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��15�3�45 <br /> far the repairs and restoration �n a��ng�e paym�nt or in a ser�es af progress payments as the work�� <br /> �ompleted. If the insuran�e or c�ndemna��an proceeds ar�nnt suffic�ent tn r�pair or res�are�he Property, <br /> Barrower is not rel�eved af Borrower's ob��gatian for th�c�mple��an of such repair ar restora���n. <br /> L�nder or i�s agen�may make reas�nable en�ri�s upon and �nspect�Qns af the Prap�rty, �f�t has reasanab�e <br /> cause, Lend�r may inspec�the znt�rzar flf�he impro�em�nts an�he Property. Lender sha�� g���Barrower <br /> notzce a�the time�f or priar t� such an in�er��r inspecti�n specifying such reasanabie caus�. <br /> 8. Bor��wer's Lvan App��cation. Barrawer sha��be in default if, during the L�an application proc�ss, <br /> Borrower or any persons or en��ties ac�in� a�the d�rect��n of Borrawer or with Barrnwer's knowledge�r <br /> cons�nt ga�e mat�r�ali� false, mis�ead�ng, or inaccurate�nformat�on or s�a�ements �o L�nd�r��r fai�ed to <br /> prov�t��Lend�r w��h ma�erial inf�rma�ion} in conr�.�Gt�on with the Loan. Mat�rial repr�s�ntatians inclu�e, but <br /> are nat l�mated to, represen�a�xons concern�ng Barrower's occupancy �f th�Pr�perty as B�rrower's pr�ncipa� <br /> residence. <br /> �. Pr�tectivn �f Lender's �nterest in the Property and F�ights Under this Security �nst�ument. If�a} <br /> B�rrower fa�is�a perform�he c�v�nan�� ar�d agr��men�s conta�ned in�his S��urity Instrumen�, �b} th�re is a <br /> lega� proceeding tha�migh� signi�can���r affect Lender's interes� �n the Praper�y andlor r�gh��under th�s <br /> Security Instrument�such as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, prflba�e, for c�nden-�aatian or farfe�ture, for <br /> enforGemen�of a l��n which may a�tain priority over this Security Instrumen�or to enfarce laws or <br /> regu�a���ns}, or�c} Barrow�r has abandon�d the Pr�perty, then Lender ma�do and pay f�r wha�ever is <br /> reasonab�e ar appr�pr�ate to protec� Lender's �n�erest zn the Proper�y and rights und�r th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, inclu�in�prat�cting andlor assessing the va�ue of�he Proper�y, arzd secur�ng andlor r�pa�r�ng <br /> �he Proper��. Lender's act��ns car�include, but are not limi�ed to: �a}pay�ng any sums secur�d by a I��n <br /> which has pr�or��y�ver th�s Security Instrument; �b} appearing in cour�; and��}paying reas�nable a�t�rne�s' <br /> fee� ta protect �ts intere�t in�he Pr�perty andlQr rights under this S��urity In�trumen�, inc�ud�ng��s secured <br /> posi�ian in a bankruptcy proceed�ng. 5ecuring the Praper�y inc�udes, but�s not��mi�ed tQ, en�er�ng the <br /> Propert�to ma�e repairs, change locks, replace or board up doars and vv�ndaws, drain wa�er from p�pes, <br /> el�mi.nate bui�ding or�ther cod��iolations�r dan�erous Conditions, and ha�e utili�ies turned on�r off. <br /> A�though Lender may�ake acti�n under�his 5ec�xon 9, Lender does nat ha�e��do so and is not under any <br /> �uty or ob�igation tfl d�so. �t �s agreed�hat Lender incurs no liability f�r na�tak�ng any or a�� actz�ns <br /> authoriz�d under this Section g. <br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by L�nder under thzs�ect�on 9 sha���ecome a�di�ianal d�bt of B�rrower se�ur�d by <br /> th�s SeGuri�y �ns�rument. These amounts sha�l�ear znteres�a��h�Note ra�e fram the date af d�sburs�men� <br /> and sha��be payable, with such in��rest, upan nat�ce fram Lender��Borrawer requesting paynzent. <br /> �f this Securit� �nstrum�nt is on a leaseho�d, Borr�wer shall camp�y wi�h all the provisions of the�ease. If <br /> g�rrower acquires fee tit�e�o the Proper��, the�easeho�d and the f�e�i�le shall not m�rg�unless Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in writ�ng. <br /> �q. Mvrtgage �nsurance. If Ltnder required M�rtgage Insura�ac�as a candztion flf making�he Loan, Barrow�r <br /> sha�l pay �he pre�mzuxns requzred to main�ain the Mor�gage�nsuranc� in eff�ct. If, for a.ny reason, the <br /> Martgage�nsurance covera�e re�uzr�d by Lender ceas�s to be a�a��ab�e frnm the mor�gag�insurer that <br /> previously pro��ded such insurance and Barrower vvas requ�red to make separa��iy designated paymen�s <br /> toward the pr�miums for Mor�gage Insurance, Borrawer sha11 pay the premiums required to obtain coverage <br /> �ubs�an��a��y equ�va�ent�o th�Mar�gage�nsurance prev�ously in effect, at a c�s�substantially�qui�alent to <br /> th��os�ta Borrflwer af�he Martgage�nsurance pr��iausxy �n effeCt, fr�m an a��ernate mortgage insure'r <br /> s�le�ted by L�nd�r. �f substantia���r equivalent Mortgage�nsurance c�verage�s nat ava��ab�e, Borrflwer sha�� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT Fvrm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6tN�1{13�2f <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 8 of 17 <br />