<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �C�ntinued� Page �
<br /> authvrized user of�the Property shall use, generate, manufac�ur�, store, trea�, di�pose of or release any Hazardous
<br /> Substance on, und+�r, abvu�ar fr�m the Prvperty; and �b} any such ac�i�ity sha�l b� condu�ted in cvmpl�an�� wi�h
<br /> a�l applicable �fed+�ral, state, and local faws, regulatians and ardinances, inCluding without limitativn all
<br /> En�ironmental Lav�is. Trustvr authvri�es Lende� and its agents to en�er upvn the Property ta make such
<br /> inspections and tests, at Trustar's expense, as Lend�r may deem appropriate to deterr�ine complFance �f the
<br /> Property with this se�tivn ❑f the Deed of Trust, Any inspe�tions vr f�5t5 made by L�nder shaii b� fvr Lender's
<br /> purpas�s anfy and shall not be const�u�d �� creat� any respansi�i[ity or liability vn �he par�vf Lender�o Trus�kor ar
<br /> to any other p{�rso�7. The representations and warranties cvntained herein are based on Trust�r's due diligence �n
<br /> in�estiga�ing �(�� Pr�perty for Ha�ardous Substances. Trustar hereby �1� re�eas�s ai7d wai�es any futur� claims
<br /> against Lender far indemnity ar contributian in the eWent Trustor b�comes liable far cleanup ar other c�sts under
<br /> any such laws: aracl {2} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hvld harmless Lender aga�n�t any and a�! cfaims, losses,
<br /> �iabi�ities, damr�ges,. pena[ties, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly su�tain or suffer resulting from
<br /> a breach of this section of the De�d of Trust �r as a conse�uenCe Qf any use, generation, manufaGture, stvrage,
<br /> dispasal, relea���ar threatened refease❑ccurring prior t�Trustor's ownership ar interest in the Property, whe�her vr
<br /> not the same �was �r shouid hav� been knov►rn to Trustor. The p�o�isians c�f this section of the Deed of Trust,
<br /> including the obfigatian�❑ indemnify and de�end, shall sur�i�e the payment of the [ndebtedn�ss and�he sa�isfact�an
<br /> and recon�eyance +�f the lien of this Deed of Tru�t and shall not be affected by Lende�'s �cquisition of any interest
<br /> in the Pr�perty, wheth�r by fvre�losure or oth�rwise,
<br /> Nuisance, L�1a:��fe. Trustvr sha�l nvt cause, condu�t or permit any nuisanc� nar co�nm�t, permit, or suff�r any
<br /> stripping of ❑� waste on or tv the Property or any portion of the Property. Vllithout �imiting the genera��ty ofi fihe
<br /> fareg�ing, Tru.;tor i�vill not r�mv�e, or grant�to any other par�y the right�a remo�e, ar��y �imber, minerafs �including
<br /> vil and�as�, �c�al, clay, s�aria, soil, grarrel vr rock praduc�s withaut Lender's pri�r writt�n Gansent.
<br /> Remorra!o��m�sro►►�:ments. Trustor shall not demolish or remo�e any Impro�ements frvm th� Rea[ Prvper��withou�
<br /> Lender's prior��vritten consent. As a �onditivn ta the rema�al of any Impro�em�nts, L�nde� may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangem�nt:� satisfactory ta Lender to replac� suGh Impra�ements with Impro��ments of a� I�ast equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender"s Righ�to Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agen�s and repres�ntati�e$ may �nter upon th� Real Property at alf
<br /> reasonabl� times to attend t❑ L�nder�5 interes�ts and ta inspe�t the R�al Pr�perty for purpases of Trustar's
<br /> compliance�rvith th4�terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> C�mpliar�ce wvi�th C�oWernmental Requiremen�s. Trustor shall prompt�y cor�-�ply with a�l laws, ardinan�es, and
<br /> regulations, now or her�a�ter in �ffect, of a!� g�vernmental authariti�s applicable �a the use or occupancy a# the
<br /> Proper�y, incfuc�ing without limita�ian, the Americans 1lVith ❑isabiiities Act. Trustor m�y cvn�est in gaod fai�h any
<br /> such la►►v, ordir�anc��, or regulation and withhvfd compliance during any proceeding, in�luding appropriate appeals,
<br /> sv �ang as Trus�ar��as notified L�nder in writing priflr to doing so and so Iong as, �n Lender"s soi��pinion, Lender's
<br /> int�rests in th�: Praperty are not jeapardized. Lend�r may require Trus�or ta p�st adequat� se�urity vr a surety
<br /> bond, reasona��ly s��tisfactvey to L�nder, to prot�ct Lender's interes�.
<br /> Dut� to �'ro�e�t. Trustor agrees neither to a�andon or lea�e unatt�nded �he Property. Trus�or shafl do all other
<br /> acts, in add'rtia��to thas� acts se�forth aba�e in this se�tion, which from the �haracter and use o�the Property are
<br /> reasonably ne�essary�o prvtec�and preser��the Prvperty.
