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��15�3917 <br /> �2, Borrower N�t Released; Farhearance By Lender N�t a V11ai�er. Extension�f�he time for pa�ment or <br /> mod�f�ca�ion of amor�iza�ion af the sums s�cured by this 5ecurity Ins�rument granted by Lender ta Borrower <br /> or any Success�r in�nteres�of Borrower shal�no�operate to re�eas��he�iab��ity of B�rrower�r an� <br /> Successars �n�n�erest�f gorravver. Lender shaii not be required to commence pro�eedings against any <br /> Successor�n�n�er�st of B�rr�vver or�o r�fuse to exte�d time for payment or o�herw�se modify amortxzati�n <br /> flf the sums secured by�his Security Ins�rumen�by reason of an�r demand made b��h�arigina� Borrower or <br /> any Successors in In�eres��f Borrower, An� f�r�earance�y Lender�n exerc�sing any righ�or remed}� <br /> inctuding, v�►l��hou��imi.tat�on, Lender's accep�ance of pa�ments fr�m third persons, ent�t�es or Successors in <br /> �nteres�af Borro�ver or in amoun�s�ess�han�he amount then due, sha�l nflt b�a�ai�er of or prec�ude the <br /> exercise of any righ�ar remedy. <br /> �3. Jaint and Se�era� Liahi[ity; Ca-signers; Su��essors and Ass'rgns E3ound. Borrower co�venan�s and <br /> agrees��.a�Borrower's obligations and liab�li�y sha��be�oint and se�era�. �3av�re�er, any Borrower who <br /> co-s�gns this Securi�� Instrumen��ut does n��e�ecute�h� No�� (a "co-signer�'}: �a} is co�-51�I7�I7g�h1S <br /> Security Instrumen�on��ta mortgage, grant and cflnvey�he co-signer's interes�in�he Pr�per�y under the <br /> terms�f th�s Security�nstru�nen�; �b} is not p�rsonally ob��gated�o pay�he sums secured b�thzs Se�ur��y <br /> �ns�rument; and ��} agrees tha�Lend�r and any other Borrower can agree�a extend, modif�, forbear or make <br /> any acc�mmodatzons wi�h regard tfl�he terms of th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumtnt or the No�e v�ith�ut the�o�signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subjec��o the prfl�isions af Sec�ion 1S, any Successor in In�erest of Borrower who assumes Borr�w�r's <br /> obligat�ons under this Se�ur�ty �nstrument�n v�rrit�ng, and is approved b�Lender, shall abtain all flf <br /> Borrower's rights a�ad benefits under�his Securi�y �nstrun-�ent. Borr�wer sha1� not be re�eased from <br /> Borrower's obiigations and I�abil�ty under th�s Securi�y �nstrument ur�l.ess Lender agrees�o such release in <br /> writing, Th�cn�enants and agreemen�s of this S�curi�y Instrument shail bind �exc�pt as provided �n S�G�i�n <br /> 2�} and benef��the successors and ass�gns af Lender. <br /> 14. Lvan Charges. I.ender may charge Borrav�er fe�s for serv�c�s perf�rmed �n connec�ion�vi�h Borrower's <br /> defau�t, for the purp�se of protect�n� Lender's �n�erest �n�h� Prap�r��and rights under�his Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen�, �ncluding, but nat��m��ed to, attorneys' fees, proper�y inspection and valuation fees. �n re�ard�o <br /> any flther fees, �he a�sence of express author�ty �n�his Secur�ty �nstrument�o charge a sp�ci��fee t� <br /> Borrower shall not be cons�rued as a prohibitifln�n�he charging of such fee. Lender may no�charg�f��s <br /> �ha�are e�press�y prflh��z�ed by th�s Security �ns�rumen�or by Appli�able Law. <br /> �f the L�an�s subj ect�o a�avv which se�s maxi�num�oan�harges, and�hat law �s f�na��y interpreted so�ha� <br /> �he�n�er�st or o�her�oan charges collec�ed or t�be collected in connect�on with�he Loan exceed�he <br /> permitted�imits, then: �a} any such loan charge sha��be redu�ed b�the am�unt necessary to reduce�he <br /> charge t��he permit�ed l�mi�; and �b} any sum� already col�ec�ed fram Bflrrower wh�ch exceeded perm���ed <br /> ��m�ts wi��be refunded to Barr�wer, Lender ma��hoose to make�his refund b� reducing�he pr�n�ipal owed <br /> under�he No�e or by making a d�rect payment to Borrower. If a refund redu�es principal, �he reduc�ion wi�� <br /> b�treated as a part�al prepa�rm�n�w�thtiut any prepayment charge �vvhe�her or not a pregayment charge is <br /> provided for under the Note}. Borrov�►ler's accep�ance of any such refund xnade by direct paymen��a <br /> Borr�wer wi�l constitu�e a wa�ver�f any r�ght�f action Barrov�er might ha�e arising ou�of such�vercharge. <br /> '15. �Vot�ees. A�� no���es gi�en by Borro�rer or Lender�n conn�ction with this Security �nstrumen�must be in <br /> vvriti�g. An�r natice�o Borr��ver�n�onnect�on with�his Secur�ty �ns�rum�nt shall be deemed�o ha�e be�n <br /> g��en to Borr�vWer when mai�ed by �rst class ma�� or when actuaily de�i�ered t�B�rrower's nflti�e addr�ss �f <br /> sent b�other means. Notice�a any one Borrow�r shal�cons��tute notice to a�l Barrav�ers un�ess App��cab�e <br /> La�v expressly requires o�herv��se. The notice addr�ss shall be the Prflper�y Address unless Borrower has <br /> N�BRASKA-5in�1e Famiiy-Fanr�ie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNt�4RM iNSTRUMENT �arm 3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP U VMPfi(N�}{I3�2y <br /> Walters Ktuwe��inancial Ser�ices Page�1 of 17 <br />