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201503433 <br /> for tb.e axzd restorati.on ixz a single payment ar in a series of progress payments as the work is <br /> cornpleted. If the insurance or condemnation proceeds axe not sufficient to reparr or restore the Froperty, <br /> Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repazz-or xestorat�on. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonahle entries upon and inspections of tk�e Pzoperiy. If it has reasonable <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the interioz'o£tb.e iznprovements on the Properry. Lenc�er shall give Borrower <br /> no�ice at the time of or prior to such an interi.or inspection specifying such reasonable ca.use. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loart Application. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loaxz app�ication process, <br /> Borrower or any persons or entities actizag at the direction of Borrower or Borrower's knowlec�ge or <br /> consent gaue materially false, misleading, or i.naccurata in£ozxaaation or statements to Lender(or failed to <br /> provzde Leuder u�tka ma#exial i_n.foz7nation) in connection with the Loan. Material representa�o�s i.x�clude, buE <br /> are not Iimited to, represenfiations cancerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Bonower's grinci.pal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Pro#ection of Lender's lnterest in the Property and Rights Underthis Security Instrument. If{a} <br /> Borrower fails to perform the covenants a.z�d agz�eements contained in tlus Security 7nstriunent, (b) there is a <br /> legal proceeding that might significantly affect�.ender's iuterest in the Property and/or rights�xnder this <br /> Security Instrument(such as a proceeding in banknxptcy, probate, for condemna�ion or, foz <br /> enforcement of a lien wl�ich may attain priority over this Security Instnunent or to enforce laws or <br /> reguiations}, ar(c}Barrower has abandoned the Property, then�,ender may do and pay£or whatever is <br /> reasona.ble or appropriate to protect Lezader's interest in the Property and rights under this Sec�ity <br /> It�,strument, including protecting and/or assessing t1�e value o£the Property, and securing and/or repairing <br /> the Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not lirnited to: (a)paying any su�s sacured by a lien <br /> which has priority over this Security Instruinent; (b)a�earing in court; and{c)paying reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees to protect its interest in the Properry and/or rights under this Security Instruznent, iuzcludi�a.g i.ts secured <br /> position in a baiak�-uptcy proceeding. Securing the Praperty includes, but is not limited to, entering the <br /> Pzoperiy to az�ake repairs, change locks, replace oz�oard up doors and windows, drain water fram pipes, <br /> elimi.nate building or other code violations or dangerous condi.tions, and have utilrtzes tun�ed on or aff. <br /> Although Lender may take action under this Section 9, Lender does not have to do so not under any <br /> duty or obliga#ion to do sa. It is agraed that Lender incu�rs no liability for not taking any or all actions <br /> authorized under this Section 9. <br /> Any amounts d.isbursed by Lender under tYus Section 9 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by <br /> this Security Ir�strument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate frozn the date o£disbuxseznez�t <br /> and sha11 be payable, wi�i such interest, upor�notice frorn Lender to Borrower requesting pa�nent. <br /> If this Security Instx-ument is on a leasehold, Boz�rower shall compIy w'rth alI the provisions of the lease. If <br /> Borrower acquires fee ti.tle to the Property, the leasehold and the fea#itle sha11 not merga unless Lender <br /> a�ees to�ie merger in writing. <br /> 10. M ortgage Insuranee. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of maki�g the Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> Mortgage Insurance coverage xequired by Lender ceases to be available from�e martgage insurer tl�at <br /> previously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payments <br /> toward the pre�i�ns for Mortgage�siurazace, Bozxower shall pay the premiwns re�uired to obtain covez-age <br /> suhstantially equivalenf to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially eq�zivalenE to <br /> tlze cost ta Borrower of#he Mortgage Jxzsuz-ance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage iz�.swrer <br /> selected by Lender. rf substantially eqztivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall <br /> 240�8622 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac l]NIFORM INSTRl1M ENT Farm 3028 1101 <br /> VM P(ry' VM P6(NE)(1302 y <br /> W olters Kl�w er Financial Services Page 8 oi 1 7 <br />