<br /> DUE DN SALE- ��NSEiVT BY LENDER. L�nder may, at Lender's aption, d�clare innrr��dia�tely due and pay�bl� all sums
<br /> secured hy this Deed of Trust upon the sale or transfe�, w�th�ut Lender's pr�vr written cans�n�, af all ar any part of the
<br /> Reai Propertyr ar a�y interest in the R�al Property. A "sale vr transfer" means the con�eyance of Real Property or any
<br /> right, titl� or interest ir� the Real Property; wh�ther legal, beneficial vr equitabf�; �rvheth�r �aluntary or in�vluntary;
<br /> whether by ou�righ�t sal��, deed, installment sa�e �ontract, (and cantrac�, contrac� fo� d�ed, leasehold interest w�th a
<br /> term greater�han tr�ree �3y years, lease-option cantract, ar by sale, assignmen�, or�tr�nsfer of any beneficial interest in
<br /> or�o any land trus� holdling title �o the Real Property, or by any ath�r rnethod af con�eyan�e o�f an interes� in the Real
<br /> Pr�pe�ty. lf �ny Tr�.�stoE� is a �vrporati�n, partnership or limit�d liability company, �ransfer alsv includes any �hange in
<br /> ownership of mo�e 1:han twenty-fi�e percen� ��5°/0} af the �oting stock, partnership in�erests or I�mited liabi�ity cvmpany
<br /> int�res�s, as the Ga::� may be, vf su�h Trustvr. How�rrer, this optian shall not be ex�rcis�d by Lender i�su�h exercise
<br /> is pr�hi�ited by fedE:ral I��u+r ar by Ne�r�ska law.
<br /> T►�XES AND LIEiVa. Th� f�ffawing prv�isians refa�ting to the taxes and liens an th� Prap�rty are part of this Deed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. T�ustor shall pay wh�n due {and in a�l e�ents pri�r tv delinquenCyy a(f taxes, sp�cial taxes, ass�ssments,
<br /> charges �inc�ud`rng �vater and sewer}, fines and impvsitivns ie�ied against vr on a�Gount of th� Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims �or wark done vn or f�r services rendered or material furnished to �he Proper�ty. Trustor
<br /> shall mainta�n th� Property�ree of all liens ha�ing pri�rity���r or equal tv th� in��res�c�f Lender under this D��d of
<br /> Trust, except for tl�e f�en of taxes and assessments n�t due and ex�ept as otherwi�e prv�ided in this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Ri�ht to�ont�:�t. 7�rustor may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, or�faim in connection with a gaod fai�h
<br /> disput�a�er th�� vb€igation t� pay, so Iong as Lender's interes� in the Property is nat je�pardized. If a I�en arises or
<br /> is fifed a� a re:�ult ��f nanpayment, Trusfior shalE within �ifteen �15� days after the lie�-� arises or, i� a lien is filed,
<br /> within fif�een {15� c�ays a�t�r Trustor has natice of the filing, s�cure the discharge af the lien, or if request�d by
<br /> Lender, deposit wi�F� Lender cash or a suffici�n�corpvrate sur�ty �ond or o�her se�urity satisfa�tory to Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient tu discharge th� 1�en plus any costs and attorneys' fiees, or other charges �khat�ould accrue as a
<br /> result o�a fi�ret:losure or sale und�r th� lien. In any contest, Trustor shall de�rend its�lf and Lender and shall sa#isfy
<br /> any ad��rse�udgment�efvre enf�r�emen�agains�the Property. Trustar shalf name Ler�der as an additional obligee
<br /> under any sure�:y band furnished in the cvntest proceedings.
<br /> E�idence nf PaE,�mer�t. Trustor shall upon demand �urnish to Lender satisfactory ��id���e vf payment of the taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authari�e the appropr�ate go�ernmenta� o�ficiaf to deli�er to L�nder at any �ime a wr�tten
<br /> statement o#the�a�:es and assessments agains�the Property.
<br /> Notice of G�ns�tructian. Trust�r shall notify Lender at least �i�teen {��y days �e�ore any wark is camm�nced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnish�ed, or any materia�s are supplied to the Praperty, �f any mechanic's (ien, materialmen's IEen, nr
<br /> �ther �ier� coulci �e asserted on a�caunt of the work, ser�ices, or materia�s. Trustor wil� upon request of L�nder
<br /> furnEsh to L�nd�r ��d�ance assurances sa�isfactory ta Lend�r that Trustvr �ar� and wi�l pay the cost ofi such
<br /> impro�emen�ts.
<br /> PR�PERTY DIaMA�E IN:�URANCE. The fiollowing pro�is�ons relating to insuring the F'rvperty are a part of this Deed of
<br /> Tr�st.
<br /> Maintenan�e vi� Ins�uranc�. Trusf�r shall pracure and mainta�n poiicies of fire insurance with standard �x�ended
<br /> cv�erage endarsem��nts vn a replacement basis fvr the �ull insurab�e �alue c��ering a[I Impro�ements on the Rea�
<br /> Property in an amv�.�nt sufficient ta a�oid app[ication afi any coinsurance claus�, and r►vith a standard morfigagee
<br /> claus� in fa�or of LE;nder. Trustar s�all a[so pro�ure and maintain comprehensi�� general liability insurance in such
<br /> ca�erag� am�unts �as L�nder ma�y �equest with Trustee and Lender being named as addi�ional �nsur�ds in such
<br /> [iability insuran�ae p��ii�ies. Additivnal�y, Trustar shall maintain such v�her insur�n�e, �ncluding but no� limit�d t�
<br /> hazard, business interrupti�n, and hoifer insurance, as Lender may r�asona�ly require, Palicies shall be wri�ten in
<br />