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��15�3917 <br /> required�y RESPA, and Borrov�er sha��pay�o Lender the amount necessary�o make up th�def�c�en�y �n <br /> accardanc�with RESPA, but in no more than l�month�y payments. <br /> Up�n payment�n fult af aII sums secured by thx� Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender sha�l prompt�y refund to <br /> Borr�wer any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrovv�r shall pay all taxes, ass�ss�ments, �harges, �nes, and impasi�ions attr�butabl�ta <br /> the Praper��r which�an atta�n pr��r�ty�ver�his Securit� Instrun�ent, leasehold payments or ground rents an <br /> th�Pr�per��, �f any} and �oxnmunity Assflc�at�on Dues, F�es, and Assess�m.en�s, if any. To the extent that <br /> these items are E�crow Items, Barrflvver sha��pay�h�nZ�n the manner pro�ided �n Sectz�n 3. <br /> Barrower sha�� pramp��y d�s�harg�a.n� lien which has pri�rit�r o�er this Security Ins�rument un�ess <br /> Barrower: �a} agrees in wr�t�ng t� �he paymen�of th�abligation se�ured by the lien in a manner acceptabl� <br /> to Lend�r, but�nly so Iong as Borra�ver is su�h agreem�nt; �b} c�ntests�he�ien in gnad fai�h by, <br /> or defends against enforcement of�he lien�n, ��gal prflceed�ngs which in L�nder's apin�an opera�e�o pre�ent <br /> th�enforcement of the�ien while thos�proceedings are pending, bu��n�y unti� such pr�ceed�ngs are <br /> ��nclud�d; or�c} s�cures from the h�lder af the l�en an agreement sati�factor��� Lender subar�ina�ing th� <br /> l��n t� this S�curity �nstrumen�. �f Lender det�rm�n�s that any par�af�he Proper�y is �ub�ect t� a��e�n whi�h <br /> can atta�n prior�ty aver this Se�urity Ins�rument, Lender may give Borro�ver a natice ident�fying�he l�en. <br /> �ithin ��days�f th�dat�o�.which tha�nat�ce is given, Barrou�er shall satisfy the lien or take�ne or mor� <br /> �f the actions set far�h abov� in th�s�ection 4. <br /> Lender may require Borro�ver to pay a one-time Charg�for a real es�ate tax�erif�ca�ion andlor report�ng <br /> s�rvice us��.by Lender in connec�ian with th�s Loan. <br /> 5. Prvperty �nsuran�e. Borr�vwer shall keep �he impro�emen�s now ex�s��ng�r hereafter erec��d on the <br /> Pr�pert� insured agains�loss b�r�re, hazards included u�ithin the term "extended coverage," an� any o�her <br /> hazards including, but not limi�ed t�, earthquakes and floods, f�r which Lender r�qu�res �nsurance. Th�s <br /> insuran�e sha��be maintain��i in th�amaunts ��nciudxng deductible�e�els} and far�he periads that L�nder <br /> require�. What L�ender r�qu�res pursuant to the pre�eding sentences can change during the term af the Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier pr�v�d�ng the xnsurance sha�l be chosen by Borrower sub�eGt tn Lender's right to <br /> disappr��e Borrovver's chaice, �hich r�ght sha�� no�be ex�rcised unreas�nab�y. Lender may require <br /> Borrawer to pay, in connection wi�h�his L�an, exther: �a} a an�-t�me�harge for f��od zone de�erm�nat�on, <br /> cer���cat�on and tracking services; or�b} a�ne-time charge fflr�1o�d zone determination and c�rti�ica�ion <br /> �er�ices and subsequent charges eaCh tirne remappings ar��mi�ar chang�s o��ur whi�h r�asonably migh� <br /> affe�t such det�rminatian ar cer��f�ca�zan. Borr�wer shall aiso be respon�ib��f�r�he paymen�of an� fees <br /> �mpase�by th�Fe�eral Em�rgen�y Management Agency in c�nn�ction with the rev��v� af any flood zon� <br /> de�erm�nat��n resu�t�ng fr�m an ob���tian by Borr�wer. <br /> �f B�rrawer fa��s�o ma�n�ain any�f the caverages described abave, Lender may obtain insuran�e caverage, <br /> a� L�nder�s opt�an and Borrower's e�pense, Lender is under no ab�igation�o purCha�e any par�icular typ�ar <br /> amount�f ca�erage. Th�refore, such ca�erage sha�� co�er Lender, but might ar rn�ght nat prote��Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equ��y �n the Property, or the conten�s af�he Proper�y, agains�any risk, hazard or�iabilit� and <br /> might provid�great�r or lesser coverag�than�vas pre�iously in�ffe��. Barrov�er acknowledges that the cos� <br /> of�h�insurance coverage so obtained m�.�.ght signi�cant���xc��d �he c�st of�nsurance tha�Borr�wer could <br /> have n�tained. Any amounts di�bursed by Lender under th�s Se�t�an 5 �hail bec�me add�t��na� deb�af <br /> Borrower seCured��this S�Curity Instru.ment. These amounts sha��bear interes�at the N�te ra�e from the <br /> da�e�f disbursement and sha1�be pa�ab�e, �vith such interest, up�n n�ti�e fr�m.Lender�o Barr�w�r <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> NE�RASKA-Singte�arnily-�anni�Ma�l�reddie Mac UN�FURM INSTRUMENT Forrn 3428�101 <br /> VMP[�a VMP64N�)413�2� <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financ�at S�r�i�es Page fi❑f 7 7 <br />