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��15�34�9 <br /> In the event of��ss,Borrotiver shall give Lender�mmediate notice b�mai�. Lender may make proaf of loss if <br /> n��rn�t���romptly b�Borrower,Each in�urance compan��once�n.ed is hereby authorized a�d dir�cted ta <br /> make payment for su�h toss directl�r�o Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender jo�n.�ly.A11 ar any part <br /> of the insurance prnceeds may be applied by Lender,at its option,e�ther(a}to the reduction nf the <br /> indebtedness und�r the Note and this Security In�trument, Fust to any delinquent amounts applie�.in�he <br /> ard�r in�aragra�h 3,and tben ta prepayment of pr�n�ipal,ar�b�t�th�restoration or repair of the damaged <br /> Property.Any application af the proceeds�o the principal sha�t n��extend or postpone the due�ate of the <br /> monthly pa�ments which are referred to in paragraph�,or�hange the amount of such paymen�s.Any excess <br /> insurance pra�eeds over an arno�nt required t�pay a�I auts�anding indebtedness under the Nate and this <br /> Securi�r�ns�rument sha11 be paid to the entity legally ent���ed thereto. <br /> In the event of forec�osure of th�s�ecurity Instrument or other transfer of trt�e�o the Property that <br /> ex�inguishes the�ndebted�ness,a11 right,title and inter�st of Barrower in and to insurance policies in force <br /> sha11 pass to the purchaser. <br /> 5. �ccupancy, Preservation, IVlaintenance and Protect�on of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> Ap p I i cati o n;Leaseh o I d s.Borra�rer s�a11 occupy, establish, and use the Property as Barrower's princ ipa� <br /> residence within sixty days ai�er the execu�ion of this Security Instrument�or�vith�n sixty days af a later sale <br /> or transfer of th�Property�and sha11 e�ntinue to occupy the Property as Borr�w�r's principal res�dence f�r <br /> at least one year a�er the da�e of vccupancy,un�ess L�nder determines tha�requue�ent�vi1t cause undue <br /> hardship fvr Borro�ver,or unless extenuating circumsta.nces exist which are beyond Borrower's contr�l. <br /> Borrower sha1�natify Lender of an}�extenuating�ircumstances. Borro�er shall not c�mmit�vaste or destray, <br /> damage or substantially change the Praper�or allaw the Property to deterio�'ate,reasonable vveax and tear <br /> �xcepted. Lend�r may inspect the Praperty if the Property is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in default. <br /> Lender�ay take reasonable action to protect and preser�e�uch vacant or abandoned Prnperty. Borrower <br /> shall a1s�b��xa default�f Borrower,during the loan application pracess, gave materially false or inaecurat� <br /> informati�n or�taternents to Lender(or failed to prv�ide Lender with an.y material in�`ormation]in <br /> connectYon with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but no�limited to,representatians <br /> Borrower's occu�anc�r of the Prop�r�y as�principal residence. If this Securi�y Instrumen#is on a�eas�hatd, <br /> �orrower sha11 comply with the pro��sians of the lease. If Borrower acquir�s fee t�tle to the Prop�rty,the <br /> leasehold and fee title shat�not be merged unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> C. Cvndemnation.The proceeds af any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection <br /> with any condernnation ar other takin�of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in place of <br /> candemn.ation, are hereby assigned and sha11 be pai�to L�nder to the extent af the fu��a.rnvu�t of the <br /> �n�iebtedness�hat remains unpaid under the Note and this Secur��Instrument. Lender sha11 apply such <br /> proceeds to the reduction of the�ndebtedn�ss under the N�te and this S�curi�y Instrument, fust to an� <br /> delinquent anlounts applied in the order provided in paragr�ph 3,and then to prepaym.ent of principal.Any <br /> application af the proceeds to the pr�ncipal sha11 not�xtend or pastpone the due date�f the manth�y <br /> paymen�s,which are referred to in paragraph ZA or change the amount of such payments.An.��xcess <br /> proceeds over an amaunt re�uired to pay a11 outstanding indebt�dness under the Note and this Security <br /> In�trument shall be paid ta the entity Iegally�nt�t�ed thereto. <br /> 7. �hargesto Borro►��rand Protectivnof Lend�r's Rights in the Property.Borrower shall pay a11 <br /> governm�n�al�r municipal charges, fines and imp�s�t�ons that�.re not included in paragraph�. Borrav�rer <br /> Sha11 pay these obligations on time dire�tly to the entity wh�ch i�owed the payment. If failur�to pay would <br /> ad�erse�}�affect Lender's interest in the Propert}�, upon Lender's request Borr�wer sha�l promptly furnish�v <br /> i�ender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any <br /> other co�renants a�td ag�e��ents canta.ined in this S�curit�Ins�.���.t,or there is a�egal proceeding that may <br /> FHA Mortgage WITH MERS-NE Re�ised 419fi <br /> VMP C� VMP4N(NE)(1302].44 <br /> Wolters Filw�rer Financial5ervices Page 4 af 1 D <br /> q433393846�7 �233 321 Q41� <br />
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