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��15�347� <br /> €C3 "Lender" zs H�me .F�dera� Sa�i ngs and Loan Assn of Grand I s�and <br /> L�nder is a ����rtgs and L.oan <br /> orgariized and e�isting under the�avvs of The St at� af Nebr a s ka . <br /> Lender's addr�ss �s 2�1 South Locust St �rar�d Isl and NE 688fl1 <br /> Lender is the bene�c�ary urider th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. <br /> �D� "Trustee" is Ar�nd R Baack, Attor'ney <br /> 4E} "Nvte" means the prom�ssory n�te�ign�d by B�rrower and dated M�y 2�, 2�1� . The Nate <br /> s�ates tha�Borr�wer awes Lender E I GHTY N I N E THaL1SAN�3 S I X HUN�RED AND n 4 I 1 D� <br /> Dal�ars �U.S. $$9,���.�4 3 p�us �nter�s�, B�rrow�r has pram��ed�o pay. �h�s deb�in regular <br /> P�riod�c Paymen�s and�o pay the debt�n fu��nnt�a��r than �u n e 1, ��3� . <br /> tF3 "Praperty" means�he prop�r�y that is descr��ed bexovv under�he heading "Transfer of Righ�s in�he <br /> Proper�y." <br /> �G� "Loan" means th��iebt e��denced by the Note, plu� interest, any prepa�ment charg�s and�ate charges due <br /> under the Note, and a�� sums due under this S�cur�ty Instrument, plus inter�st. <br /> �H� "Riders" means a11 Riders�a th�s Security�nstrum�nt that are�xecuted by Borrower. The fol��wing Rid�rs <br /> a.r���be exe�u�ed by Bnrrawer �check bax as app�xcab�e�: <br /> � Adjustab�e Rate R�der ��ondomin�um.R�der 0 Second H�me Rid�r <br /> 0 Ba��oon R�d�r 0 Planned Unit Development Rider � �-4 Fami1�R�der <br /> Q VA R�der � B�week�y Pa�m�n�Rid�r 0 �th�r�s} �spec�fyj <br /> �l} "App�icab�e Law" means a���antrn�i�ng appl�cable federal, s�ate and �o�a� s�a�utes, r�gula��ons, ord�nances <br /> and admanzs�rati�e ru�es and orders �that hav�th��ff�ct of law} as v��l� as a�l app���a��e�nal, non-app�alab�e <br /> judi�ia� opin��ns. <br /> �J� "Commun�ty Ass��iation Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and ather <br /> charges�ha� are imposed�n Borr�w�r�r th�Proper�y by a condom�inium ass�ciation, homeown�rs <br /> assaciat�on or similar argan�za��on. <br /> �K� "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer�f funds, �ther than a transaction or�ginated b�r check, <br /> draf�, or simi�ar paper�nstrumen�, which is �ni��a�ec�through an e�eCtroniC terminal, t��ephanic ins�rumen�, <br /> campu��r, or rnagne�ic tap�sa as�� or�.�r, instruct, or au�hor�ze a��nancxal institution�o de���or cred��an <br /> acc�unt. Such term inc�ud�s, but is not l�mi�ed t�, point-of sa�e transfers, au�oma�ed�eller mac��ne <br /> transact�ons, �ransfers ini�iate�.by telephone, vvire�rarisfers, and automat�d c�earingh�use�ransf�rs�. <br /> tL� "Escraw Items" means those xtems �hat are described in Sec��fln 3. <br /> 4N�� "N�i�ce��aneous Pr�ceeds" am.eans any�ompensat�on, s�tt�ernent, award af damages, ar prace�ds paid by <br /> an�th�rd par�y �ather than insuranc�proceeds paid under the�overages descr�bed in Sect�on 5} far: �i} <br /> damage t�, or destruct�on of, th�Prap�rty; �ii}condemnat�on ar other tak�ng �f a��or an.�r par�of�he <br /> Property; �iii} c�nve�ance in��eu of condemnat�an; �r�iv} misrepresen�a��ons of, ar amiss�ons as ta, the <br /> va�u�andlor condi�ion af t�a� Pr� ert . <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�r�Ee Family-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac IJNI�ORM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3028 110"� <br /> VMP� VMPS�N�f t13D2y <br /> Woiters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ic�s Page 2 af 17 <br />