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��15�35�7 <br /> ��E� �F TF���T <br /> �.��n 11l�� '1������'i {��t�#�����#'� P��� � <br /> ir�t�r��t�t tF�� N a�e r���fr�m�h�c�����f th� ����n�ii-t�ar� �r��sl ���a i�. E���r�s�s��v�r�� �y this�o�r�g r��� ir,�lu��r <br /> v�ri�h�ut [imi�a�i�n, h�v�r���r �U����t t� ar��r lirr�i�s �r��i�r ���Iic��l� I�v�r� L�r���r's ���t'n�y�' f�� an� L�n��r's ���a� <br /> �x��r���s� wl��t��r a r not t��r� i� � C��r��i�t, i n�l r�c[in� �tt��r��y�' ���� �€�� ��cp�r�s�� ��r �ar��Crr����y �Or����d':r�gs <br /> ��n����i�� �#f�rt�t� ma�i�y�r v���t��ny a�tam�ti���a�r ar i�rjunctiar��� ����al�f�r�d any�nti�ip�t� ��st-J�d�m�nt <br /> ��ll��ti�n s�rvi���� tl�� ���t�#s��r�hin� r����-��, �bt�inin� �i�l� r�p�r�s {in�lr��in� f�r��l��ur� r�par�s), �ur����r�' <br /> r�p��t�r �n� appr�is�� ����� �itl� in��r�r���� ar�d f��s ��r th� Tr�tst��{ t� t�� ��t�n� �ermi���d �y �p�li�a�f� l�v�r. <br /> Trust�r al���i�l ����r�y���rt��s�sr �n���Ii�iQn t��lf��h�r sum��r��id�� by[aw. <br /> Ri�1n� �f Trust��. Ti r�st��s�ial I I�a�r��I I ��F tl�� ri�I�t� ar�� �uti���#L�n��r�s��t��rth i r�thi�s�cti�r�, <br /> ��1l�EF�� A�� ���I�AT[C�N� �F�RU�TEE. Ti h� ��ll�v�3n� �rovi�i�r�s r�l�t�r�� �� tl�� }���r�rs �nd �blig��ivn� �f Tr�st�� <br /> a r��ar�of tl�i� ���d ��T��rst: <br /> ��w�r���Tr�st��. I n �d�iti�n t� al l p��+�r� ��Ti rU�����risir�� �s � ma��r�����rvr Tru����s h�l f h�v���� p�v�r�r t� <br /> ��I��tl�� f�11�v�r�ng actian� wi�h r��pe��t�th� Pr���rt� ���n th� v�rri��n r��u����f L�nd�r a�� �rU�t�r: ��}j�ir, ir� <br /> pr��arin� anc� �i]in� a r��� ar pl�t �� tl�� f��a] �r�p�rt�rr i�clud�r�g tl�� d�dicatian �f ��re�t� �r ��.h�� r���t� �� th� <br /> �u�li�; {�� ��ir� in �r�r,tin� an�{ �a��m�n� �r �r�a�in� ��y r�stri�ti�n �n tlne F��al Pr���rty; �rr€� {�) ��it� ir� �r��r <br /> ����r�iin�ti�n�r Qth�r a�re�m�n�aff���in�this I���� ��Tru�t or th�� ir���r�s��f L�n��r�r��i�r�Cl�i����d ��7����. <br /> �r��t��� �ru�t�� sl��ll rr���t �i1 ���Izfi��ti�n� r���ir�d f�r Tr�ast�� �n��r �p�li���l� l�v�. Ir� ��iditiart t� �1�� ri�l��s <br /> an� r�m��i�� ���f��h ���v�r 1jVf�� ����$G`� �� �II �r ar�� ��rt�f t�i� �r���r�y, th� Tru���� �h�ll h�v� th� ri�f�t t� <br /> f�����a�� by n�ti�e ar�d ��l�r a�� L�r�d�r wi[l ��v� �he ri�ht �� f����l�s� ��judi�i�] f������sur�, in �ith�r ��s� in <br /> acGo�-�an��w��h�r�����h���I���t�rrt�r�vi��� by���li���l� [��rv. <br /> �������vr Tr��te�. L��r��rf a� L�r��i�r'� �p�z��r ma�r fr�m tim�t�titx�� �p��ir��� �u������r T�u������ any Tru���� <br /> ap��i nt�d u r�der t�i� ���d of Tru�t by �r� i���rurr��r�t �����t�� �n� �c kn�v�rl����� �y L�r�der �n� r���r�ed in �h� <br /> �ffi� �� th� r�c�rd�r �f HA LL �Qu nt�, �t�t� �f �l�f�r��l��. Th� ir�str�r��r�� s h���I c�r����r�� sr� �d�iti�n to a I[ o�F��r <br /> m���r� r���i r��l by �ta�� [�v�, th� r��m�s �f �F�� �ri�ir��l �end�r� Tr�st��f ��� T��r���r, �h� ���k �r�d �a�� {�r <br /> ��mp�t�r �yst�rr� re��r�r���� �rl��r� t�i� ���� af Trus� i� re�ard��� and tf�� rr�m� a r�d ���r�ss c�f �I�� s�������r <br /> tru�t��, an�th�ir��tr�am�nt�h��l ��������d �r�d �ck��vvl����� by�[l�h���n�fi��ari�� ����r this ���d �f Tr�st�r <br /> �h�ir su������r� ir� ir���r���. �h� ������s�r trust��r �rtirith�u� c�r��r��an�� �f�h� �r�p�rtyr �f���l �u����� �� �ll ��� <br /> ti���r ��v�r�r, anai ��ti�s ��nf����� �p�r�tl��Tru��.�� ir��l�is ���� ���r��t an� �y app]ica�l�law. �f�i� �r����ur���r <br /> �u��tituti�r��f�ru�t��sh��l ����rn t�th���c�lu�i�n a�a11 ath�r�r�vi�i���f�r��,��tituti�n. <br /> N��I�E�. An� n��ti�� r�quir�� t� b� �i�r�r� ur���r�f�is ���� af Tr�s�r in���din� �rvith��at limit�ti�r� ��y n��i�� af��f�ult <br /> and �ny n�ti�� �f s�[�s h�.l l be �iv�n in w ri�in�r a ncI s h�l l k�� �ff��tiv� v�r}��� ���k��Ily��I�v�r�d, whe� �Gtuall� re��iv��i <br /> �y t���#aGs irrti le [unl��� �th�rvvis� r��ui r�� by I av�r�r v�r��r, �����it�d �v i�� � na�ia r��i ly r����ni��� �v�rr�i�ht��u ri�rr �rr if <br /> m ai]�cI, v�h�n d����it�d in th� U r�€t�d 5����s m�i[{ ��fir�� �[as�, ��rti�i�d �r r��i�t�r�d m�i 1 ����a�� pr��a�i�� �ir��t�� #� <br /> th� �d�r�s���shavtirn n��r�h� b���n�i�� ��this ���d �f Trus�. All ���i�� �� n��ic�� vf f��������a�� �r�m th� h�[d�r �� <br /> �n�r li�r� vwrhi�h h�� �riority a��r ��is ���d �f Tr�s� �hall �� s���t� L�n��r's a�dr��s� as �h�v�rrr n�ar tl�� }���i�r�irr� ��r <br /> �hi� a���i af Tru�t. Any ��r��n ma� ��an�� his �r }��t� ��fdr��s f�r r��ti��� und�r ��i� ���� �f T���� �y �ivin� farrr�al <br /> vtirri��n n��i�� t� th� oth��r ��rs�r� �� ��rs�r��� $p��i�yi�r� �h�t �h� �urp�s� �f �ti�� n�ti�� is ta �I����� tF�� �er��n's <br /> ad�r�s�. F�r r��ti�� �ur��s��, T�����r��r���t� ]���� L�r�d�r rr�f�rm�� �t�fl tirn��of Trust�rt� ��rrr�nt���r�s�. �nl��� <br /> ath�rwi�� pr��i��� �r r�c�uir�� by Iav�rl i��[��r� i� r���-� �h�n