<br /> Any appl�ca��on of paymen�s, �nsuranc�pr�ceeds, ar Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds ��pr�ncipal due und�r the Note
<br /> shal� no�extend or pos�p�ne the du�date, or change �he amoun�, af�he Periodic Paym�n�s.
<br /> 3. �unds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay�o Lender on�he day Per�odic Payments are due under the
<br /> Na�e, until the Na�e is paid in fu�i, a sum�the "Funds"�ta pro�ide far payment of amaunts due for: �a}�axes
<br /> and ass�ssments and ath�r i�ems vvh�ch can attain prior�ty over�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument as a�ien or
<br /> encumbrar�c�on the Prop�rty; �b} Ieasehold payments or ground r�n�s on th�Praper�y, �f an�; �c�prem�ums
<br /> for any and all insurance required by L�nder under Secti�n �; and�d} Mortgage�nsurance prem.�ums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payab�e b�Barrower ta Lender in Iieu�f the paym�n��f Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums �n
<br /> accordance with th�pravisions of Se��ion 10. These i�ems are called "Es�row Items." At originat�on or at
<br /> any time during the term of the Loan, I.�nder may requ�re�ha��ommunity A�socia�i�n I]u�s, F�es, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed b�$orrower, and such dues, fees and assessm�n�s sha��be an Escrow
<br /> ��em. Borrower sha�l prompt�y fixrnish ta Lender a�l not��es �f amaunts to be paid under th�s Sect�on.
<br /> Borrower sha�l pay Lender the Funds for�scro�v ��ems un�ess L.�nder wax��s Borrow�r's oblzga��on to pay
<br /> the Funds for any�r a�� Escra�r �t�ms. L.ender may waive Barrawer's�biigatxon to pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> an�ar a�� Escrow ��en�s at any��me. Any suc�i waiver ma�an�y be in writing. �n the event of such�ra�ver,
<br /> Borrawer sha�I pay dir��tly, when and where payable, �he amoun�s due f�r an�Escraw �tems far vwhich
<br /> pa�ment of Funds ha�been wa��ved by Lender and, �f Lender requires, sha�i furnish�o Lender receipts
<br /> e�videncing such payment wi�hin such time period as Lender may require. Borrower's�bl��a�ian to make
<br /> such paym�nts and�o pr�v�de re�eip�s shal� far al�purposes be deem�d to be a covena.nt and a�reemen�
<br /> contained in�his Security Znstrumen�, as th�phrase "covenant and a�reem�n�" is used in Sec�i�n 9. �f
<br /> Borrovver�s obiigated to pay Escraw �tems direc�ly, pursuan�to a wai�er, and Barrower fails t�pay the
<br /> amoun�due for an Escrour ��em, Lend�r may exercise its r�ghts under Sect�on 9 and pa�such amaunt and
<br /> Barrower sha�l �hen be o���gat�d under Sect�on 9 to r�pay t� Lender any such amoun�. Lender may re�oke
<br /> �he wai��r as to any or al� Escr�w I�ems a�any t�m�by a no�iee g�v�n�n accordance vwith Sec�ion �.S and,
<br /> upon such r�vo�a�ion, Borrawer shali pay�a Lender ail Funds, and in such amoun�s, �hat are�hen required
<br /> under�his Sect�an 3.
<br /> I..�nder may, at any��me, coi�ect and h��d Funds in an am�unt�a� suff�cien�to perm�t I,ender t� app�y�he
<br /> Funds at�he�ime sptcified under RESPA, and��}no�t�exceed the maxirnum amoun�a�ender�an require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha��es�imate the amoun�of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonab�e
<br /> es�imates of expendxtures of fu�ure �scrow Items or o�herw�se�n accardance with Appl�cab�e La�r.
<br /> The�unds sha��be h�id in an insti�ut�on whose dep�sit� are insur�d by a federa� agency, instrum.ental�ty, or
<br /> en�ity �inc�uding Lender, if I�nder is an institut�on whose depasi�s are so �nsured}or�n any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha�� apply�he Funds to pa�r�he Escr�vv Items no Ia�er than the�ime specified und�r
<br /> RESPA. L,�nder sha��nat charge Borrower for ho�d�ng and app�ying the Funds, annually analyzing the
<br /> �scrow account, or�er�fy�ng�he Escrow ��ems, unless I.,�nder pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and
<br /> App�i�able Law pern�.�i�s Lender to make such a charge. Un��ss an agre�ment is made in wr���n�or
<br /> Appiicable Law r�qu�res in�erest to be pa�d on the Funds, Lend�r shall nat be requ�red��pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or�arnings�n�he Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree�n writing, howe�er, that int�rest sha�� be
<br /> paid on�he Funds. Lender sha11 give�o Barrawer, without charge, an annual accaun�ing of�he Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> �f�here is a surp�us of Funds he�d �n escrov�r, as de�ned under RESPA, I.�nder shall account to Borrower far
<br /> the�xcess funds in accordance with RESPA. If�here is a shor�age of Funds h�ld in escrow, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lend�r shal�not�f�Borrower as requ�r�d by R.E�PA, and Borrov�er sha��pay�� Lender�he amount
<br /> nece�sary to make up the shortage in accordance�vith RESPA, but in no more than ��mon�hl�payxnen�s. �f
<br /> �here�s a de�ciency of Funds held in�scrow, as defined under R.ESPA, L.�nder shall n�tify Borr�vver as
<br /> NESRASKA-5ingie�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3�2$11�1
<br /> VMP O VMPfi[N�}(�3p2}
<br /> W�lters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�5 0�17
<br />