<br /> which ha.��ae addr�ss of: �.�476 W Husker Hvvy
<br /> �Voo��tiver,N�BRAS�.A 68883,�here�n"Property Ad�ress"};
<br /> T�GE�"H�R with a1� the i�mprov�men�s n�w or her�after erec�ed on the pr�p�r�y, and al� eas�ments, rzg�.ts,
<br /> appu.r�enances and rents �su�b�ee� hov�e��r �a �he rights and au�hori�ies g��en he�ei� to Lender to collect and app��
<br /> su��ren�s},all of�hich shall b�deemed t�be a�.d r�main a pa�of�he p�operty cov�red by th�s D�ed of Trus�;anc�all
<br /> of�ie forebain�s tvge�h�r r���h �aid proper�y �ar the Ieasehold �s�at� if this I]��d of Trus� is on a. �easeho�d} are
<br /> h�re�naft�r r�fer�-ed�o as�he"Pr�p�rt�";
<br /> Ta S��UR� �o Lerid�r�he repaym�n� of�he u�.debtedness ��idericed by Borrow�r's note da.t�d June 3, 2��15
<br /> and ex�ensions and r�newals thereof�herein"Note"}, in the principal sum af L�,S.$14,315.D�, w�th�nterest ther�on,
<br /> providing for ma�nthly ins�alimen�s of pr�nci�aal and i.nterest,with�he�a�ance of th��n�eb�edness, �f not sooner pa�d,
<br /> due and pa�a�le an July 5, �pZ�; the pay�nen� �f ali fl�aer sums, �ith zn�erest �her�an, advanced in accorda.nc�
<br /> herevvi�h to protec� th� security t�f this Deed Qf Trust; and the performance of'the co��nants and a�re�rnen�s of
<br /> ��rrower herexn�on�a�ned.
<br /> Borrower c���nan�s th�.t�orrflv�er�s lawftxlly s�ised af th�es�a�e h�r�by�on�ve�ed and has�he ri�h���grant and
<br /> convey the Proper�y,and tha��he Property is un�ncumbered,excep�f�r encum.brances af record.Barrourer��venan�s
<br /> tha��orrower vv�arrants and wil�defend gen�rally the�itle�o�he Property agains�a��claims and demands, su�je���o
<br /> encum�ranees�f record. •�
<br /> UN�F�RM�C�VENANT�.BorrQwer and Lender covenant and a�ree as fol�ows:
<br /> 1. Paymen� Qf Pr�ncxpal and In�er�st. Barrovver sha�� p�ornptl� pay v�hen due the pr�.ncipa� and in�eres�
<br /> �ndebtedn�ss e�id�n�ed by the No�e and�a�e charg�s as prov�ded�the No�e.
<br /> �. Fund�fa�r Tax�s and Insurance. Subj�ct ta appl�cab�e law ar a writ�en Waiver by Lender,F3orrower shail pay
<br /> to Lend�r Qn�he day mon�hly pa�ments of�rincipa�and in�erest axe payab�e under t�.e Note,until the No��is paid in
<br /> fu�l, a sum (�aerexn "Funds"} equ�l�a� aneWtwelfth a�f the yeaxly ta�es and assessmen�s �in�lud�n� co�dominium an�
<br /> planned un��de�vel�pment assessments,if any}which may attain pr�arity ove�this I�eed of Tru.st,a.nd ground rents an
<br /> the Property, if any,plus one-t�nreifth of y�ar�y pr�mium instal�m�n�s for hazard insurance,plus an�-t�velf�of year��
<br /> premium ins�allrnents for mo�gage insurance, �f any, all as reasonah�y estima�e� �it�a��y and fro�n�ime�o�ime��
<br /> Lender on �h� basis af assess�ner�ts and b��ls and reasonabl� es��imates �hereaf. Bo�xawer sha�1 nv� be ��liga�ed��
<br /> make su�h pay�nen�� of Fund�to I�ender�a tb.e ea�ten��hat�arrower makes such�aaymen�s�o the hvlder �f a prior
<br /> r��rtgage or d�ed of�rust�f sueh hald�r is an�ns�i�ut�vnal lend�r.
<br /> If�orra�uer pa�s Funds tQ Lender,the Funds�hal�b�he�d�an ixzs�ituti�n�.he deposi�s�r a��ouxa.ts af which axe
<br /> insured �r�uaran��ed by a federal or state ag�n�y �includin�Le�a�er�f Lender�s su�h an �ns�itutian�. Lender sha��
<br /> apply the Fwrads t�pay said�axes,assessments, insurance prexr�iums and graund rents. Lender�.ay not charge for sa
<br /> halding and app7ying�he Funds�,ana�yzing said account or verifying and cornp�ling said assessmen�s and bi��s,unless
<br /> L�nder pays�orr�wer interes�on�he Funds and appl�cab�e law permi�s Lender�o amake such a chaxge.B�rrower a�d
<br /> L�nder may a�ree in wrrting a��h.��ime of exe�cu�i�n�f this T]eed�f Tru�t�hat in�er�s�vn�he Funds shall be pai�to
<br /> Barrower,an�unless such agre�ment�s made vr applicabie Iaw r�quires such in�eres�t�be pa�d,Lend�r s�hal�nat b�
<br /> required�a pay Bnrrow�r an� interest or ea�irYgs� on t�e Funds. I��nd�r sha11 gx�ve to Barrower, �nr��h�ut char�e, an
<br /> annuai a��ounting of th�Fu�ds shawing�r�di��a�.d debits tQ�he Funds and th�purpose far which eaeh debi��o�he
<br /> Funds was made.The Funds ar�pled�ed as addi�ianal sec�ri.ty fnr�h.e sums�ecur�d by t.�ii�Deed of Trus�.
<br /> If�h�ar.n.vun��f the Funds held by Lender,t�ge�her vwi�h the fu.ture manthly insta�lments of Fun.ds pa�ah�e pr�or
<br /> ta the du�da.�es of�axes,assessr.�ents,�nsurance pr�miums and�araund rents,shall e��eed�he amount requir�d tc�pay
<br /> sa�d �axes, assessments, insur�n�e prerniums az�d ground�re��s as they fa11 due, such e�ce�s shal�be, a�B�rrower's
<br /> o�t�on, ei�her promp�ly repaid ta B�rro�u�r ar credited to Borr�v�er on rn.�nth.l�installxnen�s of Funds. �f the am�un�
<br /> NEBR�IS�CA-Second Mor��ag�-�18a
<br /> VMP-76�NE���5D9} Amended�1�4
<br /> Page 2 vf 7' �;.
<br /> �
<br /> �vrrower(s}1 n itia�� � �
<br />