<br /> DEE� �� T�LJ�`T
<br /> �C���;������� P�ge 2
<br /> EnWironmenta� Laws. Trustor authvrizes Lend�r and its agents to ente� up�n the Property to make such
<br /> insp�ctions and tes�ss at Trustor's expens�, as Lender ma� deem apprapriate #o d�term�ne comp�iance a� trie
<br /> P�operty with this se�tion vf the Dee� a� Trus�. Any inspections vr tests rrtade b� Lender shall be for Lender's
<br /> purposes only and sr�all not be construed to create any respor�sihility❑r liability on the pa�t o�Lender�o Trustor or
<br /> ta any other person. The r�presenta�ions and warranties con�ained h�r�in are �ased ori Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> investigat�ng fhe PrQperty far Hazard�us Substances. Trus�or hereby �1} refeases and wai�es any fufure claims
<br /> against Lender�or indemnity or cont�ibu�ion in �he event Trustor becnme� l�ahie �or �leanup or ather casts under
<br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemnify, defend, and h�ld harm�ess Lender ag�inst any and all claims, losses,
<br /> fiabififie�, damages, penalties, an�expenses wh�ch Lend�r may direc�iy❑r indirectiy sustain or su�fer resulting from
<br /> a breacfi� of th�s section af�he ❑eed v�Trust��as a consequence of any use, genera�ivn, rr�anufacfure, storag�,
<br /> disposal, releas�or��reatened release oc�urring pr�or to Trustar's owner�ship or in#erest�n the Property,wh�ther ar
<br /> nat th� same was or �houid ha►re been known to Trustor. The prQvisions af this �ection of the ❑eed of Trust,
<br /> �ncfuding the vbligation tv inder�nnify and de�end, shall surWi�e the paymen�of the Indebtedness and the satis€actian
<br /> �nd �econveyance o�F the Zien o�#hi� �eed of Trust and shall not be a�fect�d by Lender's a�quisition of any interest
<br /> irt the Prope�ty,whether by foreclosure or othenn�ise.
<br /> Nuisance, �l1las�e. Trustor shall not cause, conduct or permi� any nuisan�e nor commit, permit, or suffer any
<br /> stripping of ar waste on o�to the Prope�y ar any pa�kion af�he Property: VClithout limiting th� generality of the
<br /> foregoing, Trusto�w��l na�rema�e, or grant fo any o�her par�y the right to remove, any timber, minerals �including
<br /> oi!and gas}, coal, clay, sco�ia, svil, gra�el or rock products withou�Lender's privr w�i��en consent.
<br /> Rem�vaf o�improvemen�s. Trustor shall not demolish ar remove any Improvements from th�Reai Praperty wi�hout
<br /> L�nder's prio�wfri�fen cvnsent. �s a�ondition�o���remo�al o�any Irnprovements, Lender m�y requ�r�Trustor to
<br /> mak� arrangements s�tisfiactory to Lender to repla�e such �mproVements with Improvements of at least eqWal
<br /> va�ue..
<br /> Lender's R�ght ta Enter, Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may en�er upon the F�eal Proper�y at al�
<br /> r�asana�le �imes �o aftend to Lender's interesfis and t� inspect �he Real Pr�pert�� for purposes o�F T�-us�or's
<br /> compliance with the�erms and candit3vns of this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> �ampli�n�� with Go�ernment�i Requiremenfs. Trustor sha�! promptly comply with a�l laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regulatinns, now or hereafter �n effec�, o#'alf governmental authori�ies applicab�� to th� use ❑r �ccupancy nf the
<br /> Prop�rty. TrustQr may cvnt�st in good faith any such law, ordinance, or regula�ian and w��hhofd campfiance during.
<br /> any proceeding, �nclud�n� apprapriate appeafs, so long as Trustor has notified Lender in v�rr�iting prior ta da�ng sa
<br /> and s�long as, in Lender`s snle opinion, Lender's interes#s in the Praperty are not Jeopardized. Lender may�equire
<br /> Trustor to p�s�adequa��securify or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory fio Len�Ier,to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty ta Protec�. Trus�or agrees neither t� a�and�n or leave unat#�nded th� Property. Trustar shall dn a�l ather
<br /> acts, in addition to those acts set�o�#h abQve in this section,�rvhich�From fhe�hara�ter and use ❑��he Proper�y are
<br /> reasonably necessary to protect and preser�e the Property.
<br /> � DUE QN SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lendsr's op#ian, �eclar� immediately due and payabfe al!sums
<br /> se�ured by this �eed a��"rust�pon the sal�e or transfer, wi�haut Lender's prior w��tten consent, ot all or any part of the
<br /> Real P�operty, or any interes� in the Real P�flperty. A"sale or transfer"means th�con�eyance �f Rea1 P�op�rty or ar�y
<br /> r�ght, tifle or interest in the Real Property; whether l�gal, bene�icia! ar equi�abie; whether �olun�ary nr in�aluntary-
<br /> whether by autrigh� sale, '
<br /> deed, installmen� sale �ontrac�, land con�ract, contrac� fvr deed; leasehold interest w�th a
<br /> t�rm greater than three(3}years, lease-option can�ract, or�y sale, assigr�menfi, or trans�e�of any benefc�a� in�erest�n
<br /> or tv any land trust holding title ta the Reaf Property, or�y ar�y other m�th�d a�canveyance of an intErest in �t�e R�al
<br /> Propert�. Hvwe�er, ��is option shalf not be exercised �y L�nder ifi such ex��cise is p��hibited by federa! law or by
<br /> Nebra�ka law.
