<br /> ��15�3SS�
<br /> En�ironmentai La�v; and �d} an "En�ironmen�al Condition" means a conditivn that can cause, contribu�e to, or
<br /> atherwise�rigger an En�ironmentai �leanup.
<br /> Bvrrower shall not Gause or permit the presence,use, disposal, �torage, or reiease of any Hazardous Substarices,
<br /> vr threaten to reiease any Hazardous 5ubstances, on or in the Property. Borrow�r shall not do, nar allow�nyone else
<br /> to do, anything affecting the Property �a} �hat is in �iolation of any En�irnnmental Law, �b} which creates an
<br /> En�ironmental Condition, ar �c} which, due to the presene�, use, or release vf a Hazardous Substance, creates a
<br /> candition that ad��rsely aff�cts the �a1ue �f the Propert�. The prececling tw� sentences sha11 not apply to �he
<br /> presence, use, �r storage an th�Property of small quantiti�s of Hazardous Substances that are generally r�cognized
<br /> to be appropriate to normal residential uses and ta maintenance of the Property ��nc�uding, but not limited to,
<br /> hazardous substances in cvnsumer products}.
<br /> BQrrower shall pramp�ly gi�e Lender written nati�e of�a} any in�estiga�ion, claim, demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> actian hy any gn��rnmental or regulatory agency vr pri�ate party invol�ing the Property and any Hazardaus Substance
<br /> or En�ironmental Law of which B�rrovver has actual knowledge, tb)any En�ironmental Cond�tion, including but not
<br /> limit�d to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Subs�ance, and �c} any
<br /> condition caused by the presence, use�r release of a Hazardous Subszanc�which ad��rsely affects the vaiue�f th�
<br /> Property. If Bvrrower l�arns, or is natif�ed by any go�ernmental or regulatory au�hority, or any pri�ate party, that
<br /> any rem��al nr o�her remediatian of any Hazardous Substance aff�cting the Praperty is necessary, Borrower shall
<br /> promptly�ake a11 nec�s5ary r�medial actions in accardan�e with Env�ronm�ntal Law. Nothing herein sha11�reate any
<br /> obligation on L�nder for an En�iranmental�leanup.
<br /> N�N-U NI F�F�I C[]V E NANTS. Borrower and Lender furth�r ca�enant and agre�as fvllows:
<br /> 22. Accelerat�an; Remedies. Len�ier 5hall gi�e n��i�Q to Sorrawer pr�i�r ta acce�eration f�llawing
<br /> Borrov�ver's breach�f any�ovenant or agreement in this Security Insfrument(but not prior ta acceleration under
<br /> 5ection 18 unless Appli�able La►uv provides otherwise}. The notice shall specify: �a}the default; �b}the act�on
<br /> required#o cure the default; �c}a date, nat less than��days frvm the date the natice i�gi►ven to Borrower, by
<br /> which the d�fault must be cured; and �d} that failure to cure the default on or b�Fore the date specified in the
<br /> not�ce rnay result in a�cel�rati�n of the 5ums seeured b�this Security Instrument and sale af the Froperty, The
<br /> not�Ce shall further inform Barrower of the right ta reinstate after a�celeration and the right ta bring a caurt
<br /> actian to assert the nan-�xistence af a default or any other d�fQnse of Barr�wer ta acce�eration and sale. If the
<br /> default i5 nat cured on vr beFare the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option rnay requure immediate
<br /> payrnent in full af all surns secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may in�oke the
<br /> power of sale and any other remedies p�rmitted by Applicable Law. Lender shal� be entitied to collect all
<br /> expenses�n�urred in pursuing the remedies provided ia this Section 22,in�luding, but nat Iimited ta,reasonable
<br /> attorneys' fe�ss and costs flf t�tle e�idence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is in►vaked, Trustee shall r�cord a natice of defau�t in each county in which any part
<br /> of the Property is located and shall ma�copies of su�h notice in the manner prescribed by App�icab�e Law to
<br /> Borr�wer and to the other persons prescrib�d by Applicable Law. After the time required by Applicah�e Law,
<br /> Tru�tee shall gi�ve public no�ce�F sale t�the persons and in the manner prescribed by App�icable Law. Trustee,
<br /> w�ithout demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and
<br /> place and under the terrn5 designated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee
<br /> determin�s. Trustee may postpone sale of aIl or any parcel af the Property by public anr�au.ncement at th�time
<br /> and place�f any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its d�signee may purchase the Prvgerty at any sale.
<br /> Upon r�ceipt of payment vf the pr-�ice�id, Trustee shall deliver ta the pur�haser Trus�e's deed�an�eying
<br /> the Property. The re�ita�s in the Trustee's deed shall be�rima facie evidence of the truth of the 5tatements
<br /> made therein. Trustee shall apply th�proceeds of the sale in the foliowing order: �a� to all costs and expens�s
<br /> of exer�ising fhe power of sal�, and the sale, including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurre�and
<br /> reasonable attorney5' fees as permitted by Appli�able Law; �b}to all sums se�ured by this Security Instrum�nt;
<br /> and�c}any�xc�ss to the person ar per5ons legally entitled to i�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac �NfFQRM �NSTRUMENT- MERS ����1�
<br /> Form 3�28 114� P�tge �2 0� �5 www.docmagie.�om
<br />