<br /> when prohi�ited by law,Trustor agrees ta pay all of Benefi�iary's expenses if Trustar brea�hes any co�enant
<br /> in this Security lnstrument.TruStor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by Beneficiary for
<br /> insuring,inspe�ting,preser�ing or otherwise prvtecting the Property and Beneficiary's se�urity interest.
<br /> These expenses wil!bear interest from the date of the payment until paid in fu11 at the highest interest rate�n
<br /> effe�t as ra�ided in the terms of�he Secured�ebt.Trustor agrees to pay all cos�s and expenses�ncurred by
<br /> p
<br /> Beneficiary in colle�ting,enforcing v�pratee�ing Beneficiary`s rights and remedies under this Security
<br /> lnstrument.This arnount may include,but is not�irnited to,attorneys'fees,court eosts,and nther legai
<br /> expenses.This Seeu�ity lnstrument shall rema�n in e�feet until released.Trust�r agrees ta pay far any
<br /> re�ordation��sts of su�h release.
<br /> 17. ENVIR�NMENTAL LA1N5 AND HAtARD4U5 5UB5TANCES.As used in this se�tian,(�}
<br /> En�ironmentaf Law means,without limitation,the Comprehensi�e Enviror�mental�esponSe,Cvrnpensation
<br /> and Liability Act�CERCLA,4�U.S.C.96D1 et seq.},and ali other federal,5tate and lv�al law�,regulations,
<br /> vrdinan�es,court vrder5,a�torney general❑pinions or interpreti�e letters concerning the pu�l«health,safety,
<br /> welfare,environment ar a hazardaus substance;and��3 Hazardous 5ubstance means any tvxit,radioact��e vr
<br /> hazardaus material,waste,pollutantnr�antaminant which hascharaeteristieswhich renderthe substance
<br /> dan erous or patentially dangerous to the publi�health,safety,welfare or en�ir�nment.The term includes,
<br /> 9 „ „,� ,�,� ,�
<br /> without limitation,any substan��s defined a� hazard�us mater�al, toxic substances, hazardous waste or
<br /> "hazardous substanee"under any En�ironmental Law.
<br /> Tru stvr rep�esent�,wa rra nts a nd a�rees tha�:
<br /> A. Exce t as pre�iou$1y diselos�d and acknowledged in writing tv Benefieiary,na Hazardous Substanee is
<br /> p
<br /> arw�ll be Eo�ated,stvred or released an ar in the Property.Th�s restriction doe$n�t applytv small
<br /> q
<br /> uantities af Hazardous 5ubstances that are generally recogn�zed to be appropriate for the normaf use
<br /> and maint�nance of the Property.
<br /> B. Except as previvus�y disclnsed and acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary,TruStor and every tenant
<br /> ha�e been, are, and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable En�ironmental Law.
<br /> C. Trustar shall immediately natify Benefic�ary if a release or threatened releas�of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> accurs an,under or about the Property or there is a violation of any En�irvnrnental Law�ancerning the
<br /> Praperty.!n su�h an e�ent,Trustor shalltakeall ne�essary remedial activn in accordan�ewith any
<br /> En�ironrnentai Law.
<br /> D.Trustar shall immediately natify Beneficiary in writ�ng as soon as Trustor has reasvn to believe there is
<br /> an endEn or threat�ned in�estigation,�laim,or proceeding relating to th�reiease or threatened
<br /> YP 9
<br /> release of any Hazardous 5ubstance or the�iolation af any En�ironmental Law.
<br /> 78. C�NDEMNAT��N.Trustor will gi�e Beneficiary prompt noti�e of any pending or threatened a�tion,by
<br /> �
<br /> ri�ate or pubiic entities to purchase ar take any or all of the Property through condemnation,eminent
<br /> dvmain,ar any other means.Trustor authoriz�s Benefic�ary to inter�ene in Trustor's name in any of the
<br /> above described a�tions arc�aims.Trustorassignsto Senefi��arythe proceeds of any award or�la�mfor
<br /> dama es connected with a condemnation orothertaking vf a11❑r any partofthe Praperty.Such p�oceeds
<br /> 9
<br /> 5hall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in this 5ecurity Ins�rument.This assi�nment of
<br /> pro�eeds is�ubje�t ta the terms❑�any prior mvrtgage,deed�f trust,security agreement o�other lien
<br /> document.
<br /> 19, lNSURANCE.Trustnr shalE keep Property insured against lass by fire,fload,theft and other hazards and
<br /> risks reasonab� associated with the Property due to its type and location.This insuran�e shall be maintained
<br /> Y
<br /> in�he amount5 and for the periods that Beneficiary requires.What Beneficiary requires pursuant to the
<br /> re��din two sentences�an�hange during the term of the Seeured Debt.The insuran�e�arrier providing the
<br /> p 9
<br /> �nsurance shal!bechvsen byTrustarsubjectto Beneficiary's appro�al,which shall not be unreasonably
<br /> withheld.!f Trustor fails t❑maintain the�o�erage described abo�e,Beneficiary may,at Beneficiary�opt�on,
<br /> obta+n�average to prote�t Benefi�+ary's rights in the Property a�evrding to the term$�f this S�curity
<br /> fnstrument.
<br /> (page 5 of 7}
<br /> 1994 Walters I(I�awer Financial 5ervires-Sanker5 System5 * Form U5&R�DT-NE 1111 fi12012
<br />