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��15�3544 <br /> � <br /> Mortgagor or Grant�r will pay thos� �erifying and t�taling assessments and bills. <br /> amounts ta Lender unless Lender tells Howe�er, Lender may charge Mortgagor or <br /> Mortgagor or Grantor, in writing, that Grantnr for these ser�i�es if Lender pays <br /> Martgagar or Grantor does not ha�e t�do Mortgag�r or Grantor interest�n the Funds <br /> so, or unl�ss the law requires atherwise. and if the law permits Lender to mak�such a <br /> Mortgagar or Grantor will make thase charge. Lender may require Mortgagor or <br /> payments at the times required by Lender. Grantor to pay a one-tune�harge for an <br /> independent real estate tax report�ng ser�rce <br /> Lender wi11 estimate from time to time used by Lender in accordance with the <br /> Mortgagor or Gran�or'�yearly taxes, Secured Debts, unl�ss applicable law <br /> assessments, leasehold payments or ground pra�ides atherwise. Lender wi11 not be <br /> rents and insurance premiums, which will be required to pay Mortgagflr or Grantor any <br /> called the Escraw Items. Lender will use interest or earnings on the Funds unless <br /> existing assessments and�ills and r�asonable e��er�i} Lender and Martgag�r or Grantor <br /> estirnates of future assessments and biils. The agree in writing, at the time Mor�gagor or <br /> amounts that Mortgagor or Grantor pays to Grantor signed this Security Instrument, that <br /> Lender for Escrow Items under this sectron Lende�wi11 pay interest on the Funds; or <br /> wi11 be called the Funds. Lender will coilect (ii}the Iaw requires Lender ta pay interest on <br /> and hold Funds in an amount not to exce�d the Funds. <br /> th�maximum amount a lender for a federaily <br /> related mortgage loan may require for If the Funds held by Lender ex�eed the <br /> Mortgagor or Grantor's es�raw account amounts permitted to be held by applicabie <br /> under the federal Real Estate Settlement l�w, Lender will account ta borrow�r for the <br /> Procedures Act of 1974(as amended}, unless excess Funds in ac�ordance wi�h the <br /> another law that applies to th�Funds sets a ��quirements of applicable 1aw. If the amount <br /> lesser amount. If so, Lender will collect and of the funds held by Lender at any time is <br /> hold Funds in the lesser amount. not sufficient ta pay the Escrow�tems when <br /> �� due, Lende�may notify borrawer in writing, <br /> Lender wril keep the Funds xn a sa�ing� and, in such case, borrower w�ll pay to <br /> banking institution which has its deposlts or Lender the amount n�cessary ta make up the <br /> acc�unts insured or guaranteed by a federal �hortage or deficiency. Borrawer sha11 make <br /> ar state agency. If Lender is such an up��shorta�e or deficl�ncy as Lender <br /> institution, Lender may hold the Funds. directs, subject to the requirement�af <br /> Lender will use the Funds to pay the Escraw app�icable 1aw. <br /> Items. Lender will gi�e Mortgag�r or <br /> Grantor, without charge, an annual If, by reason of any default under this <br /> ac�ounting of the Funds. That accaunting Security Instrument, Lender d�ciares all <br /> must show all additions to and deductions Secured Debts due and payable, Lender may <br /> from the Funds and the reas�n for each �en apply any Funds against the 5ecured <br /> deduct�on. Debts. <br /> Lender may no�charge Mortgagar�r <br /> Grantar for holdin or keeping the Funds, When Mortgagor or Grantor has paid all of <br /> g th�sums secured, Lender w111 promptly <br /> for using the Funds to pay Escrow Items, <br /> far anal zin Mortgagar or�rantor's refund to Mortgagor or Grantor an�Funds <br /> y g that are then berng held by Lender. <br /> payments of Funds, �r for recei�ing, <br /> U5B-MTG-R 312512�1� <br /> Mortg�ge Rider <br /> VMP��Bankers 5ystemsTM page�af 3 <br /> WQlters Kluwer F+r�anctal Ser�ices���09 <br />