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��15�3733 <br /> �3EED �F TRUST <br /> {Cv�tirlu�d� Pag� � <br /> disciased to and acknowledged by Len��r in writing, �a� neither Trustor nor any fienant, contractvr, agent or other <br /> autho�ized us��r of the Proper#y shall use, g�n�rate, manufac�ure, stflre, treat, disp�se of or release any Hazardaus <br /> Su�stan���n, under, abvut or fram �he Praperty; and {b� any su�h acti�ity sh��ll �e con��uc�ed in campl�ance with <br /> all applicable federal, stat�, and facal laws, re�ulations and ❑rdinances, includii'tg without fimitati�n all <br /> Enrrironmental Laws. Trustar autho�izes Lsnder and its agents to enter «pvn the Pr�pe�ty �v make su�h <br /> inspectivns ar�d tests, a� Trust�r's expense, as Lend�r may deem appropria�:e to det��rmine �ampliance o� �he <br /> Property with this s�ctian af the De�d of Trust. Any inspections �r tests made by LeE�der shail be fvr Lendsr's <br /> purpases �nly and shall no�he construed tv crea�e any r�spons�bility or liabili�y on the p��rt Qf Lender to Trustor or <br /> to any oth�r ��rsan. The �epresentat��ns and warranties contain�d her�in are based on Trus�ur's due diligence in <br /> in��stigating the Property for Hazardo�s Substances. Trus�vr hereby �'i y rel��ases and wai�es any future claims <br /> a�ainst Lender far indemn'rty or contributian in the e�en� Trus�or b�comes liable �or cie��nup or other costs under <br /> any such law�, and �2� agrees to indemn��y, defend, and hold harmless Lende�againsti�any and all ��aims. I�5S�5, <br /> liab�lities, damages, penalties, and�xpenses which Lender may d�r�ctly vr indirectly sustr�in or suffer resuitin�firam <br /> a breach of triis se�tion o�the Deed ��T�ust or as a consequence of any use, generativn, manufaG�ure, storage, <br /> dispasai, �e�ease vr threatened releas�occurring pri�r tv Trustvr's awnership�r interest i��the Pr�perty, uvhe�kher or <br /> not the same was vr shvu[d ha�e been knawn �o Trustor. The provisians of this se�l:ian ❑# �he Deed �fi Trust, <br /> including the�bligatian to indemnify and defend, shaif sur�iWe#he payment o�thae IndebtEsdness and the sa�isfac�kion <br /> and recan�ey��nce ofi the lien of this Deed of Trust and shall not be affe��ed by Le€�der's acquisitian of any interes� <br /> in the PropertU, whether by�or�c[osure❑r atherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vlla:st�. Trustor shail n�� �ause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor �omrnit, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping afi or� waste an or to the P�ap�rty or any por�ian o# the Praperty. INithau� l�rr��iting the genera�ity o�f the <br /> fo�egoing, Trus�ar w�11 not �emv�e, or grant to any vther par�y the ri�ht�o remo��, any timher, minerals ��nc�uding <br /> ail and gas}, c�al, clay, scoria, soil, gr��el or rock pr�ducts withaut L�nd�r's pri�r writ�er� consent, <br /> RemoWal o�lmpro�er�en#s. Trustor shall not demviish or remv�e any [mpro�em�r�ts frorra the Rea� Proper�y without <br /> Lender's prior�vrit#en �onsent. As � Gondi�ion to�he rema�al of any Imprv�ements, Ler�der may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satisfactory �o L�nder to replace such Impro�ements wi�kh impro►��ements of at �east equai <br /> �alue. <br />_ L�nder's F�igh��ta En�er, Lend�r an� Lender's agen�s and representa�i�es may enter upc�n �he R�al Property at all <br /> reasanabfe tirnes to attend to Lender's interests and �o inspect the Real F'rvperty �ar purposes o� Trustor's <br /> campiiance w�th the t�rms and canditions nfi this Desd of Trust. <br /> Complianc� vwith GvWernm�ntal Requirements. Trustar shall p�-ompt{y comply wi�h ���1 Iaws, vrdinances, and <br /> regula�ivns, n�rw ar hereafter in effec�, ❑f a�l go�ernmental au�hQrities applicat�le to th�� use or occupancy o� the <br /> Proper�y, inci�ading wi�hvut limitation, the Ameri�ans VVfth Disabilities Act. T�G�sta�r may caa��est in gavd faith any <br /> such law, ord�nance, vr regulatian and wi�hhald compliance during arty praceeding, in�l�.�ding appropriate appeals, <br /> so [ang as Tr�stor has notified Lender in writing priar�o dving so and so long a��, in Lend4�r's sole vpinion, Lender's <br /> inxerests in tr�e Property are nat jeapa�diz�d. Lender may require Trustvr to post ad���ua�� security t�r a sure�y <br /> bond, reas�nably sat�sfactory�o Lender, ta profie�t Lender's interest. <br /> ❑u�y t❑ Protect, Trus�or agrees neither to aband�n or lea�e unattended the f'roper�y. T�ustvr shall dv al� other <br /> acts, in additi�n to thos� acts set for�h abo�e in this s�:�tion, which from the cha�aGter�nd use of the Property are <br /> reasvna��y ne��ssary�o pratect and preser�s the Property. <br /> �UE�N SALE - Ct]N�ENT BY LEN[]ER. Len�er may, at Lender's option, de�lare immediat�f�► due and payable all sums <br /> secur�d by this D�sd