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��15�35�5 <br /> a refund�f any Mortgage Insura�c�prem�ur,ns� were un�arned a#the t�me�f such <br /> c�ncclat�an�r�erm�na�io�n. <br /> 1�. Assig�m�nt af hiiscella�eaus Pro���d; F�rf���ure. All Miscellan��u�Pr�c��d�are herek�y <br /> as�i�ned to and sha�l b�t�Lender. <br /> Ifthe Frag�rty is darnaged,�uch�iisGellaneous Pra���ds sha�l be ap�Ii�d ta rest�ration or rep�ir of the <br /> prap�rty,if�h�res�.oratian�r r��air is��onami�aily feasib�e�nd L�nder's s�curi�y is not iess n�ed. Dur�ng such r�pair <br /> and restaratian p�rio�,Lend�r�hall hav�the ri�h�ta h��d�uch MisG�l�aneous Frvc��un�il L�nder has h�d an <br /> �pportunit�to irYsp�ct such Fr���rty t�insure t.he w�rk has becn cam�I�ted tv L��der�satisfaction,pr��ided that�uGh <br /> inspectiQn shall b�under taken�r�rnpt�y. Lender ma�pay far the r�pair an�res�ora►�ion in a sin�l�d�sburs�ment ar in <br /> a serie�af pr��ress payments as the w�rk is��mplct�d. Unies�an agrecmerit�s made in writin��f Appl�cab�e Law <br /> r�quir�s intere�t to�e paid�n su�h Misc�llaneous Pro��eds. L�nder�hall riot�e r�quired tv pay B��rawer any <br /> in�erest�r earnings an such Misc��lan�aus Pr�ce�ds. If the rest�ratio�is r��ait�i�no����nami�ally f�asibl�or <br /> Lenders security will be lessen�d,the M�se�ilaneaus Praceed shal�b�appli��to th�sums�e�ur�d b�r th��ecurity <br /> Instruxnen�,wh�ther or nvt th�n due,with th�excess,if�u�y,pa�to Barrower. 5uc�i Mis�ellaneaus Pr�G�eds sh�li b� <br /> appiied in th�ord�r pr�vide�fc�r in S��tion�. <br /> In the eWent on a tatal�aking,de�tru�tian,vr�flss in v�iue af the Froperty,the Mis�e�i�neau�Pr�c�eds shatl <br /> �e applied t�the sums se�ured��#h�s Security�nstrument,vvhether�r nat th�n due,with tl�e ex��ss,if any,pay#a <br /> Borrow�r. <br /> �n the event�f a par�ial t�.kir��,destructian,o�l�s�i�a��Z��af t�i�Prop�t ty i��rhich th��ir mar�et va�ue�f <br /> t�e Proper�y immedi�te��befor��ie partial ta�ing,destruction,�r loss�n va�u�is�qual�o or gr��t�r than the am�unt <br /> �f the surns��cur�d by t�is Secur�ty Instrum�nt imm�diate�y before the p�r�ial tal�ing,destru��ion,�r i�ss in v�luet <br /> unless Sarrovrr�r and Lender othet-�viSe agree in writin�,the su�ns se�ur�d b}�this Se�urity Instrume��shall b�reduc�d <br /> by the am�unt of th�IVii�ce}laneaus Pr�ceed multigle b�r the following fr�ction:�a}the tat��am�unt Qft��sums <br /> se�ured imm�diately befor�the partial taking, d��tru�tion,ar loss in�a�ue�ivic��d hy�h}th�fair rnark�t �a1ue of the <br /> pr�pert�r immedia�ely bef�re�li�partial taking,d�structi�n,or�os�in valu�. �iny�alance sh�ll�e pa�d to Borrovver. <br /> In the���nt of a gartia�taking,de�tructian,or lass in aalue of the�rop�rty in which the fair rnat�k�t�alue�f <br /> the Pr��erty irnmediate�y b�f�re the partia[taking,�e�tructi�n,or i�ss it�valu�is l�ss than th�amount�f the sums <br /> se�ur�d imriaediately b�for�the partia�taking,d�stru�ti�n,�r I�a�s in�alu�,�I�SS BQCt�W�P aI1C�I LCni��I'Q��I'VNIS� <br /> agre�in writin�,th�Mis��llan�ous Fraceeds shall be applied t��he$unts se�ur�d by this Se�urity Insh�ut�ient whether <br /> or not the��ms are t�en du�. <br /> If the propert�is aban�oncd b�r B�rrow�r,�r if,af��r n�ti�e hy L�nder ta��rro�ver�h�t the�pg�sin�Party <br /> �as��fin��in th�n�xt s�n�ence�o#`fers to make an award to settle a clairn f�r darriages,Borr�wer fails t�respand t� <br /> Lend�r withi�3�days after th��ale the nv�ice is giv�n,Lender is�uth�ri���ta coll�ct and apply the Misc�llaneous <br /> Pr�����s either to r�st.arati�n�r re�air�f the Fr�p�rty or t�the sums s�cur�d�ay this Security Ins�rum�n�,whefh�r�� <br /> n�t then due. �ppo�ing Party means the third part}�that ow�s$arr�w�r Miscellaneaus Prvice�ds or the party a�ainst <br /> whom Barrawer has a ri�ht�f acti�n in regard to Mis��llai���us Pr�ce�ds. <br /> �orrower shall be in default if a�ny action or prac�edin�,whei��er civil or criminal,is b�gun that,in Lend�r's <br /> jud�ment,cau�d nesu�t in f4rfeiture�f th�Prop�rty�r�thcr mater�ai impa�irm�nt�f Lender's inter�st in the Propert�r��- <br /> rights under thr�S��urity Instrument. Borrow�r can cur��uch a d�faul��nd,if acceler��i�n has�ccurred,r�instat�as <br /> provided in Secti�n 19,by cau�in��h�aetion or��o�eedin�t4 be d�smissed vvith�r�tli��th�t,in Lender's jud�rnent, <br /> precludes forfeiture�f the Praperty or a�her mat�ri�l irnpairm�nt af L�nd�r's inte��st i�a�he Prap�rty or right�und�r <br /> this S�curity�nstrument. The proc��ds of any av��r�ar cta�m��r dama�es�hat are a�.ribu�abl�to the�m�$irment af <br /> Lender's int�rest in the Property her�by as�i�n�d and s�a11 be gaid to�ender. <br />