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��15�34�9 <br /> Security Instrument.A writ�en s�.tement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent ta <br /> 5�days from the dat�hereof,declining to insure this S�cur�ty instrument and the Note, sha11 be <br /> deemed conclusive�roof of such ineligibility.Notwithsta.nding the for�going,this�ption may no�be <br /> �xer�ised�y Lender when the una�ailability of ittsurance is solely due to L�nder's failure to remit a <br /> mortgage insurance premiurr�t�the Secretary. <br /> �I D. �einstat�ment.Borrower has a right to�e reir�stated if Lender has requ�.red �mmediate pa�ment in fu11 <br /> because of�orrotiver's fail�re to pa�an amount due unde��t�e I�ot�or this Security Instrument.This right <br /> applies even after fareclosure proceedings�.re inst�tuted. T�reinsta.te the Se�urity Instrument,Borro�er shall <br /> tender in a�ump sum a11 amaunts required to bring Borro�ver's ac�ount current including,to the extent they <br /> are obli�ations of I3orrawer under�h�s Securit}�Instrument, foreclosure costs and reasonable and custon�ary <br /> attorneys'fees and expenses properly associated with the foreclosure proceed�ng.Upon reinstatement by <br /> Borrower,this Security Ins�rument and the obligations that it s�cures sha11 remain in effect as if Lender had <br /> not required immed�ate payment in full. Howev�r,Lender is not requ�red to permit re�nstatement if: �i� <br /> Lender has accepted reinstatement after the commencement of forectosure proceedings within ttivo years <br /> immediately preceding�he comrnencement of a current foreclosure proeeeding, (ii}reinstatement wi11 <br /> greclude foreclasure on differen�grounds in the future,or(iii}reinstatement�i11 adverse��affect the <br /> priority of the 1ie�created by this Security In.strument. <br /> '11. Borrower Not Released;Forbearan+�e8y LenderNot a 1111aiv�r.Ex�ens�on af the time nf payment or <br /> modification of amort�zat�on of the su�ns secured by this��curity�nstrument gran�ed by Lender t�any <br /> successor in inter�st of Borrflwer shail nat operate�o release the 1ia�i�i�of the�rig�na�Bonro�ver ar <br /> Barrower's successor in interest. Lender sha11 not be requi.r�d to commence proceedings against any <br /> s�ccessar in in�erest or refuse to extend time for pa�ment or otherwise madify amortization of the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrurnent by reason of any demand made by the original Bor�r'�tiver or Borrower's <br /> successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sha11 not be a�aiver of <br /> or prectude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 1�. 5uccessorsand Assigns Bound;Jvint and Se�er�ai Liabiiity;�o-Signers.The covenants and <br /> agreements af this Security Instrument shal�bind and b�nefit the successors and assigns of Lender and <br /> Borrower, subject to�he provisions of paragraph 9(b}. Bonovver's covenants and agre�ments sha11 be j�int <br /> and se�eral.Any Borrower wha co-signs this Secur��Instrument but d�es not execute the Note: (a}is <br /> co-signing th�s Security In�strument only ta mortgage,�rant and conv�y that Borrower's interest�n the <br /> Property under the term�of this Securi�y Instrument; (b}is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured <br /> by this Se�urity Instrument;and(c}agrees that Lender and any other Bonower rnay agree to e�t�nd,modify, <br /> forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the�erms of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> �rithout tha�Borrower's cansent. <br /> 13, Nvt��es.Any notice to Borro�er provided far in this Security In�trument sha11 be given by deli�ering it or <br /> by mailing it by fust class mail unless appticable Iaw requires use of ano�her methad. The not�ce shall be <br /> directed to the Property Address�r any other address Borra�ver designates by notice t�Lender. Any notice <br /> to Lender sha�1 be given by frrst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any addre�s Lender <br /> designate�by notice��Borrower.Any notice provided for in�his Se�urity Instrument shall be deemed to <br /> have been�i�en to Bar�rower or Lender tivhen gi�en as provided in this paragraph. <br /> '14. Gav�rningLa►�; Sever�bil�'�y,Th�s Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law and the law of <br /> the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any pro�r�s�an or ctause of�his Secur�ty <br /> Instrument or the Note conflicts�vith appticable 1ativ, such conflxc�sha11 not affect other pro�isions of this <br /> Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting pro��sio�n. T�thrs end the <br /> provisions of this Sec�.rity In�trument and the Note are dec�ared ta be severable. <br /> FHA Mortgage WITH MERS-NE Rev€sed 4f9� <br /> VMP� �fMP4N(NEl(13�2}AO <br /> Wolters Kluwer FinanGial Servi�es Page 6 of 14 <br /> q�333g384627 U233 321 fl614 <br />