vf Trust upon the sale or�ransfer, withou� Lender's �rivr writt�er� conse�7t, of all or any par�of the <br /> Real P�ap�rty, ar any interest in�he Reai Praperty. A "sale ar transfer" means�he �:an�eyanc� af Real Property vr any <br /> righ�, titie or interes� in �h� Real Property; whe�her legal, beneficia� ar equi�ab[e; whethe�� �a[untary or in�a�untary; <br /> wh��her by outrig�� sale, deed, installment sale cvntra�t, land cQnfiract, �ontracfi for deedr lea�ehold interest v►rith a <br /> t�rm greate�#han three �3� years, lease-op�ivn �ontract, o� by sale, assignment, vr t�ansfer�j�f a�y ben�ficial interest in <br /> v� to any land tru�t halding title to the R�al Praperty, or by any other me�hod o# cc�nWeyancr:: of an �nterest in �h� Real <br /> Prnperty. �f any Tr�stor is a corporat�on, partnership or limi��d liahility cvmpany, trar�s��r a fso in�ludes any change in <br /> vwnership of more �han trrventy-fii�e perc�nt f 25°/oy of the�oting stock, partnership int�rests ��r l�mited liability company <br /> interests, as the c��se may be, of such Trustar. Howe�er, this option sha�l not be �x�rcised by Lender if such exer�ise <br /> is prohibited �y federal iaw�r by Nebraska iaw. <br /> T�4�CES AND LIENa. The fiollowing pra�isions relating �o the taxes and 1�ens on tr�e Prvper�y are part �f �his Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trusto�shall pay when due �and En all e�ents prior to delinquency� aI�taxes, �pecial taxes, assessments, <br /> charges �incl�din� water and sewer�, fines and impvsitions l��ied against❑r vr� a�co�ni:af the Property, and shall <br /> pay when du� a11 claims for work done on vr fvr ser�ices rendered or ma#�rial furn�sher� to the Property. Trustor <br /> shafl main�ain th� Property free❑f aii liens having priority��er or equa�to�he ii�terest o�Lender under#his Deed of <br /> Trust, excep� �vr the lien of �axes and assessments not due and except as ❑therwise: provided in �his ❑eed Qf <br /> Trust. <br /> Right�o�on#�est. Trustor may withhald payment ofi any tax, assessment, vr cJaim in c��nn�ctian with a gaod faith <br /> d�spute o�er t:he ob��gation t❑ pay, s� i�ng as Lender's in�erest in the Property is not�eo��ardized. [f a li�n arises ar <br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trustor shall within �i�teen �15� days after the I�en arises or, if a I�en is �iled, <br /> w�thin fif�een �15� days after Trustor has nvtice of the filing, secur� rhe discf�arc�e of tlhe Ifen, vr if requested by <br /> Lender, depo:�i�with Lender cash or a suf#i��snt corpara�e sure�y bond ar ather se�uri�y::�atis#actvey t❑ Lender�n an <br /> amvunt suf�icient to discharge the li�n plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, ❑r❑�h�r charE�es that coufd accrue as a <br /> resuft❑�a#areclosure or sale under�he lien. In any c�nt�st,Trustor shall defier�d its�ff a��d Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse j���m�nfi before en�orcement agains��he P�op�r�y. Trustar shall name Lenc.Cer as an add�t�onal ohligee <br /> under any surety b�nd furnished in�h� contes�praceedings. <br /> E�idenc� vf P'ayrnen�. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satis�actory e�idenc;e o� paymen�a�the taxes <br /> ar assessments and shall authari�e �he apprapriate gauernmental offi�ia� tv deii�er to L�:nd�r a� any time a v+rritten <br /> starement of��he taxes and assessments against the Prvperty. <br /> Alotice r�f Cor��tructivn. Trustvr shall n�tifiy Lender at least fifteen ��5} days 1��e�ars an►� w�rk is commenced, any <br /> ser�ic�s are furnished. vr any ma�erials are supplied ta the Property, if any m�.chan��'s lier�, materialm�n's lien, or <br /> ❑ther �ien co��ld b� asserted on ac�ount �� �he work, ser���es, or mater�als. �Trustvr �n►i!i upvn request a� Lend�r <br /> furnish ta Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory tv Lender that Trustar Gan and �+vil� pay the cast o� su�h <br /> imp�o�ement:�. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURAN�E. The fc�llowing pro�isions relaYing to insuring �hE: Prvpert�j� ar� a par�of this Deed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance of lnsu�ance. Trustvr shall pro�ure and main�ain pofiGies o� firf. insuran�..e �vEth standa�d ext�nded <br /> cv�erage �ndorsements vn a replac�ment basis for the �ull insurable �afue co►�ering all lmpra��men�ts an the Real <br /> Praperty in a�� �mount su€�icient �o a�oid appiica�ion of any coinsurance �iause, and Wvith a standard mortgagee <br /> claus� in fa���r a�F Lender. Trustor shall alsa pro�ure and maintain cvmpreh�nsi�e g�ner�.�l [iability insurance in such <br /> co�erage am�aunts as Lend�r may request with Trus�ee and Lender being named as �rddi�ional insureds in such <br /> liability insur��nce poficies. Additiona�ly, Trustvr shall main�ain such ather insurance, �r7�(uding bu� no� [imited to <br />