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��15�3�45 <br /> requ�red�y R�SPA, and Borrower�ha�i pay�o Lender�he amount necessary to make up the de�c�ency �n <br /> accardance with RESPA, but in na more than 12 monthiy payments. <br /> Up�n pa�m�nt in full of a�� sums s�cur�d by th�s Security Instrumen�, L�nder shall promp��y refund to <br /> Borrower any Fund� he�d by Lend�r, <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sha�l pay all tax�s, assessments, charges, �nes, and �mpos���ons a�tribu�abl�to <br /> �he Proper�y wh�ch can attain priority nver th�s Secur�ty �nstrument, l�aseho�d pa�ments or graund rents an <br /> the Property, if an�, and ��mmun�t�r Assoczation Dues, Fees, and As��ssmen�s, if any, T�the�xtent�hat <br /> these i�ems are Escrov�r �t�ms, B�rrower shall pay them in the mar�ner pr��vid�d in Sec�ion 3. <br /> B�rrower sha�� pr�mptly d�scharge any l��n whi�h has priar�ty over th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument un�ess <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees in wr��in�t�the payment of th�ob��gation se�ured by the Iien in a manner acc�ptab�e <br /> �o Len�er, �ut on�y so �an� as Borrower is performing such agr��m�n�; �b}C�ntests th�li�n�n good fai�h b�, <br /> or def�nds aga�nst enf�rcement�f the lien in, l�gal pr�ceeding�whz�h �n Lend�r'��p�n�on�perate to prevent <br /> �he enforc�naent af the�zen whz�e�has�proc��d�ngs ar�p�ndzng, bu�on�y unti� such proceed�ngs ar� <br /> concluded; ar�c} secur�s fram th�ho�d�r af�he l�en an agreement�atisfactory ta Lender subor�inating the <br /> lien to this Security In��rument. �f Lender det�rmines that any par�of�h�Proper�y�s su����t�o a l�en wh��h <br /> can attain priori�y over�his Securi�y Ins�rument, Lender may��w�Borrower a no�zce ident�fy�ng the l�en. <br /> ���hin ��days of the date an which tha�notice�s gx�en, Borrower sha�� sat�sfy th�lien or take on�ar m�re <br /> of th�ac��ans se�for�h ab�ve�n this Section 4. <br /> L�nder may require Borrower ta pay a�ne�time�harge for a rea� estate tax veri�cat�on andl�r reporting <br /> servi�e used by L�nder in c�nnection with this Loan. <br /> 5. P�raperty �nsurance. Borrower sha�l keep the impravexnents naw existing ar hereafter erec�ed on�he <br /> Property �n�ured against Ioss by �re, hazards inc�uded w�thin the term "extend�d co�erage," and any o�her <br /> hazards �ncluding, but nat limite�ta, earthquakes and fl�ods, for wh�ch Lender requires �nsuranc�. This <br /> insurance sha�l be ma�ntained in th�amounts ��nc�uding deduct�b�e l�vels} and for�he periods that Lender <br /> requxres. �hat Lender requires pursuant�a�he pre��d�ng sent�nces can change during the t�rm af the Laan, <br /> The�nsurance carrier prav�ding the insurance shall b�chasen by Borr�wer su����t�o Lender's r�gh�to <br /> disappra�e B�rr�wer's chaice, which righ�sha11 not b�exerc�sed unr�asanab�y. Lender n�ay require <br /> B�rrow�r ta pa�, in�onnec�ion wi�h�h�s L�an, ez�her: �a} a one-time charge f�r f�ood zone d�termination, <br /> cer���ca��on and�rackzng s�rv�c�s; or�b} a on�-time charge for flood zane determina��on and��r�ifica�ion <br /> services and subse�uent charges each time remapp�ngs ar sim�lar�hanges occur which r�asonab�y m�ght <br /> affect such determinatian ar cer�ificatian. Borrov�►�er sha1l alsa be resgonsible far the paymen�flf any fees <br /> impo�ed by the Federa� Emerg�ncy Managem�nt Agency in connec��on wzth�he rev�ew�f any flood zone <br /> determinat��n resu�ting from an o��jection by Borrower. <br /> �f Barrawer fails to ma�ntain any af the coverages described abo��, Lender may�btain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's np�i�n and Borrower's expense. Lend�r is under na ob�iga��on to purchase any par��cu�ar type or <br /> amoun�of cavera�e. Th�ref�re, such Coverage sha�� co�er Lender, but n1�gh�or m�ght na�protect Borrow�r, <br /> Barr�wer's equ�ty in�he Proper�y, or�he cant�n�s af�h�Propert�, against any risk, hazar�.or�iabil��y an�i <br /> might pro�ide gr�ater ar lesser�a�erage than was pre��ously in effect. Borrower acl�r�aw��dges�ha��he c�st <br /> of the insuranc�co�erage s�obtain�d might s�gnzf�cant�y exc�ed the cost of�nsurance�hat Barravwer could <br /> ha�e�b�a�ned. Any amaunts d�sbursed b�Lender under thi�Sec�ion 5 sha��become additiana� debt af <br /> Borrawer s�cured b�r this Securi�y �nstrument. Z`�iese amoun�s sha��bear interes� at�he Nate ra�e fram the <br /> date of di�bursement and shall be payable, with su�h int�rest, upon notice from Lend�r to Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinc�l�Farnily-�anni�Mael�reddi�Mac UNIFDRM INSTF�UMENT ��rm 3��8 11D1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NEy{13fl2y <br /> Wolters Kluwsr�inanc�a!Ser�ices Fage fi of 17 <br />