<br /> Exhibit r��A'E
<br /> The Sou�heast Quar�er of the So�uthwest Quarter�5E"�I4S�'�14}ant�the 5vuthwest Quarter
<br /> o� �he Snu�heast L�uarter �S1�V'�[,(4SE'�1�} of S�c#ion Twen�ty Three {23�, Township El�ven
<br /> {�'�}North, Range Twelve('I 2)�Nest of the�th P.�.,Hal�Caunty,lu�bras&a
<br /> ANl7 .
<br /> The Svuth Ha�f v�F the �orthwest [�uarter �5'�12N'�Ij'714} of Sec�ion Twenty fihree �23�,
<br /> Township Elevan �'�'�} Norfh, aange Twe�ve �'[�} V�est of �'he ��h P.�i., Hai! �ounty,
<br /> Nehraska
<br /> AND �
<br /> TI�e Northwest Quarter vf the Narl�hwest t�.uar�er [N'tiIV'[1�N1�V'�14y v'�Sectiorr Twen�y Three
<br /> (23�, Tawnship Eteven �'i'�} North. Range Twelve �7�} 11Vest o�t�a �th P.l111.. Halt �o�n�y, ,
<br /> Nehraska
<br /> ANI]
<br /> T�e Nar�h Half of the Narthwest Quarter 4N'�l�N'i�17I4� vf Sectian,Twen�y��ne �2'�}.
<br /> � T�wnship Eieven �'�"�� Narthr Range Twelvs �'f 2� 'U1r'es� of the Sth P.�111.. �ia�l ��unty,
<br /> I�ebraska
<br /> AND � .
<br /> The North �aif af the Svu�heas� Quarter �N"�I�SE'I I�� and the Snufi�aast C�uarte�r �f the
<br /> Sou#heast Quart�r �SE'1 I4SE'�I4} �f Section Tv+ra {Z}. Towns�ip Ten �'���� Nvrth, Range
<br /> Eleven �7'I}V11est vf the�th P.M,HaII�ounty, tl[ehraska
<br /> Aklip
<br /> _ �a�s C3ne t7}, Twn {�}, Three {3} end Fo�xr �4}, 1Nhi�� Pine Subdivisi�n, �a�1 Caun�y.
<br /> Nebr'�ska � �
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