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��15�3�77 <br /> vEE� vF T�u�T <br /> �Ct�r�tir�u�d� Page � <br /> �ontrol v�fihe Property; ��y us�, �perat� or manage�h� Pr�perty; and {3} collect the Rer�ts frorr�th� Praper�y. <br /> �ufiy to Maintain. Trustor shall mainta�n the Property in good �ondifiian and prom��tly pe��orm all repairs, <br /> repiacements, and maint�nan�e nec�ssary t� preser�e its�alue. <br /> �arnpliance With Envi��onmental Laws. Trustor represents and ►rvarrants �a Lender that: �1} During �he period af <br /> Trus'tor's vwn�rship oi�the Praperty, �here has �een nv use, g�neration, manu�acture, starag�, trea�ment, dispvsal, <br /> �elease or threa�ened release o€ any Hazardvus Substance by any persan on, under, abc�ut or frvrr� the Praperty; <br /> {2} T�-�stvr has no knowled�e of, or reasan ta b�lie�e tha��here has heen, exc�pt as pr�:�ivusly disc[osed to and <br /> acknawfedged by Lender in writing, �ay any �reach or �iolatian o� any En�irvnmental L��ws, �by any use, <br /> generationr manu�ac�ure, stvrage, treatment, disposal, releas� ❑r threatened release of ai�y Hazardaus 5ubstance <br /> on, under, ahaut ar from the Praperty by any praor owne�s or o�cupan�s vfi the Propert:y, or �c� any actual �r <br /> threatened litigation ar claims �f any kind by any persvn r�lating to such matters; and �3} �=xcept as pr�Wivusly <br /> disclosed to and acknc�wledged by Lender in writing, �a} neith�r Trustor nar any tenant, �antr��ctor, agen�or other <br /> authorized user❑�the Prope�ty shall use, generate, manufa�ture, store, treat, dispose of ti�r release any Ha�ardous <br /> 5ubstance on, under, about or from the Property; and {by any such acti�ity shall he cond�uctet� in c�mpfian�e with <br /> all app�icab[� �ederal, state, and Iocal laws, regula�ions and ordinances, includinc� wi�hout limitation afi <br /> En��ronmental Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and i�s a�ents tv enter upon �h� Praperty to make such <br /> inspect�ons and t@5�5, at Tr�stvr's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to deter•minE� complian�e af �he <br /> Property with thi� section o� the Deed v� Trus�, Any inspections vr tests made by Len{�er ,�half b� �ar Lender's <br /> purpases vnly and shall nv� be construed to crea�e any responsibili�y or liability on the par�t of Lender to Trustor or <br /> ta any other persan. The representations and warranties contained herein are based an 7Wrustor's d�re diligence �n <br /> in�es�igating �he Proper�y for Hazardous Substanc�s. Trustor here�y �1� r�leases and `nrai��vs any futur� clairns <br /> against Lender for �nd�mnity or con�tribution in #he event Trustor becames liabfe for �lear7up c�r othe� c�sts under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees�o indemnify, defend, and hald harmless Lender agains�ai�y a��d all �[aims, losses, <br /> [iabilities, damage�, penaftiesf and expenses which Lender may direct�y or indirectly sustain or suf#er resuiting from <br /> a b��ach of this sect��n o� the Deed o�Trust ar as a cvnsequence af any use, generation, manufactur�, starage, <br /> disposal, rel�ase ar threat�ned release oc�urring priar ta Trust�r's vwnership or interest in the f'roperty, whether ar <br /> nat the same was or shvuld ha�e been known to Trustor. The pro�isians vf this sectian a# the Deed of Trust, <br /> in�luding the ab�i�atior�tv indemni�y and defiend, shall sur�i�e the payment vf th� Indebtedness and�he satisfac�ion <br /> and recQn�eyance of the lien v�this ❑eed af Trus�and shall not be aff�cted by Lender's ac�#uisi�ivn �f any in�erest <br /> �n�he Property, whe�her by foreclosure ar otherwise. <br /> Nuisance. Vllaste. Trustor shall nat caus�, canduct ar permit any nuis�nce nor �ammit, pF?rmit, vr suffer as�y <br /> stripping of or waste an or to the Property or any portion o� the Property. 1Nithaut limiting �:he g�nerality of the <br /> faregoing, Trustvr wifl no� remo�e, ar grant to any other party the righ�ta remo�e, any timb�r�, minera�s �includ�ng <br /> oif�nd gas�, caa[, clayr scoria, soil, gra�el ar rock products withaut Lender's prior writ�en c;ons4.nt. <br /> RemaW�l o�Impro►rem�nts. Trustor shall nvt demalish or remo�e any fmpra�ements from the Real Prap�rty without <br /> Lender's pri�r writ��n consent. As a candition��th� remo�al of any lmpro�ements, Lend+:r m��y reqUire Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satisfac�ory to Lender �o replace such lmp�o�em�nts with Impro�emenfs nf at �east ��ual <br /> rraiue. <br /> Lender's Righ#to Ente�. Lender and Lender's agents and represen�ta�i�es may enter upan th� Real Property a�t all <br /> reasonable �imes t� attend to Lender's interests and ta inspec� the Real Pr�perty fioi� pu€rposes vf Trustar's <br /> compl�ance with the fierms and condi�ions o�this aeed�f Trust. <br /> Campfiance with Go��rnmerntal