<br /> 1�. A55iGNMENT�F LEASES AND�tENTS.Trustor irreU��a�ly grants,con�eys and sel�s to Trustee,in
<br /> trust f�r the benef�t of Ben�fi�iary,as additionai security a�l the right,title and interest in and to any and alf
<br /> existing vr futur�leases,subleas�s,and any vther written o��erbal agreements for the use and occupancy flf
<br /> any portion of the Property,i ncl ud ing a ny extensions,renewals,mod ifi�at�vns or su bstitutions af su�h
<br /> agre�ments�ali referred ta as"Leases"}and�ents,issues and profits tall referred to as"Rents"�.Trustor will
<br /> promptly pr��i�e Ben�ficiary with true and cvrrect cop�es�f all existing and future Leases.Trustor may
<br /> �ollec�,�ecei�e,enjoy an�use the R�nts so Iong as Trustflr is not�n default under the terms of this 5e�urEty
<br /> �nstrument.
<br /> T�ustor aeknowl�dges that this assignment is perfected�pon the re�arding of this Deed vf Trust and that
<br /> Beneficiary is entitled to not�fy any af Trustor's tenants tv make payment af Rents due o�to be�vm�due to
<br /> genef��iary.Haw��er,Beneficiary agrees that�niy vn default will B�neficiary notify Trustor and Trustflr's
<br /> tenants and make demand that all future R�nts be paid d�rectly to Benefic�ary.�n re�ei�ing noti�e vf default,
<br /> Trustor will endorse and deli�er to�enefi�iary any payment of Rents in Trustor's passessivn and wil!recei�e
<br /> any Rents in trust for Ben�fi�iary and wi!!not�ommingle the Rents with any other fun�s.Any amaunts
<br /> �allected wiil be appli�d as pro�id�d in this Security Instrument.Trustvr warrants that n�default exi�ts under
<br /> the Leases or any appli�able�andlordltenant law.Trustor also agrees to maintain and require any tenant to
<br /> e�mply with the terms af the Leases and appli�able law.
<br /> 13. LEASEH�L�S;C�ND4IVlINtU�V15;PLANNED UNIT DEVEL�PNIENTS.Trustor agr�es to c�mply
<br /> with the pra�isions of any lease if this Security Instrument is on a leas�hold.If the Property includes a unit in
<br /> a condaminium or a planned unit de�elopment,Trustor will perform a!I of Trustor's duties under the
<br /> �o�enants,by-laws,ar regulatians�f the�ondaminium or planned unit
<br /> de�elopment.
<br /> '14. DEFAULT. Trustor will be in default if an art obii ated on the Se�ured Debt faifs to make payment when
<br /> YP Y 9
<br /> d ue.Trustar wi�I be i n defau It if a breach oC�u�s u nd er the terms of th is Se�u rity I nstru ment or a ny other
<br /> da�ument exetuted far the purpase of�reating,securing vr guarantying the Se�ured De�t.A good faith�elief
<br /> by Benef��iary that 8enefi�iary at any time is inse�ure with respect t�any per5an ar entity o�ligated�n the
<br /> Se�ured D�bt or that the prospe�t of any payment or the�a�ue of the Proper�y is impai�ed shall a�so�anstitute
<br /> an e�ent of default.
<br /> 'I 5. REMEDlES C]N DEFAULT.�n some�nstanees,fed��a1 and state law wil! require Benefic�ary ta provide
<br /> Trustor with noti�e of the right to cure or ather nvti�es and may estab{ish time s�he�u�es for for��l�sure
<br /> a�tians.Subje�t t�these limi�ations,if any,Benefi�iary may a��elerat�the 5ecure� D�bt and foreelose this
<br /> Security lnstrument in a manner pro�ided by law if Trustar is in default.
<br /> Atthe optian of Benefi�iary,all o�any part af the agreed fees and charges,a�crued interest and prin�tpal
<br /> shall become imm�diately due and payable,aft�r gi�ing notice if required by law,upon the oc�urrence of a
<br /> default or anytime thereaft�r.In addition,Beneficiary shall be�ntitled to all the remedies prv�ided by law,
<br /> the terms vf the Se�ured Debt,this Security Instrument and any related do�uments,inciuding without
<br /> iim�tatian,the pawer ta sell the Praperty.
<br /> lf there is a defau�t,Trustee shali,in a�dition to any other permitted remedy,at the request af the
<br /> Beneficiary,ad�e�tise and sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public au�tion ta the highest
<br /> bidder far�ash and�an�ey a�salute title free and clear of alE right,title and interest of Trustor at such time
<br /> and place as Trustee designates.Trustee shall gi�e notice of sale including the t�me,terms and p�a�e of sale
<br /> and a des�r�ption af the prvperty to be sold as required by th�appli�able iaw in effeet at the time of the
<br /> praposed sa 1 e.
<br /> Up�n sale of th�Property and to the extent not prohik�ite�by faw,Trustee shall make and deli�er a deed to
<br /> the Property svld which cvn�eys absolute title to the pur�haser,and after fir�t paying all fees,charges and
<br /> casts,shall pay ta Beneficiary a�l maneys ad�anced for repairs,taxes,insurance,liens,assessments and prior
<br /> en�umbran�es and inte�est thereon,and the prin�ipal and interest on th�Secured Debt,pay�ng the surplus,if
<br /> any,to Trustor.Benefi�iary may purchase the Property.The recifia�s in any deed of con�eyance shall be
<br /> prima facie e�idence af the fa�ts set forth therein.
<br /> All remedies are distEnct,cumulati�e and not ex�lu�i�e,and the Beneficiary is entit�ed to a�l rem�di�5
<br /> prv�ided at law or equity,whether or not expressly s�t forth.The accep�ance by Beneficiary of any sum in
<br /> payment or partial payment on the Secured De�t after the balance is due or is ac�elerated or after fareclosure
<br /> proceedings are filed�hall not canstitut�a wai�er�f Beneficiary's right to require complete cure of any
<br /> existing default.Sy not exerc�sing any r�medy on Trustar's default,Beneficiary does n�t wai�e BeneficiaE-y's
<br /> ' r he e�ent a default if it�ontinues ar ha ens
<br /> r�ght�o latercons�de t pp
<br /> again. (page,4�,pf7}
<br /> � � �
<br /> _1994 Waiters Kluwer Financiai ServEces-�ankers Systems � Form USB-REDT-NE'1"11�512012
<br />