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201503441 <br /> UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT <br /> FOLL4W INSTRl7CTIONS <br /> A.NAhIE&PHON�OF CONTACT AT FILER{optional) <br /> Stacy Nispel 308-382-3136 <br /> B.E-MAIL CONTACTAT FILER(optional) <br /> <br /> C.SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT T0: (Name and Address) <br /> ��quitabie Bsnk � <br /> Attn: Stacy Nisgel <br /> PO�o�IbQ <br /> Grand�sland,NE b8802-�160 <br /> � � THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY <br /> 1a.INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE Nl1MBER 1 b.�This FINANCWG STATEMENT AMEN�MENT is to He filed[tor recordj <br /> 0201005929 F[Ier.e��AmendmentAdd ndum{Forcn CC3Atl)arid provide OebtoYs name in item 43 <br /> 2.❑TERMENATION:Effedtveness of the Financing Statement ident[fied abvva[s terminated with respect to the security interest{s)of Securecf Par#y authorfzing this TerminaGon <br /> 5tatement <br /> 3.❑ASSIGNMENT(full ar partial}: Provide name of Ass�gnee in item 7a or 7b,a�address of Ass;gnee in item 7c antl name of Assignor in item 8 <br /> For partial assignment,complete items 7 and 9�i slso intlicate affected collatera[in item S <br /> 4.�COIVTINUATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified apove with respect to ths security interesf(s)of Secured Party authoriztng this ContinusGan Statement is <br /> continued for the addiGonal per�otl provitletl by applicable law <br /> 5.Q PARTY INFORMATION Cf-IANGE: <br /> Check�.7€of these fwo Baxes: �Check y.p,Q of these three boxes to: � <br /> CHANGE name andlor address: Complete A��name: Camplete item DELETE name: Gi�re rewrd name <br /> This Change affects ��ebtor or Sewred Psrty of recortl �item fia arfib;�item 7a ar 7h a�item 7c �7a or 76,an�item 7c ❑to be dele6ed in item&s or 6b <br /> 5. CLIRRENT RECOR�INFORMA710N: Complete inr Party InfomaEion Change-provide oNy one name(&a or 6bJ <br /> 8s.ORGANIZAT10�f'S NAME <br /> Ken-Ray,L.L.C. <br /> DR 6b.INDIVI�UAL'S5URNAME FIRSTPERSONALNAME AD�ITIONALNAME(5)lINITlAL(5) SUFFfX <br /> 7. CHANGEDORAD�E�INFORMATION: CompleteforPssignmentarFarylnfomretianChange-provideonlyQngname{7aor7h}(useexad,fullname;donotomikmadiry.ara67reviateanypartofifna�e6tolsname� <br /> 7fl.ORGANiZATION'S NAM� <br /> QR 7b.IN�Ni�[lAL'SSURNAMH <br /> INDIVIOl7AL'S FIRST PERSONAL NAME <br /> IN�IVIOUAL'S AO�ETIONAl.NAME(S}IINITIAL(Sj SUFFIX <br /> 7c. MA[L1NG AODRESS C]TY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY <br /> 8.Q COLLATERAL CHANGE: A�s check one oF these four boxes� ❑A�D collateral ❑�ELETE collateraE ❑RESTATE covered collateral ❑ASSIGN collateral <br /> {qdicafa colEatsral: <br /> 9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF f�ECORD AC1TFiORIZING THIS AMEI�iDMENT: Provide only one name(9a or 9b}(nsme of Assignor,rf this is an Assignment) <br /> If this is art AmenCment authorized By e�EBT�R,chec3c here �and provide name aF authorizfng Da6tor <br /> 9a.ORGANIZATlOPf'S NAME <br /> Equitable Bank <br /> OR 9b IN�IV[�EIAL'S SURNAME F[RST PERSONAL NAM� ADDITfONAL NAME{5)lINITIAL(S) SUFFIX <br /> 10.OPTIOIVAL F[LER REFERENCE 6ATA: <br /> lnfernational Association of Commercial Administrators(IACA) <br /> FILWG OFF[CE COPY—UCC FINAI�CING STATEMENTAMENDMENT(Form UCC3}(Rev.04f20l11) <br />