Qn�Trust�rr any n�ti�� ��v�n �y L�r���r t� a�ry Trt�st�r Es <br /> ci��m��t� b� nat€��giv�r�t��I�7'r����rs, 1�vwri[] Ia�T�u��ar's r����n�i�i�ity����11 r1����f��rs��th�n�ti��fr�m L�nd�r. <br /> lUil$�EL,�.a4�1tE��l� PR�1���f�N�. TF��f�[lvwin� mi�c�lf�r�����pr�visi�ns �r�a ��rt�f tl�i� ���� ��F Trus�: <br /> �men�lm�nts. �Vh�� i� �vritt�rr in ��is €���d �f Tru�t �nc� in th� ��I���cl I��cum�r�ts is �r��t�r's �r�ti�� a�r��rr���t <br /> vtiritF� L�n��r ��nc�rr�ir�� �Yt� rn����r� ��v����! 1��thi� D��� a�Tru��. T� �� �ff���iv�r ��y Ghan�e or�m�n�m�n��� <br /> tf�is ���c� �f Tr�a�t mu�t �� in �rriti�r� �r�d mu��1��si�n�d b� �vh�����will �� �a��n� �r�l�ii��t�� by t�� �}�ar��� ar <br /> am�nc�m�nt. <br /> �a�pti�n He�diri��. ���ti�rr ]���di ng� i n �C�i� a��� �� Tru�t a r����r �€�r��r�n i�n�� pur��s�s �r��� �r�d �r� n�t to �e <br /> u�ed�� i nt�r�r��k�r d�ti n��h�pr�vi���n��f�his ���d �f Tru��. <br /> 11lf�r��r. 7i h�r��h�l[ f�� r�� €r��r�����th� i r�t�r�st�r�sta�� �r��t�c� ���his a����f Tru�t�rv i���ny a�F��r in��r����r <br /> es�a�� i n �h� l�r���rty�t�ny ti�� h��I� �y ar f�r the b�n�f it�f L�r�d�r in �ny ca p��ityr v�rithar�t tl�� vv rit�t��r ��r�s�r�� <br /> ��L�rr€��r. , <br /> ���r�rnin� L��nr. Th�� �e�d a� Tr��t will �� ��v�rn�rJ b�r f��l���� ���r ��pli���l� t� L�r�d�r �r��lr t� tl�� ��ct�r�� n�� <br /> �r��m����l by f��l�r���av�,th�l�vwr� �f tFr������ ��N�1�r��1��witha�t r��ar�i t�i���r���i���la�nr�r��r��i�r�s. Th�� <br /> D����f Tr��t h��f����������ed�y��nd�r in�#��5������N�bras k�. <br /> ���i�� �f 1l�nu�, If th�r� is � [�ws�it, Tru�t�r ��re�� up�n L�n�f�r'� r����st t� ���m�-t t� th�� s�risdi�tiar� �fi�h�� <br /> ���rts��H��I ���rr�tyr Sta�e a�f��hr��l��_ <br /> . .��ir�t �n� ��v�r�i Li��i[i�. All ��ligafiion� �� ��rr�w�r �n� Tr��t�r �n��r this ���� a� Trust sf��ll �� ja�r,� a�r��{ <br /> s���r�l r a��] al l r�f�r�r�c�s�� Trr����r sh��l l rrti��rt���I� �r��l �very Tr�st�rr ar�€� al[ re��r�n���t� S�rr�w�r sh�11 m��n <br /> ���� �nd�very��rr��nr�r. Tf�is rr����s tf��t�a�h�r����r�i�nin� �a�l��rv i� r��p�n�i�����r�[1��li��ti�r�s ir��f�i� a���{ <br /> �f T�ust. <br /> N� U1�f�i��r 1�y�ender� Tru�to��nd�rs��n�� ��r����v�rif] n���i�� �� �r��r��L�r���r's ri�h�s und�r thi� ���� ���rust <br /> unl�ss L�n��r ���s �� Fn wvt'itir��. T1�� f a���that L�n�J er ��lay� �r ❑mi�� �� ���r�i�� a n� ri�ht v�ri I[ n�t ��a r� th�t <br /> L�rid�r I��s �iv�n up ���� ri�h�. If �,�n��r d��� a�r�� in �rriti�� t� �ive u� ar�� �� L�r�d�r's ri�l�t�, tYta� �a�s riat <br /> m��n T��s��r v�ri�I r�at h��r� t� ��rr�ply w�tl� tf�� ��f��r �r��ris i�n� ��r th�� ���� �f Tr���. �r�a�t�r al�� �n��rs�a nd� <br /> t�i�� if ��n�[��- �{a�� �ar���r�� �� a r��u��tf �h�� ���� ��t ���r� th�t Tru���r wi]1 ��t ha�e ta ��t �en�l�r`s ��n��nt <br /> ��air� if th�srt�rat��n h�pp�n� ���ir�. Trus��r fur�h��ur���r���nd�tl�a�ar������ar��� L�n��r��n��nt��� �n� �r m�r� <br /> �f Tr�st�r�s r��u�sfi�, tha� �a�� n�� m��r� �.�n��r w�ll ia� reqr�ir�d t� ��rt��r���� ar�y �f Trust�rSs futu�� re�u���s_ <br /> Trus�c�r v��iv�� p r�s�r�tm�t�t, ��r��r��l f�r p�yrrien�, pro�e�t f and n��i�����i i�h�n�r. <br /> �everabifity� ]�F a ���r� -Fin�� �hat a�Y �Or�vi�i�rt ����is ���d �f Trust i� n�� v�l�r� or�h�uld nat �� enf�r�ed� t1�a� <br /> ���t ��r its�[f�rvi[1 r��t rt�t��rt��at th� r��t❑�thi� ���� �f Tr��-�wsll ��t ��v�li�l �r�n��r���i. Th�r�f�r�r � ��r�rt v�rill <br /> �nfarce th� r��t�f�h� pr�vi���n��f this a�����T�u���v�r� if� �r��i�iQn��this ���d ���rU��t m�y f���aund�a be <br /> inv�lid ar urr�r,f�r�e��l�. <br /> ��cc���r� �n� l�s��i��s. S€�k�j��t t� �r�y li�it�ti�n� s�a��d i� this ���d �f Trus� �r� �rans�er �f�r����rr� ir���r�s�r <br /> t�ii� ���� af �rust�h��l �� �i��in� ���r� �n� irrure t� th�� ��n�fit ��t�� ��r���s, t}���r �u����s�rs �r�� as�i�r�s. ]f <br /> ��rv n�r�hi� ���h� �r�p�rty ����tr��s vest�� i n � p�r�an ath�r t�ra r� Tr����rr L�r�d�r, w��h��� n��€�� �� Tru���rr m�y <br /> �i��l r�r���Tru�ta�`s s������a r��rv i�h r���r�r���t�tf�is ���� �f Tr��t�r��t�r� [r,���t�dr���s �y way���f�r���r�r����r <br /> ����n���n v�ith�ut r�l�asin�Trust�r�r�r�����E�I ig��E�n���f thi� D���i �f Tr����r[i�t�i li�y�nc��r�h� in�i�b��c�n�s�. <br /> Tim�is�f#h�E���r���. �rm� [s ��t������r��� ir�th����f�rrrtar����f th�i�a��d o�-Tru��. <br /> V��iv� �lury. 1�11 ��rti�s to�hi� D���i ��Trus� h�r�l��r v�ai�r�th� ri�h�to �n�r jr�ry tri�l ir� �n�r��#i�r�� pr����di�r�r �r <br /> ��r�r�ter�lai�E�r���h����r����rty���rir�s�any�t��r�aart�r- <br /> V��iv�r �f �i�mas���� Ex�m��i�r�, �r����r ��r�f�y rel�as�� and wai�e� �[1 ri�ht� an�l b�r��fits �� the hameste�d <br /> ��em�ti�r,l�v,rs �����St�t�af�[�b���l�� a�t��I[ [n�e�t��r�es�s��r�r��i ��r tl�is I�eed �f Trust. <br /> ���1N1�1���, Th���Il��vin� ��rd�sh�f� t�����[��#�I[�vlrin� meanings �rh�n�s�r� ir��hi� a��� �f Tr�s#= <br />