed and existing under the�av�s of State vf �hvc�e 1�I and . <br /> Lender's address is �5 Enterpr i se �enter,` N�wpvrt, R I ❑�842 <br /> �D} "Trustee" is F i de� i ty Nat i vna I T i t I e Cvmpany, a Nebraska ��rp. <br /> �� "M ER5" is Mvrtgage Electronic Registra�i�n S�stems, Inc. MERS is a s�parat�corp�ratian�hat is acting <br /> solely as a norninee far Lender and Lender's su�cessors and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary und�r this <br /> Secur�ty In�trument. MERS is organi�ed and ex�sting under t�e�avws of I3e�av�rare, aud has an address and <br /> telephone number af P.�, Box 2U��, Flint, MI 4$5�1-�02�, tei. �S S S� 57�-MERS. <br /> �F� "N ot�" means the pr�missory na�e signed by Borrower and da�ed J u ne 8, 2��5 . Th�Note <br /> s�a�es�hat Borrower owes Lender ❑ne hundr�d �n i rty--s i x th�usand and ❑D/��D <br /> Dollars�U.S. $�36,��D.DU �p�us in�erest. Borr�vv�r has prom�sed�o pay�his debt in.regu�ar <br /> Peri�d��Payments and�o pa}�the deb�in fu11 nut Iater than J u I y 'I, ��3� . <br /> �G� "Property" means�he property that is described b�l�vv under the h�adin� "Transfer nf Righ�s ir�the <br /> Propert�." � <br /> �H� "Loan" means the d�bt evidenced by the Nflt�, plus interest, any prepayment charges and Ia�e charges due <br /> und�r the Not�, and aII sums due under this 5��urity Instrument, plus in�erest. <br /> �[} '"Riders" means aIi Riders t�this Security Instrument thafi are executed by Barrower. The following Rid�rs <br /> are ta be e�ecut�d by Borrow�r ��he�k hox as app�icable�: <br /> 0 Adjus�abl�Rat�Rider [.� �ondaminium'R_id�r 0 Second Hom�Rider <br /> 0 Balloon Rid�r 0 Planned�nit D e�elvpment Rider 0 1-4 F amily Rider <br /> 0 VA R.ider � � �Bivve�kly Payment Rider 0 �ther[s� Cspe�ify� <br /> �a� "A ppliCal�fe Law" means a11�ontrolling applica�l�federai, s�at�and�flca1 statutes,regula�ions, <br /> ordinances and administra�ive rules and�rders�that hav�the eff��t flf 1aw} as v��li as a11 applicable final, <br /> nonwappea�ahle judicial opinions. . <br /> ��} "Cammunity As�v�iativn Dues, Fees, and Assessments" rneans aii dues; fe�s, assessments and other <br /> charges tha�ar�imposed fln Barrov�er or the Property by a condominium association, h�meovvners <br /> association or similar organizativn. . <br /> � <br /> L} "'E[ectranic Funds Transfer" means an}r transfer of funds, �ther tha�i a transaction originated by check, <br /> draft, vr sim��ar pap�r instrument, which is in�tiated thrvugh an el��tr�n�c terminal, t��.ephanic a.nstrument, <br /> �ornputer, �r magne�ic tape so as to�rder, i.nstruct, or auth�rize a finan�ial institutian to debit�r credit an <br /> a�coun�. Such term includes, bu�is not limited tn,_point�of sale transfers, automated te��er ma�hin� <br /> transactions, transf�rs initiated by�elephane, wire transfers, and automa�ed clearinghous�transfers. <br /> � ��� "Escraw ltems" means thas�items that are d�scribed in 5ec�ion 3. <br /> 2�15-26794�7 "{0�049�00�12447'93� �� ❑903 <br /> NEBf�ASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac tJNIF�RM INSTR�MENT W[TH NiERS Form 3�28 1I�'1 <br /> V{VIP Q � VMP6A�NE}�130�� <br /> Woiters iCluwer Fnancial SenrEces 5!Sl2�'i 5 12:33 PM •, Page 2 of�? <br />