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��15�3�77 <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> ���ntinued� Page � <br /> o�the Pr�pert,y, vr any part thereo�, in its v►rvn name ❑r in the name of Trus�ee, and d� any acts which it <br /> deems necess�ry o�desirable to preser�e the �alue, marketabil�ty or r�ntability af the Praperty, ar part of <br /> the Prvperty or- inter�s�t in the Property; increas� �he income fram the Property or prvtect the security of <br /> the Property; and, w+th ar withvut taking passessiQn of the Pr�p�rty, sue for �fr otl�erwise ct��lect th� <br /> r�nts, issu�s �nd profifis v#the Pr�pe�ty, including those past due and unpaid, ar�d a��ply the same, less <br /> cnsts and expenses af aperation and callection attorneys' �ee�, to any indebtedne;as s��cured by�his Deed <br /> o� Trust, a11 in such order as L�nder may dete�mine. The entering upon and taking possession of the <br /> Property, the �olle�tian af su�h rents, is�ues and profits, and the appiicati�n th�ere�f shall no� cure ❑r <br /> wai�e an� d�fault or noti�e �f defiault under this Desd of Trust or in�aiidate any act cion� in respanse �o <br /> such defau�t or pursuant to such na�ice❑�defaul�; and, notwiths�anding the contir7uan�� in possession of <br /> the Pr�p�rty or the collection, receipt and applica�ion ❑f ren�s, issu�s or p�ofits, Trustee ar Lender sh�ll <br /> be entitled ta exercise e�ery righ� pro�id�d fvr in the Credit Agreemen� or the R�.iate{� Do�uments or by <br /> law upon the accurr�n�e of any��ent of default, including the right tv exercise th�: p��ver�f sale; <br /> �by Comr�-tienc� an ac�ion to foreclose this Deed❑f Trust as a m�rtgage, appoin� �� rec��i�er ar specifi�al�y <br /> enfvr�e any of the co�enants h�reaf; and <br /> �cy Deli�er ta Trus�tee a written deciaration o�defauf�and demand far sale and a �vritt�:n notice of de�au[t <br /> and el�ctian to cause Trustor`s interest in the Praperty t� b� sald, whE�h notice TrustE=e shal� cause to be <br /> duly�ifed f�r r�cord in the apprvpriat�offices of the Coun�y �n which the Proper�y is lo{�ated; and <br /> 4d} With respect to ail or any par�of the Persvnal Property, Lender sha�l ha�e all the rights and remedies <br /> afi a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Commsrcial Code. <br /> For�closure by Power vf�a�e. If Lender elects to foreclase by exercise�f�he Pvwer of Sale h�rein cvntained, <br /> Lender shall n�tify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed af Trust and the Cred�t Agreement and <br /> such receipts�nd ��idence a��xpenditures mad� and secured by this Deed af Trus�as Tru:�tee may require. <br /> �a} Up�n receipt af such no�ice from Lender, Trustee sha�! cause�o b� rec�rded, published and def���red <br /> to Trus�or such No�tice ❑f ❑efault and Na�ice of 5a1� as then required by faw and by this Deed o�Tt�us�. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, after such time as may #h�n be requireci by law and a#ter <br /> recordativn o� such N�ti�e af D�fault and af�er Nvtice of 5ale having been gi�en as rE.quired �y law, se!! <br /> �he Proper�y at fihe time and pla�e af sale fixed by �t in such Notice o� Safe, ����kher as a whale, ar �n <br /> separate lots ar parcets or items as Trus�ee shall deem �xpedient, and in such orcler a:a it may de#ermine, <br /> at public auct�on to the highes� bidder fvr Gash in lawful maney of the lJnited States payable at the �kime <br /> ot sale. Trust�� shal! defi�er tv su�h purchaser vr purchasers therevf its gvod and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the property so soid, but v►rithout any c���nant or warranty, express or impf�ed. The <br /> recita�s in su�h deed af any matters ar facts sha�l be conclusi�� proaf vf�he truthfuln�ss thereof. Ar�y <br /> pe�son, �ncfud�ng withau�limi�ation Trustor, Trustee, or Lender, may pur�hase at��uch sale. <br /> {�} As may be p�rrr�i�ted hy faw, after deducting all costs, �ees and expenses o� �Crust�e and of this <br /> Trus�, inc�uding c�sts of e�idenc�of titl� in connec�ion with sale, Trus�ee sha11 ap��ly tl�e praceeds of sa�e <br /> �o payment o� ti� all sums expended under the #erms ofi this L7eed afi Trust a� und�:r the terms vf �h�e <br /> Credit Agreement nat �hen r�pa�d, in�luding but not �imited to accrued interesfi and I��t� charges, �iiy all <br /> other surrts then secured h�rek�y, and ��i�y �he remainder, if any, �a the person or per:�ons legally entitl�d <br /> thereto. <br /> �c} Trustee may in�he mann�r�ro�ided �y law pvstpan� sale o�all or any portion af the Praperty. <br /> Remedies 1Vat Exclusiv�. Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them, shal[ be enti��ed to enforce payment a�d <br /> perf�rmance vf any indebtedness or obliga�ions secured by this Deed of Trust and tv exerci�se all riyhts and pvwers <br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Credi� Agreement, under any ❑f the Rela�ed Documen�ks, or under any ofiher <br /> agreement ar any �aws now or h�r�after in fvr�e; notwithstanding, same or all of ;�uch indebtedn�ss and <br /> ot�iiga�ions secured by this D��d of Trust may now or h�reaf�er be atherwise seCured, whE:ther by mortgage, deed <br /> of trust, pfedge, lien, assignment ar v�herwise. N�ither�he acceptance of this ❑�ed af Tri.�st r�or its enforc�ment, <br /> whe�kher by caurt action or p�rsuant t� the power af saf� or ather pow�rs �antained in this []eed af Trust, shall <br /> pre�udice or in any manner affec� Truste�'s or Lender's ri�ht to reaiiz� upon ar �nforce an�y v�r�er ������fiy naw or <br /> hereafiter held by Trust��or Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and each of them; shall be entit�ed to <br /> enforce �his De�d of Ti�ust and any a�her security naw ❑r hereafter held by Lender or Tr�us���; in su�h order and <br /> manner as they or eith�r of them may in their absalute discre�ivn determine. No rerr�edy conferred upon �r <br /> reserrred ta Trustee ar Lender, is int�nded to �e exclusi�e o� any vther rer�edy in this C�eed �f Trust or by law <br /> prov�ded or permitted, but �ach shall be cumulati�e and shall be in additian to e�ery other r�:medy gi�en in �his <br /> Deed a�Trus�or now �r herea�ter exist�ng at law or in equity or �y statu�e. E�ery pawer or remedy given by the <br /> Credit Agreement or any of the R�lated Dvcuments ta Trustee o� Lender ar to ►►vhich eith�:r of �h�m may be <br /> o�herwise entitfed, may► be exercis�d, cancurrently vr independently, frv� time to time ��nd ��s ��ten as may be <br /> deemed expedient t�y Trustee or Lender, and either af th�m may pursu� incansistent rer.nedi�:s. Nv�hing in this <br /> D�ed of Trust sha�l be construed as prohibiting Lender �rom seeking a deficiency �udgment ag�inst the Trustor #o <br /> th��xtent such ac�ian is permftted by law. <br /> E[ec#i�n v# �iemed�es. A�[ of Lender's rights and remedies will he cumulati�� and may� be exercised alone �r <br /> tage�her. Ifi Lender decides �a sp�nd money ar �� perform any vf Trus�or's obliga�ivns ur7de� this ❑eed of Trust, <br /> a�ter Trustor's �ailure tc� da s�, �hat d�cisi�n by �ender w�l� nat affect Lender's right ta d��cla�e Trustor in default <br /> and�o ex�rcise Lender'� r�m�dies. <br /> Request for Noti��. Trus�or, on behal#of Trustor and Lender, h�reby requests�hat a �apy vf ar�y IVotice vf De#ault <br /> and a �apy o�any fVotice ofi 5ale under this Dee�! a�f Trust b� mailed to them at the addresses :�et forth in the fir�t <br /> paragraph a#this Deed�of Tru�t. <br /> Atto�neys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender institutes any suit or actian �v enforce any ❑� th�: ter��ns ofi this Deed af <br /> Trust, Lender shall b� entitked to reco�er such sum as the �ourfi may adjudg� reasonable a;� att�rneys' fees a�trial <br /> and upon any appeal. 1Nhether ar na� any court a��ion is in�al�ed, and to the extent nc�t prohib�ted by law, �II <br /> r�asanahle �xpenses L�nder incurs that in Lender's ❑pinivn are necessary at any time i-or t��� pratecti�n af �ts <br /> interest ar th�enfarcemen���its rights sha{I became a part af th� lndebtedness payable on demand and shall #�ear <br /> in�er�st at the �redit Agreement rat� from �he date vf the expenditure until repaid. Expen�}es co�ered by this <br /> paragraph include, v+rithaut limitatian, hvwe�er subject ta any limEts under appt�cable law, Lender's afitorneys' fees <br /> and Lender's fega� �xpenses, whether or not ther� is a iawsuit, inciuding attorneys" fiees and expenses ��r <br /> hankruptcy proceedings �including efforts ta mad�#y �� �acate any automa�ic stay or injunctior�y, appeals, and any <br /> anticipa�ed pos�-judgm�nt ct�lle�tion ser�ices, the cast of searching reGa�ds, o�taining titl�: reports �including <br /> foreclosure r�ports�, surveyors" �eparts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees f�r�he Tr�.�stee, to the extent <br /> permitted by applicab�e law. Trus�or also will pay any court casts, in addi�iora to all other sc�ms pro�ided by lavu. <br /> Righ�s c�f Trus�ee. Trustee shall ha�e a!I af th� rights and duti�s of Lender as set fvrth in�his s�:ction. <br /> P�'WERS AIVD C]BLI�ATl�NS �F TRUSTEE. The �ol�owing pro�isions relating �o�he pawers and abligations �f Trustee <br /> are part o�this Deed ofi Trus�: <br /> Powers vf Trustee a I n additian ta a�! p�wers a�Truste� arising as a matt�r of law, Truste�shal i ha�e the pvwer t❑ <br /> take the #olfowing actians with respect�o the Property upvn the written �equest o� Lender and Trustvr: {a� jain �n <br />