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��15�3335 <br /> satisfaG�i�n, pr�v�d�d that such inspection shal�be undertaken prompt�y. Lender may pay f�r th�r�pairs <br /> and restarat�on in a s�ng�e disbursement or in a ser��s of progress payments as th�wark xs comp�eted. <br /> Unless an agreement is made in tivriting or App��cab�e Law requzres interes�to be pa�d on such <br /> M�scel�aneous Pr�ceeds, Lender shali nat be r�qu�red to pay Barro�ver any in�er��t nr earn�ngs�n such <br /> M��ce�laneous Praceeds. If the restoratxon ar repa�r is nat�canomically f�asib�e or Lender'� security w�u�d <br /> b���ssened, th�Misc��laneous Proc�eds shall be appli�d�o the sums secured by th�s Securit� Instrumen�, <br /> vvhether or not then due, w�th the�xc�ss, if any, pa�� t� Borrow�r. Such N�isce��aneous Proceeds sha�� be <br /> app�ied�n the arder provided for in Section�. <br /> In th�even�of a tatal taking, destruct�on, or�ass �n value af the Pr�perty, �he M�sc���aneous Proceeds shal� <br /> be applied to the sums secured�y�his S�curity Instrum�nt, wheth�r ar n���hen due, vvi�h the excess, if any, <br /> paid ta Barrow�r. <br /> In th�event af a par�ial taking, des�ruct�nn, or�oss in�a�ue of the Pr�pe��y �n wh�Gh�he fa�r market value of <br /> the Proper�y immediate�y before�he par��al �aking, destru��i�n, �r l�ss �n va�ue is equal ta ar greater�han th� <br /> amaun�of the sum� secured�y�h�s Security Instrumen� �mmed�a�e�y befflre the par�ial taking, d�struct��n, ar <br /> lass in�a�ue, uniess Borrower an�.Lender atherw�s�agree in vvrit�ng, the sum,s s�cured by�his Security <br /> �nstrument shal� b�reduced by�h�aamoun�af the�Vlisce�laneaus Proce�ds mult�p�i�d by�he fo��owing <br /> frac�ion: �a}the tota� amoun�of the sum�secured immediate�y before�he par�zal �aking, destructi�n, ar�Qss <br /> �n�alue divided b� ��} �he fair marke�Walue�f th�Proper�y immed�a�e�y be�ore the partial taking, <br /> destruct��n, or�as� �n vaiue. Any balan�e shall be pa�d�a B�rrower. <br /> In the even�of a part�al taking, de��ructi�n, ar lass in va�ue of�he Praper�y in wh�ch�h�fa�r market�a�ue of <br /> the Property immediate��befor��h�partia� taking, d�struction, or loss �n�a�ue is l�ss than the amaunt of�he <br /> su�m.s secur�d�rnmed�ately�efore�he part�al tal�ing, destructi�n, or�oss �n value, unl�ss Borrower and <br /> L�nd�r�th�rw�s�agree�n writing, �he M�scellaneous Proceeds sha��be appli�d to the sums secured�y this <br /> S��urz�y �nstrum�en�vWhether or na�the sums are�hen due. <br /> Zf the Prop�rty i� abandoned by B�rrov�er, ar if, af�er notice by Lender to Borrawer�hat the�ppos�ng Party <br /> �as defined �n the n�xt�entence} offers ta make an av�ard to se��le a c�a�m for damages, B�rrower fai�s�a <br /> respond to Lender within 3�days af�er the date the not�ce�s g��en, Lender is author�zed t�co�lect and app�y <br /> �he M�sc���an�ous Praceeds ei�her t� restorat�an�r r�pair of�he Proper�y ar�o�h�sums secured by this <br /> Security �n�trument, whe�her or n�t th�n due. "�ppasing Party" m�ans �h�th�rd party that owes Borrower <br /> 1Vliscellaneaus Proc�eds ar�he party agains�wh�m B�rrav�er has a rzght of ac�ion in r�gard to M�sce��aneou� <br /> Praceeds. <br /> Barr�wer shal�be in default if any action or proceeding, wheth�r ci�il �r�rim�na�, is begun�hat, in Lender's <br /> judgment, c�uld result in f�rfeiture of the Proper�y�r other mat�rial �mpazr�anent af Lender's interest in the <br /> Property ar right�under th�s Security �ns�rum�nt. �3orrower can�ur�such a defaul�and, if ac�e�era��on has <br /> occurred, reinstate as provid��i in Sec�ion �9, by caus�ng the actiQn or praceeding�o be d�sm�ssed wi�h a <br /> rul�ng tha�, in Lend�r's judgment, pr���ude� forfeiture of�he Praperty or other ma�er�al impazrmen�af <br /> Lender's xnterest in�he Property�r r�gh�s under th�s S�curity Instrument. The prflc�eds of arzy award nr <br /> c�aim�for damages that are attributable to the impairmen�of Lender's znt�rest in th�Praper�y ar�h�reby <br /> assign�d ar�d sha��be paid ta Lender. <br /> Al� M�sce��aneous Proc�eds that are nnt app�ied�o rest�ration ar repair of the Proper�y shall be applied �n�he <br /> order provided far in Sec���n�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Farnily-�annie MaelFreddie Mae UNIFORM�NSTRUM�NT �orm 3D28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPS{N�)413�,�) <br /> Wniters Kiuwer�ir�anciaE Ser�ices Page 1 Q vf 9 7 <br />