<br /> TI�XES AND LIE[VS. The �ollov�r�ng prauisians relating to th� t�xes and fien� on the Properky are part of this Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shaif pay uvhen due�and in all e�ents priar to d�linquer�cy}all taxes, s�eciaf taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �including wafer and sewer}, fines and imposifions levied against or nn account of the Prope�ty, and sha�!
<br /> pay uvh�en due ali c�aims for work d�ne on ar for s�r-Grices rend�ered ar ma�eriai furnish�d to the Property. Trustar
<br /> shal�maintain the Properk�free of a!f liens having priorit� oWer or equal�o�h�in�erest of Lender u�rder this Deed vf
<br /> Trus�, except �o� the lien o� �axes and assessmen�s not due, except for th� Existing �ndebtedness referred to
<br /> be�vw, and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Righ��a�on�est, �rusfor may wfthh�ld payment of any�ax, ass�ssment, or claim in con�ection wi�h a gaod fai�h
<br /> dispute over the obl�gation to pay, so�ang as Lende�'s �nterest�n the Property► is not jeopardized. lfi a lie� arise�or
<br /> is filed as a resuf�a� nonpaymenf, Tru�ta�shall within fi�teer� �15} days after the �i�n arises or, i�a fien is filed,
<br /> vvith�n fi�eer� ��5} days after Trusto�ha� no�ice of the fi��ng, secure t�e discharge of the lien, or i�requested b�
<br /> Lender,deposit wi�h Lender cash❑r a�ufficient corpora�e suret�bon�or other seeurity satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amaunt sufficient to discharge�fie lien p�us any costs and at�orneys'fees, or oth�r charges#hat caufd a�cru�as a
<br /> res�lt of a forec�osure or safe under fihe lien. In any cflntest, Trusfor�sha��de�end i�se�f and Lende�and�shall sa�isfy
<br /> any adverse judgment before enfor�ement agains�the Pr�per�y. �'rustor shall name Lender as an addi�ional vbfigee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedinys.
<br /> f�idence of Rayment. Trustor�shall upon d�mand furnish �o Lender satis�actory evidence of payment of the taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall au#ho�ize the appropriate governm��tal o�ficial to deliver�o Lender at any time a rivrit#er�
<br /> s�at�ment of�he taxes and assessmenfs against the Property.
<br /> �oti�e of Constru�tian. Trustor shall not�fy Lender�t �east fifteer� ��5} days befor� any vvvrk is commenced, an�
<br /> services are furnished, �r any materials a�e suppli�d fio fhe Prope�ty, if any mechanic's �i�n, materialmen's dien, or
<br /> o�her�ien �ould be asser�ed on account of the work, serWices, or materials. Trustor wiil upon request of Lender
<br /> fur�ish to Lender advance assurances satisfactory fa L�ndec �hat Trustor ean and will pay �he cost of such
<br /> impravements.
<br /> PF�OPFF�TY DA�IA�E lNSURAN+CE. The fo��o�ing provisions relating io insuring the Praper�y a�e a par�a�this Deed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Ill�llaintenance af Insurar��e. Trustor shal� procure and maintain policies of fire insurance wifih s�andard extended
<br /> cov�rage endorsements on a fair val�u� basi� for �he �ull insura�ble ualue cov�ring a!f �rr�provements on the Real
<br /> Property in an amoun� sufficien� to avaid application of any coinsurance �lause, a�d with a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or❑f Lender, together with such ather h�zard artd I�a�i�ity insurance as Lender may reasonably requ�re.
<br /> Pali��es shall b�e uvri��en in form, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptable fo Lender and issued by a
<br /> corr��ar�y ar companies reasonably acceptable ta �ender. Trustor, upon �eques� a� Lender, wil� de�iver fo Lender
<br /> �rorri tim�to��me the poiicies �r certificate�o�insurance in �orm satisfactory to Lender, incl�d�ng� stipulations thaf
<br /> �overages uv��l na�be cance�led or diminished without a�lea�t thir�y�3n} days prior writter�no�ic�to Lender. Each
<br /> insu�an�e policy als❑ shall €n�lude an endvrsement providing that caWerage in fa�ar of Lende�vv�ll nv��e impaired
<br /> in any v+ray� by an� act, omissian or detaui�of Trusto�or any other�erson. Sh�uld the Real Pr�aperty he �ocated in
<br /> an area d�signated by #Me Administra�ar of the Federal Emergen�y Manag�rnen�Agency as a specia!ffood �azard
<br /> area, Trustor agrees to ob�ain and maintain Federaf Flood lnsurance, if avai�abfe, fa� tMe fulf unpaid prin�ipal
<br /> ba�ance o�F�he�oan�nd any p�-ivr�iens on the property securing the laan, up to th�rnaxfmur�policy limi�s set under
<br />