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��15�33�7 <br /> �C} "Lender" is Sank of the �est, a �a 1 �forn�a �tate bank i r�g �:orp. <br /> Lend��-is a corporat�o�n <br /> organized and exi s�ing under the Iaws of The S t a t e �f C a 1 �f�r n�a . <br /> Lender's address is �.35�5 Ca 1�f orn�a S t, NE-BBP--LL-P, �maha, NE �8�54 <br /> �D} "Trustee" �s Bank �f the �est, a Ca 1 �for�i a stat� bank�ng c�rp. <br /> �E} "i�l�ERS" is Mortgage Eiectronic Regis��ation Sys�ems, �nc. MERS is a separate corpora�ion�hat is ac�ing <br /> so�ely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successars and assigns. MERS �s�h�benefici�ry undQr this <br /> Securi�y Instrum�nt. MERS is organized ar�d ex�s�ing under the Iaws of I�e�avvare, and has an address and <br /> t��ephone riumber of P.�. Box��2�i, F��nti, M�485��.�2D26, �el. �888� �79-MERS. <br /> �F} "N ote" mear�s the pr�mxssory note signed by Borraurer and dated Ma_y 15, ��:�5 . The Nate <br /> s�a�es that Borrower awes L�nder �ne Hundred Thousand And Z��o/�DC� <br />� Dol�ars�U.S. $�.��,���.�Q }plus inter�s�. Borro�ver has promised�o pay th�s debt in regu�ar <br /> Periodic Payments and�o pay the debt�n fu�I n�t later than June ��, , ��3� . <br /> ��} "Pr�p�rty" means the proper�y that xs described belovv under�he headinb "Transfe�-af Rzgh�s iri the <br /> P rop�rty." <br /> �H} "Lo�n" me�ns�he deb�e�idenced by�he Note, plus in�er�s�, any prepayment charges and Ia�e charges due <br /> unde�•the No�e, and a�1 sums due under this Securi�y�ns���ument, plus interes�. <br /> �I} "Riders" means a�1 Rid�rs�o this Securi�y Tnstrument�hat are executed by Bo��rower. The fo��owing Riders <br /> are�o be executed by Borrawer�check box as app�xcable]: <br /> �Adjus�able Rate Rider [� Condo�x��nzum Rider 0 �eco�d�I�me Rider <br /> 0 Bal�oor�R�der [�P�anned Ilnit Deve��pment Rider [� �.�4�'ami�y R�d�r <br /> 0 VA Rider [..�Bi�reekly Payment R�der 0�ther�s} [spec�fy� <br /> �J} "App��cab�e La►�v" means a�l con�roliing appl�eab�e federal, s�ate a�nd local s�a�u�es, regula�ions, <br /> ordinances and admin�s�rat�ve rules ar�d orders�that have the effecti of 1aw} a�well as a�1 appl�cab�e�nal, <br />. nfln-appea�able j ud�cial opinions. <br /> �K} "Cammunity l�ssa�ia�t�on Dues, Fees, and Ass�ssments" means a�l dues, fees, assess�nen��and a�her <br /> charges tha�a�•e im�osed on Borrower or�he P�-opex•�y by a condom�nium asso��a�io�, homeowne�•s <br /> assaciatiari or similar organi�a�ion. <br /> �L} "Elec�ron ic Fu nds T rar�sf er" means any transfe�p of funds, �ther than a�ransa�tior�originated by check, <br /> draf�, ar s�mz�ar paper xns��-umen�, �vh�ch is�n���a�ed�hrough an e�ectronic termxnaX, telephon�c�ns�rumen�, <br /> compu�er, ar mag�.e�ic�ap�s�as�o order, instruct, or au�harize a�nancial institution to debi�ar cred��an <br /> a�coun�. Such t��•m�ncludes, but xs no�l�m��ed ta, poznt-of-sa�e transfe�s, au�omated telXer mach�ne <br /> ���-ansac�ion�, transfers znztia�ed by telephone, wire t�-ansfers, a�d au�omated ciearinghouse tx-ansfers. <br /> �M} "E�crow I�ems" means those items�ha�are de��ribed in Sec��on 3. <br /> 88�3703160 $$��703160 � <br /> N��RASKA-Single Family-Fannie M aelFreddie M ac L1NIF�RM INSTRUM ENT W�TN M�RS Farm 3�28'€1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP�A�N���1 302} <br /> Wafters Kfuw er Financial 5�rvices �a��2���� <br />
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