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��15�335� <br /> �C; "L�nd�r" is F��me Federal Sa��ngs and Loan Assn of Grand I s�and <br /> Lender is a Sa�i ngs ar�d Laan <br /> organized and ex�st�ng under�he�aws of The State of N�braska . <br /> Lender's address i� 2�l Sauth Lfl�ust St Grand I sl and NE 688D 1 <br /> . <br /> Lender is the b�nef�ciary under this Security �nstrument. <br /> �D} "Trustee" is Ar�nd R Baack, A�torney <br /> �E� "N vte" mean� the promis�ory no�e signed by Barrow�r an.d da�ed M ay �l, 2 fl 15 . The Note <br /> s�a�es tha�Barr�wer owes L�nder T1nID HUNDRED FQRTY EIGHT TH�USAND T1ntD HUNDRED <br /> NI�ETY FIVE A�VD D�IZ�D <br /> Dallars �U.S. $�4$,2�5.U D }p�us interest. Borrflwer has prom�sed�o pay th�s debt �n r�gular <br /> Periodic Paymen�s and to pay the debt in full n�t���er than Ju�e l, �D4� . <br /> 4F� "Prnpertyrr m�ans�he pr�per�y�hat�s d�scribed be�nw under the h�ading "Transfer af Rights in the <br /> Praper�y," <br /> �G� "Loan" m�ans th�d�bt e�id�nGed by the Na�e, plus interest, any pr�paym�nt charges and �ate char�es due <br /> under�he Na�e, and al� sums�.ue und�r�his Security �nstrument, p�us interest. <br /> {�j "Riders" means a�� R�ders�o th�s Securxty �nstrum.en�that are ex��ut��b� Barrower. The fa���wing Rid�rs <br /> are to be execu�ed by Borro�v�r �check box as applicable�: <br /> 0 Ad�ustable Rate Rider [��ondamin�um R�d�r [� Sec�nd Han�e R�der <br /> 0 Bal�oon R�der � Planned Unit Devel�pment Rider [..� �-4 Family Rider <br /> � VA R�der � B�week�y Fayment R�der �D�her�s} �specify] <br /> ��3 "�4pp�icable Law" means a�� c�ntro�ling appizcable federal, state and�ocal statutes, regulations, ardinances <br /> and administrati�e ru�es and orders �that ha�e th�eff�c�of�aw} as we�� as a1� applicable f�na1, non�appealable <br /> judicia� opinions. <br /> �J} "Commun�ty Ass���ation Dues, Fees, and Assessrnents" means al� dues, fees, assessments and other <br /> charges�ha� are �mposed on Borrower or the Property by a cond�minium association, hameowners <br /> assaciation or simiiar organ�za���n. <br /> �K� "Elect��nic Funds Transfer" means any transfer af funds, other�han a transacti�n�r�g�na�ed by che�k, <br /> draf�, or s�milar paper ins�rument, u�hich is �nitia��d thr�ugh an e�ectranic terminal, telephanic instrument, <br /> computer, or magnet���ape so as ta order, instruct, or author�ze a f�nancial inst�tuti�n ta deb�t ar credit an <br /> a�caun�. 5uch��rm inc�udes, but�s not��m�i.t�d to, pa�n�Wof-sa��transfers, automated t�11er machin� <br /> transac�ions, transfers init�at�d by teiephone, w�re�ransfers, and automa�ed clearzn�house�ransfers. <br /> 4 L� "Escrow ttems" means those �t�ms that ar�des�ri�ed in S�c��on 3. <br /> �M� "N�iscellaneous Proc�eds" mean�any campensa�ian, settlement, award�f damages, or pr���eds pa�d by <br /> any th�rd party �o�her than �nsurance proceeds pa�d under the ca�erages d�scribed in S�ction S} for: ��} <br /> damag� to, or destruc��on nf, �he Property; ���}condemnati�n ar�ther�aking of all or an�par�of the <br /> Property; ��i�}can�reyance in��eu�f�ond�mnatz�n; or�x�}misrepresentatians of, or om�ss��ns as t�, the <br /> value andlor condi�ion of the Pra er� . <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac uNiF4RM iNSTRUMENT F�rm 3028 11p1 <br /> VMP� VMPStN�i 413D2} <br /> WoIters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 2 of 17 <br />