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��15�373� <br /> �'�. FiazardausSubstances.As used in this Section 2�: (a) "Hazardou.s�'uh.stdr�ce.s"are those substa.nces <br /> de fined as toxi�or ha�ardous sub e s,�a��utants,or wast��by Environment���aw a�.d th�fo�lvwing <br /> substances: �asoline,kerosea�,ot�er flammable or toxic petrol�um products,toxic pesticide�and h�rbi��des, <br /> �o�atile salvents, mater�a�s cantainin.g asbestos or forma�dehyde, and ra�iioa�ti��material�; �b} <br /> "�r�vir�►�ment�r�w"means federallaws and laws of the jurisdiction rvhere�he Froperty i���cated that <br /> relate to health, safety or environmental protection; �c} "Envirorcnaental Clearxup"�nclud�s any response <br /> action,remed�al action, or rem��al action, as defined in Environmental Law; �nd(d�an "�r��iror��er�tal <br /> �oradrtiorc"means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or o�herwise trigger an Envu'onmenta�Cleanup. <br /> Borrow�r sha��not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,�torage,or r�leas�of any Hazardous <br /> Substan�es,or t�reaten to re�ease any Ha�ardous�ubstances,o�.or in the Property.�B�rra�er sha�l not da� <br /> nvr allotiv any�ne else to do,anything affecting the Property��.}that is in violation of any Envi.ronmental <br /> Law,�b}which creates an Ea��ronmental�vndition,or�c}which,due to the presence,use,or r��ease of a <br /> �a.zaxdo�s S�bst�nce,cr�at�s a cvn.c�itian that a�tv�rsel�af�ects the value of th��raperty.Th�preceding two <br /> sentences sha11 not apply ta the presence,u�e,or storage on.the Property of sma11 quantities of Hazard�us <br /> Substances that ar�g�nerally re�agn.ized ta be appr�priate to normal residential uses and ta maintenance of <br /> the Property�including,but no�limited to,hazardous subs�nces in�consumer pra�.ucts). <br /> gvrrower sha��prompt�y give Lender writ�en�o��ce of(a)any inve�tigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other <br /> a�tion by any governm�ntal ar regula#�ory agen�y ar private pa�t�r invo����g the Prop�rty and an�Ha��.rda�ts <br /> Substance or En�ironm�ntal Law of which Borrovver h�s actual knawledge,�b)any�nWi�onmental <br /> Condition, includin�but not��mited t�,any spilling, leaking,discharge,relea�e or threat of release of any <br /> Hazardo�.s S�bst�.nce,and�c3 any conditian caused b}��he presence,u�e or release o�a Hazardous Su�astance <br /> wh��h adversely affects the value of the Property. If Borro�er l�arns,or�s notified by any g�vernmental ar <br /> �regulatary auth�rity,or any p�rivat�party,that any r�moval vr other rem�d�ation vf any Hazardou�Substance <br /> affectin�the Prapert�is nece5sas�,�3orrower shall promptl�ta.k�a��n.ecessary remed�al actians in <br /> accordance with Envuonmental Law.Nathing herei.n sha11 create any oblig�t�on an I�ende�far an <br /> Enu�.ronmental Cteanup. <br /> Non-�Uniform Ca�enant�.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fo�lo�s: <br /> Z�. A�ce�eration;R�medies.Lender shall gi�e notice to Borrawer�rior ta acc�lerati�n f�l�o�.ng <br /> �orrower's brea�h of any�ovenan��r a�reement in this Sec�urity Instrument�but not prior t� <br /> a��eleratinn un�er Sectinn 18 u�aless App�icable La�v pravides�thex�wise).Th�notiG�sha��specify: {a) <br /> the defau�t; �b}the a�tion required to cure the default; �c�a date,nvt less than 30 days from the date <br /> the n�tiGe is gi�en to�orrvwer�by vWhi�h the default must be�ured;and�d}that failure to cure the <br /> defau�t an Qr 1�efore t�e date speci�ied in the n�t��e may result in acceleration af the sums secured by <br /> this Se�urity Instrument and sal�af the Pr�p�rty�The not��e sha��f��ther i�nform B�rrvwe�vf the <br /> rfght tQ xeinSts�te aft�r a�celeration and the right tv bring a�aur#action t��ssert the non-existence of� <br /> default ar any��her defense�f Barr�wer�a a��elera#ivn and sale.If the�efa�ult is no�eured on or <br /> befar�the date speGified in#�e nvtice,Lend�r at its vptivn may require immet�iate�aym�nt in fu�l of <br /> a���ums secured by this Security Instrument vvitbQut further deman�.and may�n��ke the pawer�f sa�e <br /> and an�other remedies permitted by Applicab�e La�v.Lender shall be enti��ed to collect all�xpenses <br /> incurr��l in pursuin�the rem�+dies provided in tbis�e�tinn 2�,including,but nvt limxted to,reasoaab�e <br /> attarneys'fees and cvsts of tx��e e�idence. <br /> q 3341485Z95 �233 �54 1417 <br /> NEBRASKA��ng�e Family-Fannfe lVlaefFreddi�fVka�UN���RM INSTRUMEN�W1Tiri APIERS Form 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPSA=NE}(1342}.Q4 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fi�ancial Serv€ces P�ge 94 af 17 <br />