Requiree�ents. Trus�or shall promptly c�mply with al[ la�nis, �rdinan�es, and <br /> regufations, now �r h�reafter in e�fe�t, of all go�ernmen�a� autharities applicable to the �ase c}r occupancy o� the <br /> Praperty. Trustor may cvntest in gaod fai�h any such �aw, ordinan�e, or regulation and withho�� complian�e during <br /> any proceeding, including appropriate appeals, so lon� as Trustvr has nvt��i�d Lender in ��vrftir�g pri�r to doing so <br /> and so long as, in Lender's s�fe opinivn, Lender's interests in the Property are not���pardi��ed. Lend��may requ�re <br /> Trustar ta post adequate se�urity vr a surety bvnd, r�asona�ly satisfactory ta Lender, to pr�otect Lender's in�eres�. <br /> Duty to Pro�eGt. Trust�r agrees neither ta abandvn �r lea�e unattended the Praperty. �-ru5tat' Shall d� all �ther <br /> aets, in addi�ivn to tho�e acts set for�h ab�We in this sec��vn, which from th� character an�i us�: a�the Property are <br /> reasvnably necessary to protect and preser��the Praperty. <br /> D[JE�N SALE�C�NS�fVT �'� LENDER. Lender may, a� L�nder's optian, de�l�re immediately cfue and pa�ahle all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trus� upon�he sale or trans#�r, withaut Lender's prior w��t�en consent, vfi c�ll or any part of the <br /> Real Pra��rty, ar any intere�t in th� Real Pr�perty. A "sale vr�ransfer" means th� con�eyanc�� ofi ��eal Praperty ar a�y <br /> ri�ht, title ar interes� �n the Real Pr�perty; whether legal, bene#��ial o� equit�ble; whether �►oluntary ar in�oiuntary; <br /> whe�ther �y outright sa(e, deed, installmsnt sale cantrac�, land �ontra�t, con�ract fv� deed, I��asef�vfd interest vuith a <br /> term greater than three �3y years, fease-option cantract, v� by sa[e, assignmen�, or transfer af any benefi�ial interes� in <br /> or to any land trus� hoiding title to the Real Property, or by any other methad o� con�eyance c�� an interest in the Real <br /> Property. Hawe�er, this o�t�on shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prahib��ed by federal law or by <br /> Nebraska faw. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The f�llowing pro�isians rela�ing ta th� taxes and liens �n the Pr�perfiy ar� ��art of �h�s �e�d vfi <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustvr shal� pay v�hen due �and in all e�ents prior�v delinquencyy all taxes, special �taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> �harg�s {in�luding wa�k�r and sewer}, fin�s and imp�sitiQns le�ied against Qr on accaunt of fihe Prvperty, and sha!! <br /> pay when du� all cfairr-�s for work done vn or for services rend�red ar material furnished #a �h�� Property. Trustor <br /> shall maintain the Prop�rty firee o�all �iens ha�ing privri�ky o�er ar equal �o the interest ofi L{�nder und�r�his D�ed of <br /> Trust, exc�pt for the li�n of taxes and assessments no� due, except for the Existing Inde�ftedness referred �o <br /> helow, and except as otherwise pro�ided in�khis Deed a�F Trust. <br /> Right tv Gvntest. Trus�or may withhold payment of any tax, assessmen�, �r�laim +n conn����it�n w�th a gvfld #aith <br /> dispu�e o�er the ob[iga�ian to pay, so long as Lender"s interest in the Praper�y is nvt�eapardi�ed. If a lien arises or <br /> �s �iled as a r�sult of nonpayment, Trustar shall within fiftsen t'��� days af�er the lien aris�s or, if a fien is fifed, <br /> with�n �i�teen �15} days a€ter Trustvr has na�ice o� the �Fifing, se�ure the �ischarg� of the lien, or if request�d by <br /> Lender, depvsit with Lender cash vr a su��icient corporate sure�y band or other security satisfactory ta L�nder in an <br /> amount suffi�ient ta discharge the li�n p�us any costs and a�torneys' �ees, ar vther charges th�i�could accrue as a <br /> resui�t❑f a far�clasure ar sale under the fien. In any cantest, Trustor shall defend itself and Lenc��r and shall satisfy <br /> any ad���se judgrr�en�before enfi�rcement against th� Praperty. Trustor shall name Lender as �in �dditional obfige� <br /> under any surety bvnd�urnished in the cantest proceedings. <br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfa�tary e�iden�e of p��yment of the �axes <br /> or assessments and shall authvr�z� the appropriat� gv�ernmentaf vfifii�ial to deli�er to Lender at any time a wr�tten <br /> s�atement v�the taxes and a�s�ssments against the Praperty. <br /> No�ice of�anstruction. Trustor shall nati#y Lender a�k least fifi�een �15} days befvre any �n►ork is Gommenced, any <br /> ser�ices are fiurnis�ed, or an� materials are suppfied tv the Prvperty, i�any mechanic"s I�e�7, mafieriai�-nen's Iien, or <br /> other lien cou�d b� ass�rted on acc�unt af th� wark, ser�ices, or materials and the cost e:�cceeds $�,��a.�fl. <br /> Trus�or wi�� up�n a�equ�st �f Lender furnish to Lender ad�ance assuran�es satisfa�tory ta Lenc�er that Trustor can <br /> and wiil pay the c�st of such imprv�ements. <br />